The two of them were so excited that they finally came to the stage.

"Finally they are here!"

Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Old Lin and Old Xiao, watch out, my Tiantuo will definitely be the first in the training camp!"

"Hmph, my Xiao Yan is invincible!"

"Forget it, my Lin Xinghe..."

Wang Ni and the head of the Lin family and the head of the Xiao family started to argue again.

But soon, as the door of the special car was opened, they immediately shut their mouths.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the open car door, which was the focus of everyone's attention.

Soon, one student after another got off the car.

"This is my Nanyu, haha, he's back safely!"

"My Chenbei is fine too!"

"My Wangdong is fine too, haha!"


Some parents of students were excited from time to time, and many even cried with joy.

But soon, something unexpected happened.

I saw that after those students got off the bus.

They didn't walk towards the crowd immediately.

Instead, they walked a few steps to both sides and made way for the students who got off the bus later.


Wang Ni was happy when he saw this.

"It seems that my Tiantuo has defeated all these students in the training camp, and now they are obediently giving way to him!"

"How could it be Wang Tiantuo who did it? It must be my Xiao family's Xiao Yan who defeated them!"

"Come on, you two, my Xinghe will definitely get off soon!"

"Humph, didn't you see the order in which these students got off the bus? Obviously, the strongest ones got off last. Your Xinghe will get off later, which only means that he is worse than Wang Tiantuo and Xiao Yan!"

"According to this order, my Tiantuo will definitely get off last!"

"Old thing, you are confused by giving birth, right? My Xiao Yan is the last one to get off!"

"Are you looking for a beating!?"


Listening to the quarrel between the three people, everyone's mouth twitched.

If this were to change to another place, it would be said that one of these three people is the Lord of Xingcheng, and the other two are the heads of the top families in Xingcheng. Who would dare to believe it?

They looked like hooligans, and even started to roll up their sleeves to fight!

"Stop arguing, people are getting off the car, we'll know after we see it?"

Hearing this, the three of them snorted coldly and stopped arguing.

Instead, they all turned their eyes to the place where the car would get off.

Soon, Lin Xinghe came down.

Suddenly, Wang Ni and the head of the Xiao family raised their lips.

"That's it? The third one?"

"No, Old Lin, isn't he the emperor? What's going on!"

The head of the Lin family's face suddenly turned black.

But the facts were in front of him, and he had nothing to refute.

Soon, Xiao Yan also got off the car.

Now it was the head of the Xiao family's turn to be black.

Only Wang Ni was left laughing.

"My son Tiantuo is the best, you all say something to me... WTF?!"

Halfway through, Wang Ni seemed to have seen something incredible, and suddenly made a sound of national quintessence.

The head of the Lin family and the head of the Xiao Yan family were also stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

It was because Wang Tiantuo and the other two who got off the car did not lead the students to them.

Instead, they walked to the side and made way.


"There are still masters!?"

"What's going on? Is there a dark horse in this training camp?"

"You call it a dark horse? This has suppressed Wang Tiantuo and the other two. This must be a dragon!"

"No, is this true?"

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was stunned.


Li Chengshan stared with disbelief.

"Old Li, you are the principal of Su Hong, but you don't know him at all."

Wu Linxian glanced at him.


Li Chengshan shuddered all over.

"Wait, Wu Linxian, what do you mean by this!"

An idea that he had never thought of before popped up in his mind.

No, this is not an idea, this is simply a luxury!

He dared not even dream about it!

"That's what you understand."

Wu Linxian said, and then she didn't say anything else.

Her sight, through the special car, saw a vague figure standing up in the back seat.

"I didn't expect it, I still underestimated his talent."

Wu Linxian was amazed.

After seeing Su Hong's talent with her own eyes.

She never doubted Su Hong's future.

But what she didn't expect was that Su Hong rose so fast.

She knew that before the departure, Su Hong had just broken through the first level.


As a result, in just one month.

He suppressed Wang Tiantuo and the other two who were at the first-level high level!

This growth rate is simply terrifying!

At this moment, after the shock, the whole audience was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Only the vague figure in the car and the slight footsteps were left.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on this figure, and their sights moved with it.

Soon, a handsome boy came down from the car with a spear with thunder and flame patterns.

He did not walk to the sides, but took a step calmly and stepped directly on the road that other students had made way for.

What this scene meant was self-evident.

The scene instantly boiled.

"Fuck, is this the guy?"


"This is the monster who suppressed Wang Tiantuo and the other two!"

"The most terrifying thing is that he doesn't seem to be from a big family!"

"Which college student is this!!!"

"No matter which college it is, the school gate will definitely be trampled when it recruits students next year!"

Shock, amazement, and incredible voices came one after another.

While being shocked, most people also had a doubt in their minds.

That is, how could this young man suppress Wang Tiantuo and the other two?

Let's not talk about Lin Xinghe for now. Wang Tiantuo and Xiao Yan, the former is a barbarian god body, and the latter is a spiritual mind master!

Almost all of them are invincible at the same level!

Just at this moment.



Two crisp shouts rang out, full of excitement.

Su Xiaomeng and Su Xiaohai rushed out of the crowd, running towards Su Hong with excitement on their faces.

But just at this moment.

Perhaps because they were too excited, the two stepped on a few gravels and lost their balance and fell to the ground.

The exclamations just sounded, and then they stopped abruptly.

When the two little guys were about to fall to the ground, their figures suddenly stopped in mid-air.


Su Xiaomeng covered her face, moved her fingers slightly away, blinked her big eyes, and was full of confusion.

"I can fly!?"

Su Xiaohai shouted excitedly.

At this moment.

Two big hands lifted them up.

"I say, you two, how old are you, and you almost fell down?"

A voice with obvious laughter sounded.

The two were stunned, looked up, and saw Su Hong looking at them with a smile.


The two flew and hung on Su Hong, one on the left and one on the right, and kept saying something excitedly.

Su Hong smiled and nodded from time to time.

It was a happy time here.

On the other side, the atmosphere was completely different.

The city lord and others who witnessed this scene were not calm.

Very not calm!

Unlike those confused parents, their vision was much higher.

The means that just stopped in the air was obviously a spiritualist!

"My God, there is actually a second spiritualist in my Xingcheng!?"

City lord Wang Ni was extremely excited, stuttering, and his voice was obviously trembling.

"And... and he is actually a second-level spiritualist, my God!"

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