The students were very busy, and the students were very busy.

"If I had to choose, I would definitely go to Mowu."

Wang Ni said without hesitation.

This surprised Su Hong, and he asked why.

Wang Ni shook his head and said, "After all, Diwu is the imperial capital. The water is too deep. The students there are either rich or noble. With the interests intertwined, it is not necessarily possible to stand out just because you have talent."

"To exaggerate, in the imperial capital Wuda, if you throw a brick casually, it may hit a student whose family ranks in the top 100 of the national wealth list, or the descendants of some powerful masters above the master."

Su Hong: "..."

He didn't know what to say. If it was really as Wang Ni said, he would not go to Diwu no matter how good the treatment he gave him.

Su Hong is still very confident about his future. He would rather go to a place with poor resources but freedom than to a place with rich resources but constraints everywhere.

Then, Wang Ni changed the subject.

"On the other hand, the Magic and Martial Arts School is open to all. It basically does not look at identity, but only looks at talent and practical ability."

"If you are strong enough, you will most likely be able to stand out. Almost no one will deliberately suppress you."

Hearing this, Su Hong nodded. If that's the case, there is no need to hesitate. Go to the Magic and Martial Arts School!

"But, freedom is freedom, but... sometimes there is a little too much freedom."

Su Hong was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Wang Ni smiled and said: "The school spirit of Mo Wu is very wild, and the students are basically fearless. Things like making trouble and fighting are even more common."

Su Hong was puzzled: "Don't the teachers and principals of Mo Wu care?"


Wang Ni smiled and said: "The educational philosophy of Mo Wu is to let you grow wildly. If you want resources, you have to fight for them yourself. If you want status in the school, you have to rely on your fists. Anyway, if it's not a big deal, you can do whatever you want, even if you don't go to school. Of course, Mo Wu will have assessments every year to eliminate some students who are at the bottom of the list."

Seeing that Su Hong was speechless, Wang Ni smiled.

"Because the students of Magic and Martial Arts are always making trouble, reporters often interview the principal Li Chengdao. Do you know what he said?"

"What did he say?"

Wang Ni was happy when he thought about it: "This video was very popular in the early years. You should be able to find it by searching it online now."

Su Hong was curious and quickly searched on his mobile phone and found the video soon.

Just clicked it.

An old man came into view. This old man had white hair and a youthful face. Not only was his hair white, but even his eyebrows and beard were white. He looked like an immortal.

But as he spoke, this first impression was gone in an instant.

Only the voice-over was heard, and the reporter asked.

"Principal Li, in view of the fact that the students of Magic and Martial Arts smashed the gate of the Lord's Mansion of the Magic City some time ago, have you considered rectifying this trend?"

"Rectify? Rectify a fart."

"Isn't this good? What's there to rectify?"

Li Chengdao said carelessly.

"It's just the demolition of the gate of the city lord's mansion, just a fight between children."

"I know what happened, isn't it just that the city lord's son was showing off that he was invincible among his peers, and then he showed off to the students of our school, and they were not happy to beat him up, what's the big deal?"

"What's more."

Li Chengdao was smoking a cigar, and he looked more like a gang leader than a principal.

"Not only did the city lord's son fail to show off but was beaten up. He also called the warriors stationed in the mansion to beat up our students. When other students heard about this, they came to the city lord's mansion and smashed the door."

The female reporter whispered: "I heard that the city lord's son was beaten and lay in bed for three months..."

"Who told him to pretend like this?"

Li Chengdao raised his eyebrows: "If you ask me, that kid should thank our students for helping him realize his own strength in advance, so that he won't be confused when he goes to the battlefield in the future!"

The female reporter was stunned and whispered: "Haven't you ever thought about what the city lord would think..."


"Does the city lord have an opinion?"

Li Chengdao, holding a cigar, rolled up his sleeves: "Why haven't I heard him mention it to me?"

The corners of the female reporter's mouth twitched wildly, and the video ended.

Wang Ni asked with a smile: "How is it?"

Su Hong also laughed, "I'll go to Mowu!"

If nothing else, he liked the principal's protectiveness.

"You are right.

"Wang Ni smiled and said, "Back then, there was an enemy of a student of the Magic and Martial Arts School. He came to me with the Grandmaster Realm and wanted Principal Li to give him a favor and expel the student." "Guess what happened? He was slapped by Principal Li and disappeared into the horizon." Wang Ni said, "This is a high-level Grandmaster of the eighth level. With his protective spirit, you can go wild in the Magic and Martial Arts School. You have a strong backer!" Su Hong blinked, "City Lord, why do you think of me like this? I never take the initiative to cause trouble..." "Really?" Wang Ni said in surprise, "Then I was wrong?" "It was not you who knocked down all the students in the training camp?" "On the first day of the training camp in Yangcheng, you knocked out all the night raiders and students that night, wasn't it you?" "In the Guanxing Lake, you killed the treasure-hunting warriors and covered the ground with blood, wasn't it you? ”

“At the temporary base, you were the one who captured the captain of the guard team in front of everyone with serious injuries, weren’t you?”

“At the warrior base, you were the one who killed the person in charge of the base in front of everyone, weren’t you?”

You know everything!

Wang Ni looked at Su Hong, as if he had seen through you.

Su Hong was embarrassed.

“Okay, I won’t tease you anymore.”

Wang Ni smiled and waved his hand: “Chen Ming and Ye Qi, just for colluding with the Ten Thousand Races Demon Sect, are guilty of a thousand deaths, so it’s okay to kill them.”

“By the way.”

Wang Ni suddenly asked with a curious look on his face.

“Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. I have been busy investigating for this month and have not asked you about your practice.”

Su Hong was about to speak, but Wang Ni stood up with expectation on his face.

“Just punch me with all your strength, and I will evaluate your current combat power. "

Hearing this, Su Hong swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and a hint of curiosity rose in his heart.

The numbers on the combat power detector are ultimately false. As a fifth-level warrior, Wang Ni can definitely give the most objective evaluation of the actual situation.

"City Lord, here I come!"

"Fight with confidence!"


Su Hong responded, his eyes condensed, and all his blood and qi gathered on his fist, and he punched out fiercely.

As soon as the punch was delivered, a fierce fist wind whistled in the office.


Wang Ni raised his eyebrows, and seeing that Su Hong was standing a little far away and might not be able to hit him, he was about to take the initiative to take a few steps forward.

But the next moment, Wang Ni was stunned.

Su Hong punched out, and his blood and qi suddenly released outward, forming a blood-colored fist print, whistling over!

"Fuck, blood and qi are released outward, you kid broke through the third level without making a sound! ? "

Wang Ni's eyes suddenly widened, and he was extremely shocked.

Then, he showed ecstasy.

The stronger Su Hong is, the more resources Xingcheng will get next year. This is naturally a great thing for him as the city lord.

Then, Wang Ni stretched out his hand and took the bloody fist easily, without moving his body.

"Your blood is incredibly strong."

Wang Ni showed surprise: "This punch, ordinary third-level beginners can't take it at all. "

Su Hong has a special physique with strong power, which he had already learned from his son Wang Tiantuo.

However, power is power. In the fist print of Qi and blood, the increase in power is not so obvious compared with the strength of Qi and blood.

This is why Wang Ni was so surprised.

The fist print just after breaking through the third level is enough to crush the initial stage of the third level.

Then how strong is Su Hong's real punch?

Thinking of this, Wang Ni waved excitedly.

"Come on, come closer and punch me, let's see how strong you are!"

"Okay. "Su Hong approached and punched with all his strength.

Wang Ni still reached out to take it as before.

But this time, his hand was slightly shaken by the punch.

"This power..."

Wang Ni immediately showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

He was a fifth-level warrior, and it was impossible for even a punch from a fourth-level beginner to make his hand slightly shake.

But Su Hong, who was only a third-level beginner, did it.

"This power is much greater than that of a fourth-level beginner."

Wang Ni looked at Su Hong as if he was looking at a little monster.

"The increase in the power of your special physique is so much that I can only describe it as outrageous."

"I think you can be among the top even in the ranking of special physiques known for their strong power."

"Based on the strength of your punch just now, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are invincible at the third level. "

Wang Ni sighed with emotion and gave a heartfelt evaluation.

"Any third-level warrior who can take your punch head-on without being seriously injured is definitely qualified to be on the Hidden Dragon Rankings!"

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