The white tiger was so angry that he couldn't stop howling.

"Stop howling."

Seeing the white tiger howling non-stop, Su Hong slapped it in the face.

"Do you know where other beasts like this giant ape are?"

Thinking of the cowardly look on the white tiger's face when he heard him say he was going to find the giant ape, Su Hong suddenly asked.

Hearing this, the white tiger was stunned for a moment, thinking of the scenes of being bullied by those guys in the past, and now he could take humans to take revenge, the white tiger immediately jumped around excitedly, howling.

Seeing this, even if Su Hong didn't understand the animal language, he understood what this cowardly tiger meant.

"Tsk tsk, go if you know."


The white tiger took the initiative to raise its head and drag Su Hong onto its back, then raised its head and looked around, obviously thinking about which guy to go to for revenge first.

"Find the nearest one."

After hearing Su Hong's words, the white tiger howled, then immediately locked a direction and started running wildly.

The white tiger was so excited that he could beat those annoying guys to death when he thought about bringing humans to seek revenge, even if he was running, he would jump and jump.

This demeanor, this action, this expression, four words are definitely - a villain succeeds!

This excitement lasted for a long time until the white tiger heard a faint voice from his back.

"You are quite vindictive, you won't hate me after that, right?"

The white tiger's excited expression suddenly stagnated, and he turned his head and howled a few times with a flattering face.

"Look at the road!" Su Hong's face changed, and seeing the white tiger stunned for a moment, he jumped directly from the tiger's back.

At this time, the white tiger just turned his head and saw a thick ancient tree in front of him that was rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

The next moment, there was a bang, and the white tiger's head and the ancient tree collided closely.

The collision directly stunned the white tiger, and he felt his head spinning for a long time.

"Extreme joy leads to sorrow."

Su Hong walked over and looked at this stupid tiger, and couldn't help but stroke his forehead.

"Ah..." The white tiger took a long time to recover, and roared with guilt.

"Don't be cute here, keep going, if you hit the tree again..."

Su Hong didn't finish his words, but just raised the star bamboo spear, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The white tiger was now obedient, and he kept going honestly. The tiger's eyes were wide open, for fear that he would hit another tree and kill himself.

At the same time.

Not long after Su Hong left.

In the forest not far away, a team of four was rushing towards the direction of the black giant ape.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"The noise has disappeared. That team must have killed the beast. If we are late, it will be too late to pick peaches!"


Used by the leading teenager, the three team members sped up.

After a while, several people rushed out of the forest and came to the valley.

Then, after seeing the corpse of the giant ape, the leading teenager was furious and cursed.

"It's all your fault that you are so slow. The people are gone!"

"Brother Hu, this giant ape is a high-level third-order beast. The team that can kill this giant ape is probably stronger than us..."

A member whispered.

Zhang Hu said angrily: "Don't I know?"

"But this is a high-level third-order beast. Won't they be injured after killing it?"

"If you were faster, we would have been able to take advantage!"

Zhang Hu looked around unwillingly, and suddenly his eyes lit up, seeing the footprints of the beast and several human footprints in the distance.

"There are footprints here. Wow, this team is really good. They even tamed a beast to travel?"

Zhang Hu was a little surprised, and immediately turned his head to urge.

"Hurry up, they should have been gone for a short time. Let's catch up now and rob them before they recover from their injuries!"

"Try to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle! Don't you want to get into Wuhan University?"

Hearing this, several team members immediately became excited and chased after Zhang Hu.

"Brother Hu, why don't we check the scoreboard? This team should be ranked high for killing elite monsters."

Zhang Hu nodded. He was still very cautious and immediately opened the smart bracelet to check.

First place, Su Hong: 2100 points

Second place, Chen Tianyan: 800 points

Third place, Chen Su: 750 points


"Damn, these monsters are really not human!"

Zhang Hu cursed in envy.

Then he quickly moved down.

"Brother Hu, Su Hong's score is too high.

Could it be that he killed the elite monster? "

The team member said uncertainly.

"If this guy can kill elite monsters alone, we will be sent to death if we chase him!"

"How is it possible!"

Zhang Hu shook his head and said with a wise saying: "This elite monster is obviously arranged by Master Lin for us to practice, so that we can get used to hunting beasts in groups in advance and prepare for the final killing of the fourth-level barbarian dragon."

"So, the strength of this elite monster is definitely impossible to be killed by a single person."

Zhang Hu said very confidently, and in fact he did guess right, Master Lin really thought so.

But who could have expected that there was a monster who could hunt elite monsters alone?

"Then how can Su Hong have so many points?"

A member questioned.

"You are so stupid!"

Zhang Hu said speechlessly: "It is obvious that this person is very strong and has killed many third-level beasts. What else can it be? "

Zhang Hu turned his head and looked at the person who spoke.

"Do you think he killed the black giant ape?"

"Such a big thing, do you really think one person can kill it?"

Zhang Hu exaggeratedly gestured with his hand to show the terrifying size of the giant ape.

"Uh... your analysis does make sense, and I really thought too much."

The questioning student shook his head and said nothing more.

At the same time.

In the Tianxing Secret Realm, students from all over the country would open the scoreboard from time to time, and then exclaimed.

"Who is this Su Hong? How many points?"

"Chen Tianyan is only ranked second, I didn't expect that there would be a dark horse in this martial arts exam."

"Damn, this person must be a third-level warrior. The question is, who is Su Hong? What does he look like? ”

“Fuck, you hit the nail on the head. We don’t even know what this guy looks like. If we run into him, we’ll be in trouble if we rush over…”

“Is there a possibility that he killed the elite monster alone?”

“Don’t be funny. Everyone can see that Master Lin arranged the elite monster for us to practice and prepare for killing the barbarian dragon later. This elite monster can’t be killed by a single person.”


The 100 geniuses who came to Hangzhou to take the martial arts exam are not fools. They all understand the intention of Master Lin’s rules.

Therefore, when they saw Su Hong had so many points, they only thought that Su Hong was very strong and killed more third-level beasts.

Somewhere in the forest, after Chen Su killed a beast, he opened the points ranking list and saw that Su Hong was already ranked first. He was not surprised at all.

“Tsk tsk, these points are for killing an elite monster alone? ”

Unlike others, Chen Su knew how outrageous Su Hong’s strength was.

Therefore, when he saw Su Hong’s points, Chen Su reacted immediately.

“He had 100 points before, and it increased by 2,000 points all of a sudden. It seems that killing an elite monster can get 2,000 points.”

Chen Su looked at a red dot on the bracelet map and fell into deep thought.

“See if we can find Luo Dao Kong Lei and team up to kill him together.”

Chen Su was not stupid enough to think that if Su Hong could kill an elite monster alone, he could do the same.



“I was wrong.”

Chen Tianyan looked at the points ranking list and said disdainfully.

“It seems that this elite monster is not that strong. "

"In that case..."

Chen Tianyan opened the bracelet map, looked at a red dot on it, identified the direction, and chose to go alone.

Since this elite monster can be killed by this unknown person named Su Hong, then Chen Tianyan can easily control it, right?

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