The sound of a gun was heard, and the sound of a gun was heard.

Boom boom boom——

In the No. 10 dormitory building, the walls separating the dormitories were smashed to pieces by a burly figure.

"Stop chasing me. It's been half an hour. Can't you let me go?"

Gu Li shouted helplessly at the figure behind him.


Su Hong rushed over quickly with a gun.

"Hey, now I know what it felt like when the dragon at home was always entangled by me..."

Gu Li was extremely helpless and could only choose to escape again.

"This guy is about the same speed as me, but his ability to escape is really strong."

Su Hong was a little emotional while chasing.

This Gu Li, whether in his words and deeds, or the wildness that permeated his body.

It was obvious that he had walked out of some kind of hidden village in the wild.

From the scars left by the beasts on his arms, it was clear that he had been fighting beasts in the wild since he was a child. It was not an exaggeration to say that this was commonplace.

Half an hour!

For a full half an hour, Su Hong clearly had a slight advantage in speed, but he just couldn't catch this guy.

"As expected of someone who grew up in the wild, he is just like a loach, so hard to catch."

However, Su Hong had no intention of giving up.

From Gu Li's gradually panting voice, it was obvious that he was very tired.

It was only a matter of time before he caught up.

Another ten minutes later.

In the corridor on the far right of the tenth floor of the No. 10 dormitory building, Gu Li was finally blocked by Su Hong in the corner. There was an open space outside. Once he went out, he would be eliminated. Gu Li had no way to retreat.

"I haven't found my key yet. If I am eliminated now, there is no virtual cabin in the dormitory, and the public ones are very expensive..."

The words were not finished yet.

Gu Li's eyes were fierce, like a trapped beast in a desperate situation, he rushed towards Su Hong fiercely.

His fist as big as a sandbag passed through the air, and faint tiger roars were heard.

"Here comes the same trick again."

Su Hong had been prepared for Gu Li's sudden attack, and quickly stabbed him with a gun.

The two of them quickly fought together. Whether it was Su Hong or Gu Li, they were extremely powerful. Every time they blasted, the surrounding concrete vibrated, dust kept falling, and the movement was huge.

A few minutes later.

Many figures in the dark gradually approached secretly.

They were teams composed of freshmen one after another.

Under the leadership of Wu Ze, they gradually formed an encirclement and walked towards the two.

At this time, a group of captains who were walking quietly gathered together, their faces full of excitement.

"This is a good location, in the No. 10 dormitory building. If they go out, they will be eliminated. As long as we block them, they will definitely not be able to escape!"

"It's just that the strength of these two people is a bit exaggerated. I feel that any punch can knock me out..."

"What's there to be afraid of? No matter how good they are at fighting, we have at least 2,000 people here. Can't we eliminate them?"


More than 2,000 people can't fit in one dormitory building.

Under the command of captain Wu Ze and others, many people led a group of freshmen and began to go to the upper and lower floors.

This is to completely block all retreat routes.

"Su Hong, didn't you notice them? These people are staring at us. Don't fight for now!"

Gu Li was knocked back by a punch again. His palms that were fighting with Su Hong were numb and trembling. He looked up and saw the dark figures not far away, and he shouted hurriedly.

"If we continue to fight, both sides will definitely suffer losses. They will take advantage of us!"

"It doesn't matter. I can kill my way out alone!"

Su Hong didn't listen at all and attacked fiercely with a gun.

Gu Li had no choice but to fight back. Under the pressure of Su Hong's unreasonable strength, Gu Li was defeated step by step, and a frustrated look soon appeared on his honest face.

"Damn, I'm so tired, how can you still be so energetic!"

Gu Li couldn't help but curse.

In the village, the elders said that he was full of energy every day.

But now facing Su Hong, Gu Li felt that the old men at home were too superficial!

He was so tired that he was panting and even a little short of oxygen.

But Su Hong still looked energetic, and the most terrifying thing was that the power of each punch showed no sign of weakening.

This made Gu Li experience for the first time the frustration of his peers in the village when they were sparring with him.

It was too uncomfortable to be beaten unreasonably even though he had an absolute advantage in realm!

At this moment,

Su Hong's shot shook Gu Li's arms apart, and the goal was immediately wide open. Su Hong seized the opportunity and used all his strength to punch him!

This punch was

Hit Gu Li's abdomen.

Boom --

There was a loud bang like a bomb exploding.

Gu Li's figure instantly flew backwards, smashed the concrete wall, flew outside the dormitory building, and fell straight to the ground.

On the ground, the teacher Xiao Chen, who lost the rock-paper-scissors game and was sent here, stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Li, who was falling at a very fast speed, and suddenly fell lightly into his hands.

"Was he knocked unconscious directly?" Teacher Xiao Chen looked up in surprise and glanced at Su Hong who was standing at the hole.

"This kid, his strength is even stronger than the God of War Body. This kind of physique must have a great reputation in ancient times, but I don't know what kind it is." Teacher Xiao Chen muttered, grabbed Gu Li and threw him to the shadow on the side.

There were thousands of military mats in the shadow, and all the students lying on them were eliminated in advance.

The unconscious Gu Li fell on a mat on the far left.

Above, below, left and right of him, there were a group of top talents who were also in a coma.

The Gu siblings with egg-sized lumps on their foreheads, Tang Guyun, Ao Hai and a group of others.

Except for these five people, more than half of the twenty people were already lying here, and some of them had their clothes torn into rags, looking extremely embarrassed.

They were the geniuses who were blocked by the army of freshmen and eliminated.

Among them, Chen Miao was the worst. He handed over the key to avoid being eliminated by Su Hong, and his mentality was just collapsing. As a result, he was caught by several teams of freshmen. As a result, his clothes were dried and rotten, leaving only a few pieces of rags to cover the key parts.


At the same time.

The ninth floor of the No. 10 dormitory building.

Just after eliminating Gu Li.

Tap tap tap——

A group of freshmen waiting in the distance immediately surrounded them.

At the front, Wu Ze, Chen Su and other captains gathered here.

"Su Hong, give up. When you were fighting with Gu Li just now, I called all the remaining freshmen in the dormitory building!"

Wu Ze smiled confidently: "Except for those teams that have defeated the genius and left, we have at least 2,500 people here!"

"You must have consumed a lot after fighting with Gu Li. Just save the trouble and surrender directly."

"Hehe, we must know that even if there are many ants, they can kill an elephant. What's more, we are not ants, and you are not an elephant!"


A bunch of freshmen also started to make a fuss. It took a lot of effort to block Su Hong in the last half hour. Each of them looked extremely excited.

Especially the freshmen in Wu Ze Chen Su's team who had been attacked by Su Hong many times before. At this time, they all felt proud and happy.

At this time, looking at the black mass of more than 2,500 freshmen staring at him, Su Hong was not afraid, but an unnatural red appeared on his face.



Su Hong was so excited that his whole body was trembling slightly.

He had only one thought in his mind.

How many points and martial arts points would this be...

Although most of the freshmen were at the middle and high level of the second stage, and their martial arts points were pitifully low, they were still so numerous!

"It's good to be blocked, just let me see where my current limit is!"

Su Hong thought to himself.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Su Hong held up a spear, and the tip of the spear pointed directly at the captains Wu Ze, Chen Su and others at the front of the freshmen.

"If you want to defeat me, then pay with your life!"

The next moment, under the gaze of more than 2,500 people, Su Hong suddenly jumped up, holding a spear, and took the initiative to kill Wu Ze and others.

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