At dusk.

In a basement hidden by ruins.

"Ten supply boxes are almost enough."

Su Hong turned and came to the ground, urging his mental power to fill the ground again.

"Next, start eliminating people!"

Su Hong did not immediately prepare to find Tang Guyun and others.

The reason is very simple. Although these people are not his opponents in a single fight, it is still quite troublesome to join forces.

If there are only six or seven ordinary fourth-level beginners, Su Hong feels that it will take less than a few minutes to kill them.

But Tang Guyun and others are different. They are all the top talents among the new students of magic and martial arts.

Although they have just broken through the fourth level for a few days, ordinary fourth-level warriors can't even take a single move from them.

"Winning does not depend on combat power, but only on the last person standing. This means that people with weak strength can collect supplies and hide, and reap the benefits of being a fisherman."

Su Hong believes that there are definitely many students who choose this way of playing.

Moreover, the old campus of Mowu is full of ruins, so it is not easy to hide there.

There are many basements like the one where he hides the supply boxes.

"But no matter how well it is hidden, it doesn't mean anything to me."

Su Hong grinned, he is a spiritualist.

The next moment, the invisible spiritual power spread out in all directions, looking for the whereabouts of the students through obstacles such as walls and soil.

It didn't take long.

Su Hong's spiritual power penetrated into the ground and found a basement. In his perception, there were hundreds of people in this basement!

"Good luck, it's a big fish!"

Su Hong's eyes lit up, he withdrew his spiritual power, and rushed over quickly.

At the same time.

Just a few hundred meters away from Su Hong's direction, in the basement under an abandoned dormitory building.

In the dark environment, a deliberately suppressed excited voice sounded.

"This wave is stable!"

"Chen Su, you are good, this location is too hidden, who can find us!"

"Haha! Wu Ze and I found it together."

"This place is remote, the location is hidden, and it is at least more than 50 meters deep from the ground, no one can find us!"

"We have gathered all the supply boxes, at least enough for more than 100 of us to eat for three days!"

"Even if we are eliminated immediately after going out after three days, our grades will definitely be very high!"


Among the more than 100 people, Wu Ze, Chen Su, Wang Tiantuo and others gathered together at this time, whispering excitedly.

As the captains of the group who took charge of the dormitory battle before, Wu Ze and Chen Su and others still have a certain prestige among the freshmen.

Along the way, more than 500 students have been recruited to form a team.

"What a pity. If it weren't for the lack of space in this basement, we had to disperse. I really don't know how I would lose!"

"That's enough. We have more than a hundred people, and most of them are already level three warriors. This wave is very stable!"

Chen Tianyan said very confidently.

But at this moment.

Tap tap tap...

A slight sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the basement.

All of a sudden, everyone's voices paused and they held their breath.

Captain Wu Ze and Chen Su looked at each other and silently signaled to a group of students, asking them not to panic and to be ready for battle.

Seeing this, in the dark, a group of students held their weapons tightly and stared at the direction of the basement door.

The next moment.


The door was kicked open.


Captain Wu Ze, Chen Su and other captains shouted.

But the next moment, when they saw the appearance of the person coming, the faces of hundreds of students in the basement changed instantly.

"Su Hong!"

"Fuck, so unlucky, how come we have to run into him?"

A bunch of people secretly complained in their hearts. Su Hong's performance in the dormitory battle before left them with a deep impression.

So many people besieged him but he didn't get eliminated. Why did he come this time?

"Stop talking nonsense, get started!"

Wu Ze roared, and hundreds of people started together.

For a moment, colorful martial arts shot out, completely illuminating the dark basement.

"Still doing this!"

Su Hong smiled.

His figure was instantly covered by the thick earth armor, and then he rushed towards everyone.

Since the Overlord Body reached the Xuan level, Su Hong's speed has also been much faster than before.

More than a hundred martial arts fell, most of which were avoided by him.

Only a dozen attacks fell on him.


The thick earth armor cracked several cracks, but it was still far from being completely broken!

"How is it possible? His body is much stronger than before!"

"It's over, it's over. He's rushing towards me...Ah!"


The faces of the students changed drastically.Before he could do anything, Su Hong had already rushed into the crowd, swinging his spear like a death scythe, knocking out students.

In just a few seconds, dozens of students had been knocked unconscious by him.

"Fuck, what's the point of this fight!"


Wu Ze and Chen Su, the captains of the group, looked at each other, and the next moment they immediately rushed towards the open basement door.

With Su Hong's current combat power, they were no match for him.

"Want to run?"

Su Hong instantly noticed the intentions of Chen Su and others, and fire spirit appeared on his fingertips, and he waved his hand back!


The basement door was instantly covered by the flame prison!

Not only that, Su Hong was worried that this line of defense would be breached, so he waved his hand back twice again.


The water wall appeared!


The wooden prison appeared!

All this happened in just a moment.

The basement door, where there was a chance that sunlight would shine on the ground, was completely blocked by three lines of defense!

"You want to restrict us with martial arts? You underestimate us too much!"

Wu Ze raised his hand and chopped it fiercely, slashing out several blade beams.

However, it only chopped a few vines of the wooden prison.

"How can it be... so hard?!" Wu Ze was stunned.

He didn't know that with Su Hong's breakthrough to the third-level high stage, the spiritual energy in his body, with the blessing of the Seven God Cauldron fragments, has reached the fifth level.

How could the martial arts condensed by this level of spiritual energy be easily broken by the third-level beginner?

"No matter how hard it is, there is no way, attack together!"

"If you don't attack, just stay here, hurry up!"


Chen Su and others gritted their teeth and began to attack fiercely.

However, when they finally broke through the wooden prison and the water wall.

Behind them, there were no more screams of students.

Tap, tap, tap--

Only one footstep was left, coming from the darkness.

Wu Ze, Chen Su and the others turned around with dark faces.

A few seconds later, Su Hong, holding a star bamboo spear, walked out of the darkness and grinned at everyone.

"Stop struggling."

Hearing this, Chen Su Luodao and others' faces turned dark, and without saying a word, they rushed towards Su Hong with weapons in hand.

Surrender is impossible!

However, in the face of the absolute gap in strength, everything seems so meaningless.

"Turn the river!"

As the star bamboo spear carrying rolling thunder swept, Su Hong was the only one standing there.

"It's over, continue to find someone to eliminate."

Su Hong walked towards the basement door without looking back.

The dazzling thunder on the star bamboo spear quickly converged.

Under the faint thunder light, the basement was full of students rolling their eyes.

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