In the mission hall, the Su Hong team returned on the sixth night, and the aura of killing attracted many freshmen's attention.

"Why do I feel that Su Hong and his team are more and more like seniors?"

"That's still not comparable to them. The seniors have actually been to the battlefield of the heavens!"

"We have to work hard too!"


After handing in the task and distributing the points, Su Hong smiled.

"That's it for tonight. Go back and have a good rest. Meet here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Su Hong glanced at the task bar: "It's almost done. Tomorrow I will take the task of destroying the intermediate base of the demon sect and be prepared."


Gu Huanhuan and others nodded. Their nerves were highly tense for the past six days, and even they couldn't stand it.

Soon, everyone dispersed.

Su Hong also returned to the first dormitory.

Lying on the sofa, he opened the system panel to check the martial arts value.

Martial Arts Value: 5320

"More than 5,000 martial arts points for a dozen level 5 missions."

"I also earned 4,000 points."

"Not bad."

Every time he met a mission target, Su Hong would rush to give a fatal blow, otherwise he would not get any martial arts points.

The next moment.

Su Hong added all his martial arts points to Qi and Blood.

Qi and Blood increased from 2081.8 to 2135 points.

"It's still a long way from the middle of the fourth level."

Middle of the fourth level: 3,000 points of Qi and Blood

High level of the fourth level: 4,000 points of Qi and Blood

Level 5 warrior: 5,000 points of Qi and Blood.

"As the realm enters the middle third level, the requirements for Qi and Blood are nearly twice as high as those of the lower third level."

The difference between Qi and Blood in each level of the third level is only about 400 to 500 points.

And now in the fourth level, the difference between each level is as high as 1,000 points of Qi and Blood.

Therefore, the difficulty of fighting against a higher level will also increase greatly.

This can also indirectly show how strong the top talents such as Tang Guyun are.

At the beginning of the fourth level, with a difference of nearly twice the blood and qi, he can fight evenly with the fifth-level warrior, or even suppress him.

Not to mention Su Hong, his current strength, with various bonuses, has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even Su Hong himself can't be sure how strong he is.

At least, in his heart, he thinks that fighting a high-level fifth-level warrior, not to say he can win, but he will definitely not lose.

However, this is just Su Hong's own judgment, and he still has to practice to know the truth.

Soon, Su Hong turned off the system panel.

Although the improvement is not great, this is largely because it is a bit cumbersome to do a fifth-level killing mission.

Even if there are traces of the last appearance, it does not mean that the target will wait for them there obediently.

"If I spend these seven days in the virtual ladder, my martial arts value will at least exceed 10,000."

"I hope those alienated demon cultists won't let me down in the intermediate stronghold of the Ten Thousand Races Demon Cult tomorrow."

Su Hong was looking forward to this mission.

Before, he encountered alienated demon cultists, and after killing them, he gained martial arts value far exceeding the same level of fierce beasts.

"Rest and get well." Su Hong rested quickly.


At the same time.

Magic City, Wang Family.

"Wang Dao, what have you been doing during this period? I asked you to kill Su Hong, but why haven't you made any moves yet?"

A man in black quietly appeared in Wang Dao's study from the night and asked.

Wang Dao frowned: "Su Hong has been staying in the magic martial arts. Even if he came out to do tasks during this period, he was in the magic city. There are Li Chengdao and a group of masters of magic martial arts here. What can I do to kill him?!"

There was irritability in his tone.

"This is your business." The man in black said coldly, "A few months ago, Li Chengdao suddenly took action and destroyed a high-level stronghold in my Demon City. A master of my Holy Church was directly killed. This revenge must be avenged!"

Wang Dao sneered, "It was Li Chengdao who took action. Why don't you go to him for revenge? Why do you come to urge me to kill Su Hong?"

"You only pick on the weak?" Wang Dao sneered.

"What did you say!" The man in black was furious, "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Wang Dao's expression suddenly turned cold, and he slammed the table and stood up: "Don't talk nonsense to me, and what's more, this task was personally sent to me by Lord Tianshang of the Heavenly God Clan. What qualifications do you have to ask?"

Wang Dao said coldly: "Also, you have to make it clear to me that you and I are on the same level. Don't talk to me in such a tone. You are not qualified!"

Hearing this, the man in black looked cold, and Wang Dao sneered and looked at him, and the atmosphere in the study suddenly solidified.

After a few breaths, the man in black snorted coldly and sat on the sofa.

Wang Dao also sat down and said dissatisfiedly: "Tell me, you risked being exposed to findWhat do I want to do?"

"A master under my command was killed and I must take revenge."

"It just so happens that I recently got news that among the new students of this year's Magic and Martial Arts, this kid named Su Hong is the new king, with extremely high talent. I think Li Chengdao will feel sad for a long time if he is killed."

The man in black sneered and said his purpose.

"Anyway, you want to kill Su Hong, so just do it together."

"Okay." Wang Dao nodded first, then frowned and said, "But Su Hong is in the Magic City, it is impossible to kill him."

"Of course I know." The man in black said calmly, "I have received the latest news. The magic and martial arts Su Hong, together with the six top talents among the new students, seem to be very interested in destroying an intermediate stronghold of my magic sect in the wild."

"Oh?" Wang Dao's eyes lit up and he immediately became interested: "Tell me in detail, if possible, just wipe them out at once. "

He was also eager to kill Su Hong, because the Celestial Clan promised him that as long as he could kill Su Hong, he would be given the pure blood of the Celestial Clan, completely shed his human body, and become a true Celestial Clan.

The two hit it off and began to discuss.


The office of the principal of Mowu.


Bai Cangsheng, with white hair, pushed the door and walked in.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Bai Cangsheng asked with a smile, sitting on the sofa.

"You are not good enough." Li Chengdao cursed with a smile, and then said: "I have a mission to trouble you to go."

"I know, you tell me."

"Su Hong and his gang are going to destroy a mid-level base of the Demon Cult tomorrow."

"You want me to protect you secretly? "Bai Cangsheng raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise.

"I surveyed this stronghold. The strongest one in it is only at the high level of the fifth level. Su Hong and the others should be fine, right?"

"It seems that you pay a lot of attention to Su Hong?" Li Chengdao teased.

"I am your disciple, and Su Hong is the disciple of Uncle Li Yangwu. To be honest, I am his senior brother." Bai Cangsheng smiled and said, "It's normal for me to pay some attention to him."

"Besides, when Su Hong came to the Magic City, I picked him up on the way. It's quite a coincidence."

"There is also this matter?" Li Chengdao was a little surprised, and then talked about business.

"You are asked to protect secretly, but not to guard against the demon cultists in this intermediate stronghold."

Bai Cangsheng was stunned and frowned, "Are there demon cultists and traitors who come to attack and kill him?"

"It's very likely."

"Hehe. "Bai Cangsheng smiled, his smile was a little cold: "These guys targeted me in the beginning. Now that I have grown up and cannot be killed, they are planning to target Su Hong and others again."

"I agreed." Bai Cangsheng said directly: "But let me make it clear first, if it is a master who comes, I can't protect him."

"Don't worry, the master's move is too eye-catching, these people are not stupid enough to do this."

"That's fine, I will follow you tomorrow." Bai Cangsheng stood up and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Li Chengdao said in surprise: "Why don't you ask how many sixth-level ones will come?"

"No need to ask, just the sixth-level, I will kill as many as they come! "

Bai Cangsheng said without turning his head, his tone full of confidence.

Soon, he walked out the door.

Looking at the door, Li Chengdao was stunned for a while, then smiled and shook his head: "This kid, he is almost as arrogant as Yang Wu..."

He didn't finish his words.

A head suddenly popped out of the door, and Bai Cangsheng said with a grin: "What do you think, Master, was I handsome just now? Did it remind you of your youthful years when you were rising to prominence?"

Li Chengdao was stunned for a moment, then reacted and his face suddenly darkened.

"Get lost!"

"Okay! "Bai Cangsheng responded simply.

This time he really left.

Li Chengdao said speechlessly: "He is the first on the fifth-level Hidden Dragon List, but he is still not serious..."

After a pause, Li Chengdao suddenly fell into deep thought.

He suddenly found that whether it was his son, his disciples, or his son's disciples, although they were all incredibly talented, they didn't seem to be very serious. Some were slick, some were crazy, and some were very black-bellied...

What's going on?

Li Chengdao murmured with some lack of confidence: "It should be a matter of luck, right?"

"Yes, it's a matter of luck."

Li Chengdao convinced himself, "Anyway, it must have nothing to do with me."

"Puff cough cough..." The female secretary who had been standing aside suddenly laughed at this time. Seeing Li Chengdao's unfriendly look, she hurriedly coughed repeatedly.

"Xiao Lin, what are you laughing at?" Li Chengdao said in a bad tone: "You don't think they became like this because of me, do you? "

"No, no, no, how is that possible!"Lin shook his head like a rattle: "Absolutely impossible, it's all their own problem, it has nothing to do with you, the principal!"

"Well, you see it most clearly." Li Chengdao nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, right, right." Xiao Lin nodded like pounding garlic.

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