The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

With expectations in his heart.

Su Hong opened the attribute panel.

Name: Su Hong

Talent: Unparalleled in the Ages

Qi and blood: 103 (+)

Spirit: 23 (+)

Physique: Ordinary body·6% (+)

Martial arts: Raging Sea Spear·Great, Thunder Fist·Perfect, Vajra Fist·Perfect, Floating Light Palm·Perfect, Stepping into the Air·Perfect.

Martial arts value: 534

"Qi and blood have increased by 0.8 points in these four days?"

Su Hong was a little surprised, but soon felt it was natural.

In these four days, except for sleeping at night, he has been fighting with the beasts for life and death.

The speed of physical enhancement is naturally not comparable to the previous training.

"Hey, how come the progress of the mortal body has changed from 3% to 6%."

Su Hong was really surprised this time.

When he broke through the first-level warrior before.

He didn't observe too much.

Today, he found that it increased by 3%.

"It should be because of the breakthrough of the first-level warrior that it has increased."

Su Hong thought about it, and then he was a little speechless.

He broke through to the first-level warrior, which is a breakthrough in the realm.

As a result, the progress of the mortal body only increased by 3%.

If there is no system to add points, it is impossible to achieve 100% progress.

No wonder those powerful special physiques are pitifully few.

As a warrior, no one doesn't want to have a special physique.

Su Hong is no exception.

"I have to test how much martial arts value can add 1% progress, so that I have an idea."

"And this spirit, it hasn't changed at all."

Su Hong sighed slightly.

It seems that I really don't have the talent of a spiritualist.

I can only work hard to add points.

Thinking of this, Su Hong looked at the martial arts value.

In four days, the martial arts value reached an unprecedented number.

The martial arts value is 534 points!

A first-level beginner warrior has 100 points of blood and qi.

And a first-level middle-level warrior has 200 points of blood and qi.

If all the martial arts value is used to improve blood and qi, it can be improved by 53.4!

I just broke through the first-level beginner warrior, and I only need more than 40 points of blood and qi to reach the middle level.

But when Su Hong looked at the two columns of spirit and mortal body.

I couldn't help but feel depressed.

This martial arts value looks a lot, but it is not enough.

Thinking of this, Su Hong prepared to verify his idea first.

Added 1 martial arts value to the mortal body.

Changes soon occurred.

From 6%, it became 6.1%.

At the same time, Su Hong keenly felt that his strength had increased a little, very little, but it was indeed an improvement.

"It can directly improve combat power, so it must be improved!"

Su Hong immediately paid attention to the column of mortal body.

Qi and blood are just the standard for measuring realm.

Warriors still speak with combat power.

"Unfortunately, if you want to improve mortal body by 1%, you need 10 points."

Su Hong added 1 point of martial arts value to spirit.

Spirit increased from 23 to 23.1.

"It's all 10:1 ratio."

Su Hong did mental calculations.

To increase the progress of mortal body to 100%.

939 martial arts points are required.

As for spirit.

He currently doesn't know how much he needs to increase to awaken to become a spiritualist.

"I have to find time to check the information so that I can have an idea."

After figuring out the problem.

Su Hong thought for a while and began to allocate martial arts points.

Increasing the progress of mortal body can directly improve strength.

In Su Hong's mind, this has been listed as the first priority, higher than the priority of Qi and blood.

After thinking for a while, Su Hong directly added 300 martial arts points to the mortal body column.

The progress of the mortal body increased from 6.1% to 36.1%.

At the same time.

Su Hong, who was sitting in the co-pilot of the taxi.

Suddenly, his whole body shook violently.

Just like when he broke through the first-level warrior before.

His muscles bulged instantly, and his veins were knotted.

All his clothes made a sound like they were overwhelmed and would burst at any time.

The whole person suddenly became several circles bigger.

From a handsome boy, he suddenly became a muscular man.

The muscles all over his body, coupled with the handsome and immature face, were out of place no matter how you looked at it.

The sudden scene almost scared the driver next to him.

He thought that he had made the boy unhappy.

The driver's lips were trembling, and he stammered: "Brother, what did I do? I... Can't I change it?"

But an old driver is an old driver

Although he was panicking, he was still driving very steadily.

At this time, Su Hong had no time to speak.

He only felt as if there was endless power in his body.

Compared with before, he didn't know how many times it had skyrocketed.

The only thing that was certain was that he couldn't beat many of his pre-upgrade self.

After a while, Su Hong had adapted to his current body, and his bulging muscles slowly calmed down.

He changed from a muscular man to a handsome boy again.

"In the future, I have to change my clothes to stretchable ones, otherwise there is a risk of exposure."

Su Hong looked at his clothes that were stretched several times. If it weren't for the quality, he would probably be regarded as a pervert.

"Are you okay?"

Su Hong smiled apologetically at the driver.

"If you're okay, I'm okay..."

The driver was relieved to see that Su Hong was normal.

He was scared just now.

Next, Su Hong continued to increase the points.

200 points of martial arts value were added to Qi and blood.

Qi and blood changed from 103 to 123.

Perhaps because of the addition of points to the mortal body, Su Hong did not feel any discomfort after increasing Qi and blood by 20 points at a time.

534 points of martial arts value, soon only 34 points were left.

Su Hong added these 34 points to spirit.

Spirit increased from 23.1 to 26.5.

The moment after adding points.

Su Hong felt his mind suddenly clear.

The fatigue of hunting beasts in the past few days has faded a lot.

Next, there was nothing going on.

The Warrior Association is in a building in the city center.

Su Hong got off the car and walked inside.

He found the person in charge at the front desk and asked about the location of the warrior assessment.

He was about to walk over there.

At this time, a conversation suddenly came from behind him.

"Teacher, I have a good talent, right? Not only did I recover from my injury, but I also broke through to the first-level warrior!"

"Yes, it's not bad. Today is the warrior assessment. Perform well and don't embarrass me."


Su Hong felt that the voice was familiar.

He turned around and saw that it was Li Ming and Jiang Ming, the master and apprentice.

They were also walking towards this side.

Su Hong just took a look, then retracted his gaze and walked towards the warrior assessment point.

Whether Li Ming broke through or not had nothing to do with him.

"Hey, why do I feel a little familiar with this person's back?"

Li Ming looked at Su Hong's back as he left, frowned, and thought for a while but couldn't figure out where he had seen him.

Immediately, Li Ming shook his head and was too lazy to think about it.

He walked up with Jiang Ming and asked about the assessment location.

"Go to the right."

Li Ming was stunned when he heard this.

He glanced at the boy who was also walking to the right.

He said with some surprise.

"At this age, you are already a first-level warrior?"

Jiang Ming was also a little surprised, but seeing that Li Ming was very surprised, he immediately took the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"See, don't be arrogant. You think you are amazing just because you have broken through to the first-level warrior. Others are a few years younger than you, and they look like high school students, and they are also first-level warriors!"

Li Ming disagreed.

"Teacher, I just started practicing martial arts late. If I had been exposed to martial arts earlier, I would definitely be better than him at the same age!"

After a pause, Li Ming smiled confidently.

"What's more, a warrior is ultimately judged by his combat power. With my proficiency in the Thunder Fist, I can beat this kind of student with one punch."

Jiang Ming shook his head speechlessly.

Sometimes it is not a good thing for a disciple to be too talented.

This made Jiang Ming very helpless.

Originally, since he was defeated in the underground boxing match, Li Ming's temper had been restrained a lot.

But in the end, as soon as he broke through to the first-level warrior, he immediately returned to his original nature.

He originally wanted to use this boy to let him know that there are always people better than him.

But what Li Ming said was not without reason.

After breaking through the first-level warrior, he also practiced the Thunder Fist at the mastery level. His combat power is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary warriors.

If he talks about the boy again, I'm afraid Li Ming will go up and fight with him.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and go to the test."

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