The huge monitoring room.

A seventh-level master and two fifth-level warriors were all stunned at this time.

Qin Tianlie, a master, did not have the grace of a master at this time.

His hands were shaking as he held the information, and he took a breath of cold air, his eyes full of shock.

"The seven attributes are all 100% compatible, damn... there are such monsters in the world?"

Qin Tianlie's eyes jumped and his voice was extremely sharp.

As a master, he thought he was well-informed.

But he had never seen anyone with 100% compatibility of the seven attributes.

Even the top geniuses in the Imperial Capital Magic City are not so exaggerated!

"First time practicing the Guiding Technique, 34 seconds to get started?!"


"And this combat power, is it from the warrior assessment? That means he just broke through not long ago... He can punch 3004 points of combat power with just a breakthrough?!"


"It is also very likely that he has some special physique?!"


These lines of text, at this moment, seemed to have turned into a heavy bomb, constantly exploding in Qin Tianlie's mind!

His brain was blank and his whole body was numb.

When he was fighting with the Golden Peng Beast King just now, he was hit on the head by the Golden Peng, but he was not as confused as now!

"This kind of monster... can it come out of this shitty place in Xingcheng?"

After a long while, Qin Tianlie came back to his senses, and he suddenly became extremely excited.

"This is a 100% match of seven attribute guiding techniques!"

"How talented is this kid called Su Hong?"

"Only seen in a hundred years, rarely seen in a thousand years!?"

As a master, he knew what this meant.

Just like Wang Tiantuo and the other two before, the matching of guiding techniques was about 95%.

It seems that there is only a 5% difference from 100%, which seems not much.

But this 5% is a huge gap!

If Wang Tiantuo and the other two, whose matching of guiding techniques is 95%, absorb 100 strands of spiritual energy every day, they can retain 95 strands.

Su Hong absorbs 100 strands of spiritual energy and can retain all 100 strands of spiritual energy.

A difference of 5% a day.

In the short term, it is indeed not obvious.

However, how can martial arts practice be short-term?

This thing is for a lifetime!

As the timeline is extended, the terrifying gap will gradually emerge.

How big will the gap be in 100 days?

What about 1000 days?

You know, 1000 days is only three years!

Over time, this 5% gap will only get bigger and bigger!

"Fuck, I found a treasure!"

Qin Tianlie became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Originally, when he was assigned to Xingcheng to serve as the headmaster of the training camp, he was somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, Xingcheng is ranked in the middle and lower reaches of Jiangnan Province.

But now, after seeing Su Hong's information, Qin Tianlie just felt that his luck was too damn good!

He could bump into such a monster.

Thinking about it, Qin Tianlie's mouth corners began to rise uncontrollably.

Especially when he thought of the words of the masters who served as the headmasters in other cities when he was assigned to Xingcheng before, Qin Tianlie's mouth corners began to rise wildly.

At that time, he was ridiculed by the crowd, and in a fit of anger, he said that he would bring geniuses to sweep their training camp.

When the masters heard this, they immediately started to stir up trouble and wanted to bet with him.

At that time, he was already so angry that he agreed without hesitation for a second and bet on a lot of good things.

But a few minutes after the bet was reached, he regretted it and slapped his thigh.

But now...


"Let you bastards mock me for being assigned to Xingcheng, Xingcheng is so good, this place... Ugh! This is obviously a treasure land!"

"Still betting with me? Hahaha, it's a good bet!"

"I'm really a genius!"

"Good bet!"

Qin Tianlie laughed wildly, he could even foresee the future, the moment he took Su Hong to sweep other training camps, the masters looked unbelievable.

This is a monster with 100% matching of seven attributes. The combat power of the first-stage beginner is comparable to that of the first-stage advanced stage. It is even very likely that he has a special physique!

No matter how strong the geniuses in other training camps are, can they be as strong as this student named Su Hong! ?

Qin Tianlie dares to guarantee it.

If those martial arts universities see Su Hong's qualifications


All top-level universities in Wuhan University are eager to get them!

There is no other way. With such a terrifying talent, anyone who doesn't get it is a fool!

With this potential, even if the geniuses in the college entrance examination perform brilliantly and attract attention, it is almost impossible for them to suppress Su Hong.

It is even exaggerated to say that Su Hong does not need to take the college entrance examination. If he cuts out this information, sticks it on his forehead, and runs to the gate of Wuhan University, he will be knocked unconscious and dragged into the school gate on the spot!

After waking up, I am afraid that the school uniform has been changed.

Maybe the principal will be guarding at the door, fearing that he will run away.

"But it is a bit strange. Why is Su Hong only at the beginning of the first stage?"

After the excitement, Qin Tianlie frowned slightly.

This realm is too low.

The blood is only 123 points.

Among all the genius students in this training camp, they are the lowest batch.

"I don't ask for a high score, but if I can get 200 points, it would be good to reach the middle stage of the first stage."

Qin Tianlie was a little distressed.

Su Hong's potential is among the best in China.

But his Qi and blood are really too low.

Although his combat power is comparable to that of a high-level first-stage warrior, that is when a high-level first-stage warrior does not use martial arts.

"At present, I am definitely not comparable to Wang Tiantuo and the other two in combat power. Even if I meet a middle-level first-stage student with a high level of martial arts, I will not be his opponent."

Qin Tianlie felt a little headache.

This feeling is like meeting a student with extremely high talent but poor grades at the moment.

Even if I start to study seriously, my grades will not catch up with those academic masters for a while.

The improvement of Qi and blood takes the most time.

Qin Tianlie looked at the information and scratched his head in distress.

But suddenly, his eyes caught a line of words.

[Currently practicing seven kinds of attribute guiding techniques at the same time]

Qin Tianlie was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately became angry and cursed.

"Wait a minute! How come this guy is practicing seven kinds of guiding techniques!?"

"I finally understand why his blood and qi are so low. Practicing seven kinds at the same time, even if a god comes, he will be as slow as a snail!"

"Such an important thing, no one told him, these bastards!"

Qin Tianlie was so angry that his hair and beard stood up, and his eyes were bloodshot because of anger.

Practicing multiple guiding techniques at the same time is an absolute taboo in the world of martial arts.

In the past, China had a warrior who practiced seven kinds of guiding techniques at the same time.

As a master, Qin Tianlie understood this more comprehensively than Wu Linxian.

The reason why the warrior who practiced seven kinds of guiding techniques was invincible at the same level when he was a first-level warrior, and even suppressed the second-level warriors.

The biggest reliance was that this warrior figured out a kind of attribute fusion.

The fusion of spiritual energy of different attributes can burst out with amazing power.

This seems to be a good thing.

But the problem is that it takes too long.

Not only does it require extremely terrifying talent, but it also requires the control of spiritual energy to reach the pinnacle to be able to do it.

This warrior spent more than ten years to figure it out.

Moreover, the control of spiritual energy cannot be taught at all, and can only be figured out by the warrior himself.

This seems very useless.

After all, it has been more than ten years. As long as the talent is not bad, there will be a third-level or fourth-level strength.

You are a first-level warrior, and the things you have made are really awesome and powerful. You can be invincible at the same level, and even suppress the warriors of the higher level, but what's the use?

Others have reached the third and fourth levels in more than ten years. There is an absolute gap in realm. A slap can make you spiral up on the spot!

Therefore, when Qin Tianlie saw Su Hong practicing seven kinds of guiding techniques, his lungs were about to explode.

At this age, it has only been a short time since he broke through the first-level warrior. How can he have any concept of controlling spiritual energy?

Even if he did, it took that person more than ten years to achieve attribute fusion.

With Su Hong's terrifying talent, he might be able to shorten the time, but it will take at least a few years!

After a few years, the opportunity will be gone!

"Wu Linxian, right? You are the president of the branch of the Martial Arts Association. You can't even explain this. I will beat you up sooner or later!"

Qin Tianlie was so angry that he gritted his teeth and even had the idea of ​​leaving immediately to go to Xingcheng to beat Wu Linxian up and then come back.


At this time, a deliberate cough sounded.

Qin Tianlie was stunned and looked up.

He saw Bai Mu and Lin Ze, who tilted their heads to the left and right and didn't look at him.

Bai Mu saw Qin Tianlie looking up from the corner of his eye, and immediately moved his eyes back, then stared at the air in front of him with concentration, and said cautiously as if talking to himself.

"Ahem, it seems that the first genius is about to arrive at the training camp, should I go out to meet him..."

"What do you two say?

Just talk, tilt your head because your neck is cramping..."

Halfway through, Qin Tianlie glanced at the information in his hand that was already full of saliva, and suddenly fell silent.

The next moment, he quickly crumpled the information into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Then Qin Tianlie coughed, his face turned serious, and he suddenly regained his master's demeanor and said in a calm tone.

"Is that so? Well, Bai Mu and Lin Ze, come with me to the entrance of the training camp and wait."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and slowly walked towards the gate.

Seeing this, Bai Mu and Lin Ze looked at each other and hurried to catch up.

Just before leaving the door.

Qin Tianlie stopped, turned his head slightly, and smiled very kindly at the two of them.

"You didn't see anything just now, right? "

He smiled kindly, but Bai Mu and Lin Ze felt a chill all over their bodies. They shrank their heads subconsciously, and then they nodded madly with a look of obedience.

"Yes, yes, Master Qin, we didn't see anything!"

"What are you talking about, Bai Mu? Were there only two of us in the monitoring room just now?"

"Uh... Really? Oh, yes, just the two of us, hahaha..."

A burst of awkward dry laughter sounded.

"Let's go."

Qin Tianlie nodded with satisfaction and walked out the door first.

Bai Mu and Lin Ze only felt that they had walked through the gates of hell. They wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and hurried to follow.

Accompanying a master is like accompanying a tiger!

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