The more you fight, the more you lose.

It is well known.

The combat power standard of a normal warrior is ten times the blood and qi.

And the combat power of a genius warrior will exceed this combat power standard due to talent, physique, or other factors.

The more genius, the higher the combat power exceeds the combat power standard.

Qin Tianlie, a master, naturally understands this.

Therefore, he thinks that Su Hong, who can play a combat power of 9,000, is very likely to be in the middle of the first stage.

This is already an extremely exaggerated estimate.

Even the top geniuses in the Magic Capital are worse than this.

But what Qin Tianlie didn't expect was that he still underestimated the degree of Su Hong's evil.

137 points of Qi and blood, what's the difference with just breaking through the first stage?

As a result, with such a small amount of Qi and blood, he produced a full combat power of 9,000.


Qin Tianlie stared at the screen blankly, muttering and repeating three words.

Because his head was almost stuck to the screen.

As a result, Bai Mulinze and Wang Tiantuo and other students on the side could only stare blankly at this time.

"What's going on?!"

"Damn, Master Qin, don't stop me..."

"Wait, why are Master Qin's shoulders shaking?"

"Fuck, is Su Hong's Qi and blood too high, higher than Master Qin expected!?"

"No way, Su Hong can't be a mid-stage second-stage warrior!"

"Then Su Hong is too weird..."


A bunch of students were talking excitedly, too curious about the result.

But helpless, Master Qin's head seemed too big, no matter how they looked left and right, they just couldn't see it.

For a moment, a group of students felt itchy in their hearts.

At this time, seeing Qin Tianlie still had a dull look on his face.

Bai Mu poked Lin Ze and winked at him.

"You want me to go?"

Lin Ze's mouth twitched.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still stepped forward and gently pushed Qin Tianlie.

"Master Qin... what the hell is this blood and qi?!"

Just halfway through the call, Lin Ze saw the blood and qi on the screen with his peripheral vision and exclaimed in disbelief on the spot.

His expression was extremely wonderful, as if he had seen a ghost.

Lin Ze was also stunned, almost exactly the same as Qin Tianlie.

Seeing this scene.

Bai Mu was speechless.

While walking forward, he muttered.

"Is it that serious? Su Hong's Qi and blood are very high. You should have been mentally prepared... Oh my God!?"

After approaching the Qi and blood detector, Bai Mu was also stunned by the outrageous Qi and blood.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the venue seemed a little weird.

A master and two fifth-level warriors crowded in front of the Qi and blood detector, staring at each other.

The students behind were very anxious.

Especially seeing the exaggerated reactions of these three people, they scratched their heads.

They wanted to ask the three people to go away, but they didn't dare...

Until more than ten seconds later.

Qin Tianlie came back to his senses from his daze.

Seeing that a group of students' eyes were sore.

He felt a little embarrassed.

The master's demeanor was not maintained for a while.

The main reason was that Su Hong's Qi and blood were too outrageous.

It was not outrageously high.

It was unimaginably low.

If you put this Qi and blood together with 9,000 combat power, who would believe that this is the data of the same person if you didn't see it with your own eyes?


Qin Tianlie coughed and scolded with a stern face.

"Bai Mulinze, what's wrong with you two? How long are you going to block in front of this Qi and blood detector?"


Bai Mulinze was confused by Qin Tianlie's move.

Didn't you block here first!

His old face was almost stuck on the screen.

Why did you take the initiative and teach us a lesson...

Of course, Bai Mulinze only dared to complain about these words in his heart, and he absolutely didn't dare to say them out loud.

On the surface, they hurriedly responded and immediately walked away.

The Qi and blood results on the screen were exposed.

A group of students who were almost waiting anxiously looked over instantly.

Someone muttered, "Fuck, he finally left. I want to see Su Hong's Qi and blood... Damn it!"

When the students saw the results of the Qi and blood, their brains were buzzing instantly, as if they were stunned by a bomb!

Then, a series of shocking "Fuck"s rang out.

137 points of Qi and blood! ?

No, buddy, is this true?



Not 1370! ?

A zero is missing!

"Isn't it... Su Hong actually a first-stage beginner warrior!?"

A bunch of students couldn't believe this result at all, it was too fucking outrageous.

They looked at Su Hong as if they were looking at a monster.

"He is actually still a first-stage beginner warrior!?"

The moment they saw the results of Qi and Blood.

Wang Tiantuo, Lin Xinghe, and Xiao Yan were stunned as if struck by lightning.

Lin Xinghe didn't even notice the sexy pink fan in his hand falling to the ground.

"137 points? Huh?"

Lin Xinghe was a little excited, his lips trembling as he tried to say something, but he couldn't say a complete sentence.

This result was completely different from what he expected!

"This... He is not even a first-stage middle..."

Wang Tiantuo murmured hoarsely, and the look he gave Su Hong suddenly became extremely complicated.

Considering that he had just provoked Su Hong, he was just like a clown...

Wang Tiantuo's face flushed instantly, and he felt mixed emotions.

Xiao Yan covered her mouth, staring with two big eyes, as if they were about to pop out of her eye sockets at any time.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on Su Hong.

The young man stood next to the blood and qi detector, and he was very calm.

On the way here, when he heard these students discussing whether he was a second-level warrior, he had already expected this result, so there was no surprise at all.

Chen Shan and Li Tu were also shocked by Su Hong's blood and qi.

However, they didn't think that this blood and qi was low.

On the contrary, they thought, why is it so damn high?

Didn't Su Hong just break through to the first-level warrior a few days ago?

How come the blood and qi are 137 now?

After being shocked for a few seconds, Chen Shan and Li Tu couldn't help but smile.

Especially when they saw that the students who laughed at them before were now confused, they laughed even more happily.

"Hahaha! A big profit!"

"Don't just stand there, transfer all the contribution points to me later!"

"It's great, this wave is so rich!"

Chen Shan and Li Tu shouted loudly with a smile, asking the losing students to quickly submit their contribution points!

The faces of the students who placed bets suddenly turned black.

Chen Shan snorted, "Didn't you say that Su Hong is a second-level warrior?"

He pointed at the screen and said loudly, "Now tell me how much blood Su Hong has, hahaha!"

Halfway through, he could no longer control the corners of his mouth and laughed.

When they placed bets before, they were laughed at by these students for a long time, and they were all angry!

At this moment, how could they miss this opportunity to ridicule.

The faces of the students turned even darker, as black as the bottom of a pot.

At this time, Li Tu followed closely and began to mock.

He imitated the faces of these students before, and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, are you stupid? How could Su Hong be a first-level beginner warrior!"

"You like to give money to others so much, but I didn't expect that the contribution points of the two first-level beginners are not enough? Hahaha!"

Li Tu even imitated the laughter of hahaha vividly.

The faces of a group of students gradually tended to turn green.

Seeing this, Li Tu seemed to be talking to himself again, but in fact he deliberately said loudly.

"Alas, I suddenly earned so many contribution points. How should I spend them? It's really a headache!"

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