Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 72 School Selection, Scarlet Mutation

"Mist wizard?"

Ronan was thoughtful.

He had read relevant information in the book. This was an ancient tradition passed down from generation to generation among formal wizards.

Legend has it that in ancient times, wizards of level one to three were called mist wizards.

Because wizards at this stage are just starting out, it's like exploring in the dark fog, and every step needs to be taken with enough caution.

Ronan was promoted from a level nine apprentice to a level one formal wizard, which means he had just stepped into the fog.

Everything has just begun now.

Feeding a low-level magic stone to the owl that congratulated him, Ronan dispersed the remaining owls and looked at himself now.

The form of mental power in his mind has changed again, from a ball of light fog in the gasification stage to a ball of flowing liquid.

His mental power has liquefied.

The essence has been further purified.

Both the total amount and the quality are more than ten times stronger than the previous gasification stage.

Looking at the apprentice level from the perspective of a formal wizard, it is indeed pitifully weak, even the ninth-level apprentice is still the same in the gasification stage.

With such a spiritual power blessing, a small spell can probably be comparable to the zero-level high-level spell released by the ninth-level apprentice with all his strength.

Not to mention the added effect of the soul seal.

Now recalling the battle in the corpse garden when I killed Fao, I understand how much luck was involved.

Perhaps it was because the gap between the two was so big that I had the opportunity.

Fao underestimated himself so much that he didn't have time to release a spell or use even one magic tool until he died.

After being promoted to a formal wizard, Ronan had an inexplicable sense of clarity, which was probably the feeling of a purified soul.

In this state, the wizard's casting speed will undoubtedly be much faster, and many spells and gestures that assist in the guidance of spells have become redundant.

No wonder Ronan has seen many formal wizards cast spells, almost without any gestures, and the speed of chanting spells is also very short and fast.

This is the great advantage brought by the sublimation of the soul.

After examining the changes inside, look at the outside.

Ronan hesitated and walked step by step to the dressing mirror in the corner of the room.

He looked up.

The person in the mirror was thin and old, with long gray hair slightly curled and scattered on his shoulders. His face looked like he was in his forties or even fifty. Only his wrinkled facial features could vaguely identify Ronan's original appearance.

Ronan looked several dozen years older than before, and only a pair of slightly dim lake blue eyes still retained a bit of youth.


Ronan pursed his lips, and his hands under the robe slowly clenched into fists.

After a moment, he loosened them.

The fluctuations in his eyes calmed down.

"It is a blessing to be able to successfully break through. How dare I ask for more."

At least, Ronan felt that his current body was still strong and powerful, and the power flowing in his body was still strong, even much stronger than when he was full of blood and qi during the apprentice stage.

He seemed to be nurturing a greater vitality in his body, but for some reason it was difficult to break through the external decaying shell.

In fact, this was also a point that Ronan was still confused about.

Click on the character panel.

[Name: Ronan Damien]

[Age: 17]

[Talent: No attribute affinity]

[Strength: Level 1 formal wizard (1%)]


Penance Bodybuilding (Expert 800/800)",

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