Wizard: Live hard and you will become stronger

Chapter 204 041: Tidal Siren Tribe

Originally, Luo Xi thought that the castle would be completely submerged in the sea like the outside. However, after entering the castle, he found that it was not like this at all.

There is a layer of membrane outside the castle that isolates the castle from the sea. The entire castle is contained in a large bubble, and the world inside the bubble is completely dry.


Nicole fell to the ground, her whole body shook and she almost fell to the ground.

Luo Xi quickly grabbed her: "Is everything okay?"

Nicole stuck out her tongue: "I'm still a little used to being on the ground all of a sudden. I thought I was still soaking in water."

Luo Xi observed the bubbles around the castle: "I didn't expect that there would be a barrier here."

The bubble surrounding the castle is actually a barrier, and its principle is consistent with the bubble outside the wizard's ship.

"Green, are you here?"

At this moment, a strange sound sounded, like the hoarse sound of an old bellows twitching.

The sound came from the castle hall, where a tidal siren walked over. It was roughly the same as the tidal siren that led Luo Xi and the two of them to Xingshang, but it was much larger, almost the same size. About three meters high.

In addition, it is different from the almost naked Tide Siren. It is wearing a fur coat, a necklace of shells and pearls hanging around its neck, and a bracelet studded with gems on its wrist. It looks quite jeweled.

Surrounding it were a group of tidal sirens holding tridents, who seemed to be its personal bodyguards.

Green greeted him enthusiastically and gave the big Tide Siren a big hug: "Are you coming out specifically to greet me? Karls, I am really honored."

After a pause, Green waved to Luo Xi and introduced him: "Karls, this is Luo Xi, the genius of the Elemental Castle that I mentioned to you. He is in Potions." Has extraordinary talent.”

"Roxi, this is Karls, the owner of this gem sea, the chief of the Blue Sea Tribe, and our partner."

Luo Xi performed a wizarding etiquette: "Nice to meet you."

The Chief also seemed very easy-going, and nodded to Roxi in a friendly manner: "Welcome, welcome, welcome to the castle of Karls. Next, I will need to trouble you, Wizard Roxi."

Green said: "Karls, please tell Luo Xi about the potion."

Karls nodded, and then introduced in detail: "That's it, what we need now is the land-traveling magic potion."

Then Karls introduced the general situation of the matter to Luo Xi.

Undersea creatures must live on the bottom of the sea and cannot live on land. Although the tidal siren is barely an amphibious creature, it cannot leave the sea for too long.

Just like Karls is now in this castle without water, other followers besides him need to take a dip in the sea water every two hours at most, otherwise they may die from weakness or even dehydration.

However, due to some special reasons, the Blue Sea Tribe often needs to go to inland areas to trade with local wizards to purchase some materials, so they need land-based potions.

This kind of magic potion can make the creatures in the sea possess some of the physiological characteristics of land creatures, and can allow the creatures in the sea to stay on land for a long time. Take the tidal sirens as an example. A land-traveling potion can allow them to stay on land for a long time. They live on land for one to three days, making it easier for them to trade on land.

Karls said: "But this potion is different from ordinary land-traveling potions. It needs to add some of our special needs. Can you do it?"

Luo Xi raised her eyebrows: "Special needs?"

Karls nodded and said: "We hope to be able to change our form, so that we can have the ability to travel on land while also transforming into a human form."

Luo Xi looked strange: "Human?"

What kind of request is this? Could it be that these tidal sirens have some kind of human worship plot?

Seeing Roxi's puzzled expression, Karls explained in detail: "That's it, the materials we want to trade are very important to our tribe, and the wizards who trade with us also understand this, so every time they do They deliberately raise prices during transactions.”

"Sometimes they are even sold to us for several times or even ten times, and one silent fruit is sold for a hundred magic stones." He said angrily.


This was indeed a bit too much. The Silent Fruit, a low-level material with only a few magic stones, was actually sold for so much. Luo Xi felt that this was a bit too much.

Green laughed and said, "Haha, they say we are profiteers. Look, there are actually profiteers everywhere."

Karls said: "Those wizards are sure that we can't go too far and can only trade along the coast. Moreover, it is a necessity for us. Every time we go ashore, we need to consume precious land-based magic potions. We don't have time to deal with them." They bargained."

It is true that it is not easy for the Tide Siren to land once. The wizards are aware of this, so they set the price randomly.

Luo Xi said: "I understand, you want to pretend to be a wizard to conduct transactions, right?"

Karls nodded: "We don't expect to get any advantage, but this will at least allow us to have a reasonable and fair price. Fairness is the most important thing, don't you think so?"

Luo Xi pondered for a moment: "It's not easy to incorporate transformation into Luxing potion."

The land travel potion alone is not too difficult, and the transformation potion alone is not too complicated, but it is not too easy to combine the two.

Karls frowned, and Green gave him a reassuring look: "Don't worry, Luo Xi can definitely do it."

Luo Xi rolled his eyes and gave him a look of contempt: You can do it.

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "I can't guarantee that it can be done, but I can give it a try."

After a pause, he looked around and asked, "Is there a suitable place here? Let me experiment first."

Karls said quickly: "Of course, please come with me."

Under the guidance of Karls, Luo Xi walked through two corridors and quickly entered a room on the left at the end of the corridor.

This is a very spacious room, about a hundred square meters in size. In the middle is a long experimental table, next to it are several metal shelves, crucibles, crystal lamps, test tubes, beakers and other utensils. There are plenty of all kinds of utensils. It's like a standard wizard's laboratory.

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows and said slightly surprised: "This laboratory is quite well-furnished."

Karls nodded and explained: "This is what my master left behind."

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