
Looking at the black lightning jumping on his fingertips, Luo Xi's face also showed a touch of joy.

"Try it out and see how it works."

He took out a practice puppet from the space ring and put it in the laboratory. The magic formula of defense magic and energy analysis on this puppet will absorb the energy of the magic attack and display the specific unit coefficient when it is attacked by magic.

Stepping back a few steps, Luo Xi raised his hand and flicked his finger gently at the puppet.

"Snap!" A sound.

A thin black lightning suddenly shot out from Luo Xi's fingertips and hit the puppet in front of him in an instant. There was only a 'crackling' sound, black sparks flickered continuously, and accompanied by a 'sizzling' sound, as if something was burning. It was clear that white smoke rose from the surface of the puppet.

After all the magic effects settled down, Luo Xi walked up to the puppet and carefully observed its current state. He had just used a simple elemental attack, and he didn't even use magic spells, but there were obvious signs of damage on the puppet, and some signs of burning and corrosion could be seen on the surface.

Luo Xi touched his chin: "All the characteristics of the lightning element exist, and there is one more. Corrosion effect?"

He stretched out his thumb and dipped a little black flame on his fingertips. He could feel a slight tingling sound from his fingertips. He could hear the sound of "puff puff" when he got closer. The skin and part of the flesh on the fingertips were swallowed by the black flames.

Luo Xi was surprised and said: "What a strong corrosive ability."

You know, after these years of uninterrupted sword training, his three measurements have now reached 46 points, which is quite close to the attribute value of the great knight level. The physical strength is extremely strong, and even ordinary swords can hardly hurt him.

However, at this moment, this inconspicuous little flame can destroy his defense system, break his skin and melt his body. This is just a little flame, and if it is a large piece of black flame, it will be melted in an instant.

Luo Xi took a look at the spiritual energy conversion ratio on the puppet doll and it was 3.2.

The spiritual energy conversion ratio refers to the ratio after the wizard converts the spiritual power into elemental energy. The higher this ratio means the more powerful the spell.

For example, Luo Xi's apprentice-level wind blade spell energy conversion ratio is 0.3, which means that the spell released by 10 points of spiritual power will eventually convert into only 3 points of magic energy, and if it is replaced by this black lightning, then the magic energy converted will be more than 30 points.

"Tsk tsk, what a high energy conversion ratio."

The energy conversion ratio is very difficult to improve. Even the general wizard-level spell can only be converted to a ratio of about 1. It is already an outstanding spell to be able to reach more than 2. For example, this triple ratio is definitely an extremely outstanding spell.

"Haha, what good luck." Luo Xi was very happy. He didn't expect that an ordinary magic experiment would bring him such a big surprise.

But there is nothing strange about this. The world of wizards is like this, full of unknowns and adventures. In various experiments, some elemental energy often produces some wonderful unknown reactions, thus generating some strange substances such as this black lightning.

Danger, but also with opportunities.

Because of this, wizards are also particularly addicted to various magic experiments, which is also one of the greatest charms of the wizard world.

The airship continued to shuttle through the Broken Islands for more than a week, and finally stopped outside a dense meteorite area on the north side of the Broken Islands.

"Master Wizard, the airship can only go here. There is no complete route ahead." Leonard pointed to the front.

In front is a dense group of meteorites. The floating meteorites are slowly flowing in this area in an orderly manner under the traction of some force. The interval between meteorites is no more than ten meters at most, and most of them are only a few meters or even tens of centimeters.

Such an area is far beyond the limit of what the airship can enter, and even the best pilots can hardly enter.

Luo Xi nodded: "Okay, you guys stop here, I'll go in and take a look."

Angel hurried forward and said: "Teacher, I'll go with you."

Luo Xi shook his head: "No, you stay here, in case there is something wrong, some facilities on the ship need you to start."

Angel is just an apprentice, it's useless to follow, and it may even cause trouble. On the contrary, staying on the airship can still play a role, after all, there are many magical facilities and equipment on the airship that require mental power as traction to start.

After a brief explanation, Luo Xi immediately got up and flew outside with Lina.

"Whoosh! ~"

The whistling wind passed by Luo Xi's ears, and he turned his head to look at the broken meteorite area around him.

The predecessor of the Broken Islands was originally a magnificent floating island. This floating island is a holy place for wizards, where countless powerful wizard organizations gather. Each of them possesses different magical powers and together they maintain the order of the sky.

However, the days of peace did not last long. A sudden wizard war broke the tranquility of the sky. In order to compete for more powerful magic power, various wizard organizations fought fiercely at all costs. In the sky, magic energy intertwined into brilliant light, and huge magic arrays emerged in the air, releasing the power of destroying the world.

The war lasted for several years, and the floating island gradually became dilapidated in the repeated magic bombings. Finally, under a devastating magic attack, the floating island completely collapsed and turned into countless huge meteorites, scattered in the sky, forming a broken sea of ​​meteorites.

Today, this sea of ​​meteorites is still filled with the breath of war. Some meteorites still have traces of magic and flash with strange light. Some meteorites are covered with thick ice and exude a cold breath; others seem to have been burned by flames and exude a hot breath. Occasionally, some remaining buildings can be seen between the meteorites. They are like witnesses of history, silently telling the former glory and tragedy.

"This should be it, right?"

After searching for more than half an hour towards the center of the meteorite zone, Luo Xi took out the magic compass and looked at it. The coordinates displayed on the compass were almost the same as the coordinates he had obtained from Midway Island.

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