Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: domestic affairs

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

City Lord's Mansion.

Dole stretched out his hand, flipped his wrist, and half a drop of the original liquid of life appeared in his hand, looked at Elrea, and said, "Open your mouth."

Elrea was very obedient, raised her head cutely, and pouted playfully, she thought Dorai was going to kiss her.

Dorai stretched out her hand and flicked, and half a drop of life essence dropped into her mouth.

Elrea only felt a cool thing fall into her mouth, she was a little disappointed and started to act like a spoiled child, but the next moment, a huge vitality burst out from her mouth and extended to all parts of her body.

She immediately understood what it was, and without saying a word, she quickly kissed Dorai's cheek, and immediately sat next to her, closing her eyes, her magical power surging continuously, quelling this vitality.

Seeing this, Dole turned to Ashe and smiled, "Open your mouth."

Seeing Elrea's state, Ashe didn't know what happened, so she said, "What about your own?"

Dole smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about it, I can still have less of me."

Only then did Ashe relax and open her mouth.

Dorai dripped the remaining half into her mouth.

Ashe felt the boundless vitality and began to practice.

Both of them started to practice, but Dorai became bored instead.

He turned around and went out and walked to the yard next to him. Before Westling and Lauren left, Ivey came over today, and brought a dignified and beautiful girl with him.

As soon as Dole walked into the yard, he heard Monica giggling and laughing, and Brian was yelling beside him.

Aiwei's high-pitched voice remembered next to him, "I have received a gift, so I should call someone."

Monica said sweetly, "Thank you Uncle Ivey's aunt."

A woman's voice sounded, "You're welcome, it should be."

Dole walks in, and that's the scene. I bought my daughter with a small gift, which is really worthless.

As soon as he walked in, everyone inside saw it, and everyone's expressions changed, especially Aiwei, who stood at attention unconsciously, as if he had seen the officer.

The woman was also nervous.

Seeing this, Dole smiled and said, "Relax, it's not in the City Lord's Mansion, but in his own home."

Ai Wei smiled bitterly, you are almost level 8, can we not be nervous, just standing in front of you, you can feel the huge pressure, let alone your girlfriend, it is estimated that the legs are now soft.

Dorai came step by step, seemingly restraining his breath, but still felt that he was like a big mountain.

As for why his parents are fine, his father is powerful, and he has the buff bonus of his husband and mother-in-law. Naturally, he is naturally superior and not afraid of Dorai.

Monica saw Uncle Ivey like this and shouted at Dole, "Bad Dad."

Dole looked at Monica and was speechless, "Dad didn't do anything, didn't say anything, how could it be broken?"

Monica looked at Ivy, at her auntie, at Dorai, and wondered, that's right, Dad just came here, why did he scare them like this?

But my dad is always scary.

Westling coughed and said, "Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, Dole, are you okay today? Where are they?"

Lauren hugged Brian and glanced at Westerling reproachfully, "They have to have their own time too, how can they get tired of being together every day, whether they are bothered or not."

Westling glanced at his eyebrows and smiled, "I'm just asking."

Dole hummed, "They've gone to practice." He came to Westling, sat down slowly, brought Monica over, held him in his arms, looked at Westling, and looked at Ivy , smiled, "Is this set?"

Aiwei is thirty-six this year, and he is already considered an elderly young man among the nobles. If he does not get married, it is not a good thing.

Aiwei also relaxed at this time, nodded and said, "It's settled, I will have a child like you next year."

Dole nodded with a smile, and he looked at the woman.

The woman immediately bent over and said, "Sir City Lord, my name is Christina."

Dole flicked his wrist, "I'll give you a small gift."

It was a beautiful and outrageous necklace. Kristina took a fancy to it at a glance, but looked at Westling and Ivey, and was too embarrassed to reach out.

Seeing this, Aiwei took a deep breath, took it from Dole's hands solemnly, and said with a smile, "Then we'll accept it. Lord City Lord's shot is definitely not ordinary."

Dole laughed and scolded, "It's not a good thing, and I don't dare to put good things on you. Carrying them on your body can improve part of your physique. If you have children in the future, it will also be good for the children."

Christina felt that this thing was precious.

Ivey was stunned for a moment. It was also good for the child, so he had to accept it. Christina's talent is not good. If it is good for the child, she should accept it.

"Haha, I know that your shot is absolutely extraordinary, come on, hurry up and stay."

Ivey took care of Christina himself.

A harmonious family.

Outside the city, Dole had already seen the figure of Yale the Great. He seemed tired, but his expression was very excited.

The sky was cold and gray, and the air was so humid that it seemed like it was about to snow.

The two met in the sky, surrounded by ice.

Yale the Great looked at Dorai ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with some surprise, is this the deity or a clone.

After seeing Dorai, he smiled heartily, "Why, don't let me enter the city, stop me from so far? Are you afraid that I will see my daughter and take her away?"

The corners of Dole's mouth twitched, and then he bowed slightly, "I didn't come out to stop you when I saw the emperor, I just wanted to see the emperor alone. Where are Ashe's parents, let me know in advance."

Yale the Great blinked, a little surprised, Westling is also there?

He nodded and said, "I know, just for this?"

"No, and that's right, Elrea is in retreat. It's estimated that she won't be able to wake up for a week, and there's nothing else."

The Yale Emperor was even more surprised. It was really unfortunate that he came this time. He thought for a while, and said, "I've been busy all the way, and I'm tired. I'll rest here with you. I happened to have a chat with Westling, the legion commander. When I was in the barracks, I was busy discussing things, and I was too busy to discuss things. We didn't have a good conversation."

Dole nodded and said, "Then let go of the defense, and I'll take you there."

Emperor Yale breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm really tired, it's best if you can fly me." He let go of his defense and was about to speak, but his eyes flashed with white light. Before he could react, he felt The surrounding space changed, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a courtyard.

In the yard, Westerlin, Lauren, and two young people who don't know each other seem to be Westerlin's son. This woman seems to be a little weak.

And Dorai's deity.

The clone stood in place, suddenly dissipated and disappeared.

Dorai stood up from the stool. Westling and Lauren were also surprised at this time, and stood up gratefully. Although Ivey had never seen Yale the Great, he was surprised when he saw the portrait, and knelt down in shock.

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