Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: Tentative

The whole world was surrounded by a vast expanse of white.

At this time, the Sky Frost Worm had slipped out of the wizard tower and got into the vast snowstorm.

The top of the wizard's tower.

Dorai himself is sorting these meteorites.

Not all meteorites are useful, some are pure metals, some are messy things, and some are even composed of other more complicated things. He needs to classify them, sort them out, and pick out what is useful to him. .

Searching the outer space is a very technically difficult task, but it is not like the last time, after wasting a lot of materials, but also getting a finished product. This time, Dole plans to modify the wizard array by himself based on his own experience. method, to freeze the final thing.

He is going to go to the void by himself to take a good look at what the outside world looks like, and then confirm the structure and composition of the final wizard formation.

The world is very mysterious, and so far, Dole feels that what he has seen has always been the tip of the iceberg.

After closing my eyes, many magic patterns slowly flowed through the sea of ​​consciousness. These magic patterns were selected one by one to form a magic pattern array, which was slowly deduced. The next moment, the magic pattern collapsed and continued. Once, and so on.

Dole has a wizard formation given to him by the Glory Wizards Alliance, but after all, it was only figured out by others, and it is unknown whether it will work or not.

Although the labyrinth world was found by them, it has a great effect on Dorai. It can be said that Dorai was able to advance so quickly, thanks to the gains in the labyrinth world, but after all, it is not a mature world, nor is it a high-level world. The world is, at best, a secret realm.

What he has to do now is to search for the real extraterritorial mature world, the higher world, and then set up an ultra-distance space teleportation array. This is what should be done.

Although Duo Lai has just been promoted to the ninth level, he has not been able to advance. The ninth level is the perfection. Next, at best, he has to comprehend a few more rules to the ninth-level perfection, and there is no way forward.

What is the law, what is the **** level, there is a fog in front of him.

If you want to get these things, you can only go to the higher world.

As the wizard formations flowed through his heart, after several days, on top of the existing wizard formations, Dorai finally began to work on it and began to refine it.

Naturally, refining is not as easy and convenient as refining some small things. In fact, the difficulty is also not small. After completing the study of materials, Duolai knows how difficult it is to refine a thing.

After many days, the time slowly came to the August of the Glory Empire.

After experiencing the fire in July, the hot summer is finally coming to an end.

Although Albis City is next to the mountains, it is still a plain city. There are hardly many people on the street at noon.

At this moment, in a small remote yard in the East District, a middle-aged man in black looked at the other middle-aged man in gray who had just entered, showing a sincere smile, "You're here, things have been considered like this. "

The middle-aged man in gray seemed to have thought about it for a long time. At this time, he raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. His voice was heavy, "I know where you came from."

The middle-aged man in black was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he didn't expect this result, and then he was shocked. He was discovered?

He forced a calm smile and said, "Verus, what are you kidding me, where do I come from, I am an ordinary businessman in the imperial capital, I only want benefits, as long as you agree, I will pay 30 million gold coins. Call and buy 10% of Albis Transportation Group, that's all."

The middle-aged man in gray sighed and looked at him somewhat mockingly, "Although our Langte family is deep in the northwest, and its intelligence is not as good as the ancient family of the imperial capital, we also have our own channels. I know who you are, but , I don't plan to report it, so, this matter, just pretend you haven't been here, and we haven't talked about it."

When the man in black heard this, he pretended to be confused, and then suddenly became angry.

"Virus, if this is your negotiating skills, it's too clumsy. When have I lied to you, if that's the case, can I lower my stake to nine percent?"

Viru looked at the man in black, took a step back deliberately, opened a little distance, and then said slightly sarcastically, "Albis Transportation Group, although it is the industry of Albis City, our big families are all We took up the shares, but that was a deliberate adjustment made by the city lord for the sake of our hard work. In fact, it is still owned by Albis City in essence. You want to buy the shares in our hands, and then you want to do it on the grounds of controlling rights. My wish for something may be in vain, and I will not agree to you, no matter whether others agree to you or not."

The face of the man in black instantly turned gloomy.

The purpose of his visit this time was the transportation group in Albis City.

As long as you get the controlling stake, you can put some people in, do some things, and slowly erode the entire business empire of Mount Albis from a commercial point of view.

Now it seems that UU's reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be a little difficult. As for his identity, he is confident that he will not reveal it.

If it really leaked out, then it was not Verus who came, but Orbis Glory Wizards Alliance.

He lightly smiled and said, "Business is business, don't talk about other aspects, in this world, everything can be measured by price, you can say the number, I'll do it, as for the other issues, that's not Your worries."

Verus looked at the other party and murmured psychologically, is this guy with good quality in mind, or is there really no problem with his identity, I cheated him like this, and he didn't respond?

But no response is enough, such a perfect response?

That's right, he was cheating on the other side.

He lowered his head and said with a little regret, "That said, I can't make this decision. It needs at least two-thirds of the directors of the transportation group to decide. If you really have the ability, then hold a meeting to vote. To be honest, with tens of millions of gold coins, Mount Albis doesn’t care, that’s the end of today’s conversation, so let’s say goodbye.”

He turned away.

The man in black looked behind the other party, and there was a slight layer of sweat on his back.

Sure enough, it was a temptation. If he was really caught, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Albis City seems to have left after Duo Lai, there are no masters, but Akso, the eighth-level, and the legendary Huo Wutong are also there. These two add up, and no one is their opponent, and even more so. What's more, there are a lot of Dorai clones, who knows if they will stay here.

In other words, where that guy went, no one knows until now, which is really strange.

Originally, the news said that he went to the Elf Forest, but there is no Elf Forest at all, which is simply hell.

However, according to the current news, that Dorai has indeed been to the Forest of Spirits and took his family on a trip. Where can he go?

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