Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: luck matters

Stenda turned his head, glanced at the others, his voice was low, and he spoke slowly, "This time, our Bright Empire has been injured and innocent, fortunately, the empire's eighth-level guarding the frontier did not lose, but lost some seven Level 6 and Level 6. Even so, we have suffered heavy losses, and the plan to attack the Empire of Glory next month had to be delayed again.”

The others nodded slightly, with heavy expressions.

"The will of the God of Light is not blasphemous, and the majesty of the Empire of Light cannot be violated. Dorai must be wanted and question the Empire of Glory." Someone said indignantly.

"Natural, as a ninth rank, wantonly slaughtered in my Tudor, creating boundless slaughter, and must be severely punished."

"We must give us an explanation for the Empire of Light, so that the world can understand that the will of the God of Light cannot be blasphemed."

Hearing what you said around me, Franklin seemed to understand something, so he reorganized his language and said righteously, "Dorai entered our empire, ignoring the laws of my Holy See, wantonly killing civilians, no matter what. , are all enemies of our empire, we should send a letter immediately to question the Glory Empire, and…”

His straight words and sharp words instantly calmed the people around him.

Things seemed to be the way they should be, and everyone quickly set the tone.

Not long after, an announcement was issued from the Empire of Glory to all directions, and at the same time, a message about the Nightmare Meditation method was quietly passed to all parties.

Dorai had entered the Dark Empire at this time.

Once you enter the Dark Empire, it is another scene.

The people of the Holy See of Light are generally very docile and obedient. They flew all the way, and everywhere was very quiet, even very quiet. There was almost no fighting. There were fights. It was also a conflict between law enforcement and lawbreakers, and the scope was very small.

As soon as he entered the Dark Empire, there was another difference. The people here seemed to be very irritable. After flying over two cities, Dorai saw dozens of fights, all kinds of negative emotions, all kinds of darkness. Witchcraft can be found below.

This is the paradise of the dark ones.

Of course, they seldom shot against the commoners, it was just a fight between professionals.

The folk customs of the Dark Empire shine through.

Dole flew across the sky without concealing his traces at all, and flew all the way, not knowing how much attention he received.

Soon, he flew out more than 2,000 kilometers, and he was almost there. Now he wants to rush over as fast as possible, for fear that the other party will run away.

Time continues slowly.

Death Mountains.

Conference hall.

A Kang died, an eighth-level death was unclear, and even his head was taken by the other party, and his death was extremely miserable.

But the message came out.

There was a buzzing sound in the conference room, and I didn't know what was going on. There were only a few insiders, and their brows were furrowed.

Sorov's breath suddenly overwhelmed the audience, and everyone quieted down and looked at this one.

Sorov looked around for a week and said coldly, "No matter who killed Akang, some of our bases have been exposed, and the other party has strong spiritual power and very strong spiritual attainments. It is known that they can search for memories. Yes, so, now, let me know immediately and transfer all the voodoo personnel, immediately, immediately."

When the people around heard this, two people in the know immediately sent out messages frantically.

At this time, within half an hour after Dole killed A Kang, he had just finished communicating with the ninth level of the Dark Empire.

Just when they issued the order, everyone seemed to get the news again, and they were suddenly shocked.

It is really Dorai, who has been confronted by the people of the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness, but what is shocking is that Dorai has already reached the ninth level, and has strongly crushed the ninth level of the Holy See of Light. Level scared out of the way, and is currently heading in the direction of the Dark Empire.

Hearing this, the insider of the voodoo organization of the Wushen family looked extremely gloomy.

After all, he still knew that the largest training base and some branches of the Voodoo Organization were within the Dark Empire, and the Dark Empire was growing rapidly as a special imperial organization of the Dark Empire. The Dark Empire was their breeding ground.

Without Sorov's consent, he frantically sent a message to the northwest to let everyone flee.

Seeing the man's actions, Sorov felt a little cold in his heart.

This Duo Lai's counterattack is really fast, he glanced at everyone, and said slowly, "According to the current news, that Duo Lai is already at the ninth level, and his strength is quite strong in the ninth level, I am afraid that it is not common to ordinary people. Enemies, he may have mastered the Nightmare Meditation and has reached the peak. Maybe, I should take a shot."

"Dorai and us have officially started a war. If we don't respond quickly, then our family is majestic. I suggest excluding three ninth-level shots. The patriarch doesn't need to shoot, the three of us can."

"A Dorai is worth the three of us shooting, which is an exaggeration."

"The problem now is that if the three of us go out together, I'm afraid other empires will not agree."

"Then go quietly."

The meeting quickly decided ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from three 9th-level shots, quietly entered the Dark Empire, and killed Dorai, and the other two 9th-levels went to the northwest of the Glory Empire to kill Dorai's body.

Since it has already been matched, then do not do it again and again.

A little wizard, who dares to oppose the wizard family of the Majestic Continent, is simply not knowing whether to live or die.

What everyone discussed was that it was not only the Witch God family who shot Albis Mountain, but also the Alexander family. At this time, should we unite with the Alexander family to fight back against Dorai.

Dorai took action against the voodoo organization, rather than directly against the Wushen family. Obviously, he did not want the situation to expand. They could just use this time to unite.

While flying, Dorai looked around. There were no people from the Dark Empire, but he could feel that his fate line was slowly fluctuating.

This is an infrequent thing. His fate line has always been stable, and now it fluctuates, indicating that someone wants to do something to him, preparing to deal with him secretly or openly.

The reason why he dealt directly with the voodoo organization was because they had dealt with him directly, and it was reasonable for him to deal with them. If the Witch God family suddenly jumped out to deal with him, then he would have reason to deal with the Witch God family.

However, the Witch God family should not face him, but they will not give up the voodoo organization easily. It is very likely that they will join forces with the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness to deal with themselves.

To deal with one or two level 9s, Dorai is still confident, but to deal with a lot of level 9s, I am afraid it will have to be weighed.

After the ninth level, I came into contact with a lot of rules. Who knows what weird rules I have come into contact with that can cause harm to myself.

After the ninth level, it has nothing to do with talent. The power of strength depends entirely on the rules of heaven and earth that can be felt, which has something to do with luck.

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