Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1215: killed

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The Dawning Organization died so many times, and in the end it only caused some waves, and then disappeared and disappeared.

Although it didn't cause any waves, the surrounding hostile forces all knew that the number of members of the Dawning Organization died, and it seemed that something had happened, and the scope of the Dawning Organization's activities had been compressed a little bit.

And some news has been leaked, the world seems to have an inexplicable horror, disappearing without a trace, killing it without a trace, even the servant of the **** of power can't do anything, the news first, the surrounding forces are in an uproar.

But only the scope of the spread did not cause worldwide panic.

This Dorai condensed the power of his body into one, and constructed the first law of his own based on the ninth level of each invasion.

Law of Gravity.

Law of Gravity 1, Dorai felt that his spiritual power seemed to be integrated into the ground. Mastering the law of gravity was equivalent to getting closer to the world again, and his spiritual power was more than doubled, as if he was closer to the world, more natural, and more Harmonious, more harmonious.

The degree of power control is higher, the power concentration is higher, and within the law, you can even freely control anything you want to control.

Walk slowly to the hidden place and fly into the air.

Second, flying with the law, cancelling all of its own gravity, and relying on any force to levitate in the air, the feeling is very wonderful.

Manipulate the power, fly through the air, and feel your mobility increased.

At the same time, Dole of Alpha World raised his hand, and the whole tower of Babel floated into the air without releasing any power.

At the same time, after the law of gravity is condensed, the whole world changes silently again.

When the Law of the Heretic God was condensed, Dorai knew that the world had quietly changed once, but since then, the Law of the Heretic God had been dissipated, so the increase in the power of the Heretic God only increased a small amount of muscle, and could vaguely feel that the world had become slightly chaotic.

But after the law of gravity condenses, I feel that the power limit of the whole world has slowly changed, it seems to be raised a bit, the whole world is slowly undergoing some kind of strengthening, the force in the front direction is rapidly increasing, the law of gravity Several rules within the rapid growth.

Dole thought.

The world is about to change.

He radiated his own power to the cosmic starry sky, and soon, he felt that his power could radiate more than 10,000 kilometers.


After mastering the law?

Duo Lai suddenly closed his eyes, infiltrated his will into the space search formation, and with tyrannical mental power, condensed the space pass, and quickly swept out of the Alpha world.

I feel that the speed of my condensation is faster, and the speed outside is also increased.

The rules of the void, or the rules, or the characteristics of the void are only one, it is nothingness, without the protection of the space barrier, any survival, even mental power, will be turned into nothingness by the characteristics of the void, and it will dissipate into nothingness. ..

After Dorai manipulated the Void Pass and felt more at ease, he felt that he was trying to survive outside with mental power.

Just like God.

When you think about it, do it.

Take back the Void Pass, the closest distance to the world, release the space barrier that you comprehend, and then remove the Void Space Pass.

Standing in the void, although there was only one spiritual body, when the void pass was withdrawn, Dorai felt suffocated.

Although separated by a layer of void barrier, Dorai still felt that he was strangled by fate, and his heart was filled with the idea of ​​fear of death. For a moment, he seemed to feel that he was about to die.

The space barrier is combined with the void, and I feel that part of my spiritual body, the trembling of the will of the void, can be destroyed at any time.

But well, although the void barrier is a little swaying, it still holds up.

There was nothing in it, no matter, no energy, and Dorai felt isolated from the world, as if he was alone in the void.

Looking at your feet and seeing the light spots in the world of Alpha, you feel that the world is an extremely auspicious force that can enrich your spiritual body, as if you can only live by standing in the world? Leaving the world, a spiritual body is nothing!

The temptation of the world to life?

Dole felt the consumption of a space barrier and found that his magic power was consumed very quickly.

When I thought about it, my heart moved, and a frozen throne was released.

Once the Frozen Throne is released, it immediately emits strong spatial fluctuations and firmly surrounds Dorai. At the same time, the power guardian of the Frozen Throne is surrounded by the void, and Dorai's mental body feels a little safer, so fearful , the fear of the void is reduced.

Is it the role of the Void Artifact? Dole felt something new.

The overall ice shape of the Frozen Throne, Dorai slowly sat on the Frozen Throne, carefully sensed everything about the Frozen Throne, and felt that the Frozen Throne was indeed traveling through the void.

But the power consumption seems to be some!

It takes more energy than maintaining the Void Barrier by yourself.

Duolai was a little puzzled, looked at himself, and looked at the Frozen Throne.

"The bigger the volume, the more energy it consumes?"

After thinking about it, I reduced the size of the Frozen Throne.

But the energy consumption has not changed.

Dole's heart moved, seeing that there are still problems with the design of the Frozen Throne, and with support for space, what will happen after the Tower of Babel?

Just waiting, I felt an extremely strong sense of crisis coming from a distance, raised my head and looked into the distance, my eyes narrowed.

As soon as he continued his swift and violent will from afar, he rushed directly towards Duo Lai. That will was extremely sacred and incomparably strong. If Duo Lai's spiritual body was Haoyue, then the opponent's will would be yang.

For a moment, Dorai felt the endless light, sealed his frozen throne, and completely shrouded his will.


Dorai, who was still flying in the air, felt a pain in his brain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ closed his eyes and rubbed his brows. The loss of his mental body caused some damage.

His eyes looked beyond the void, where it seemed as if a bright light suddenly disappeared.

With the power of the God of Light, Dorai felt a little depressed. Why did the power of the God of Light run in here again? Killing his own spiritual body, he really had nothing to do.

Then silence.

You can still feel fear when you are empty, and the other party is free when you are empty. That's the difference.

The still trembling void should be groping, and the other party is already empty as vertical and horizontal, simply.

God **** light.

Dole took a vengeance.

The loss of a spiritual body is nothing, even the loss of the frozen throne, but it is very cool for Dorai to be killed by the opponent for no reason.

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