Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 215: Dragon blood, fast advancement

   Barr fell from the sky and slowly landed on the ground.

   Duo Lai poked his head out of the tent and glanced at Barr, who had returned to his normal shape. You look at me, one person and one dog, and I look at you.

   "Why did you find such a broken place, if a stone falls, wouldn't it be you want to kill you." Barr walked over and said angrily.

   Duola twitched the corners of his mouth, "This is all good, I cared for my life last night, and it doesn't matter where it is."

   Barr was a little puzzled, and blinked, "Escape, this place doesn't seem to be..., Huh, there is a powerful ghost?" Barr's gaze swept across the mountains, and he felt a little interesting.

   "Yes, there are a few idiot adventurers who don't know why they alarmed the ghost and almost killed me." Dolay opened the tent and said, "Come in, I don't know when the rain will stop. It's really annoying."

   Barr shrank his body into a normal appearance, got in from the tent, and lay down comfortably on the position of Dolai's head.

   Entering the tent, he glanced at Duo Lai and said, "This place is good for cultivation. In the past few days, your strength has improved a lot."

   Duolai closed the tent door, nodded, and said, "This place gathers yin energy, which is good for mental power, but I feel that the effect is slowing down."

   "Normal, under normal circumstances, after five days, when your mental power adapts to the world around you, it will slowly decrease." Barr affirmed.

   Duola looked at Baal, and said to his heart, this guy knows so much.

   "How many dragons did you rob?"

"Two, one green dragon, one red dragon, the taste is okay." Baal smashed his mouth a few times, and spit out two huge round magic cores, and a huge barrel with a thick smell inside. The smell of blood came out, and the entire tent was instantly covered.

   Seeing the contents in the bucket, Duolai's mouth twitched. It was dragon blood.

"This is the blood of the red dragon, which has a great effect on your fire elemental thoughts and physical cultivation. Drink it, don't worry, even if it pollutes your bloodline, you can get rid of it when you become stronger in the future." Barman He lowered his head inadvertently, rested on his paws, closed his eyes, and prepared to rest.

   Duolai clutched his nose and glanced at the red dragon blood, feeling a little repulsive and a little excited. This is the blood of the red dragon. The dragon blood potions made from the blood of the red dragon in pharmacy can increase a certain amount of fire resistance, enhance the qualifications of the fire element, and improve their own abilities in all aspects, which is of great value. The blood is sold at a sky-high price.

   I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that, Lord Barr, you were like this. You didn't even leave any scales after you ate it last time. This time you actually left a bucket of blood. It's not bad, and there is progress.

   He resisted the nausea, stretched out his finger and dipped it in the bucket, and suddenly felt the burning pain of his finger. Dragon blood is highly corrosive and can cause great damage to the flesh.

   He stretched out his hand and shook his head when he saw the misery of his fingers.

Faint vindictive energy gushes out from the body, and quickly gathers on the fingers, stimulating the recovery of flesh and blood, and at the same time, absorbing the power of dragon blood in the fingers. Not long after, he feels that the vindictive energy has become thicker, and at the same time it has a warm corrosive Among them, although it is very weak, it has a certain effect.

   Thinking of this, he took out a beaker, scooped a bottle in the vat, then covered his nose and poured it directly into his mouth.


   It was as if a flame ran across his throat, and a sharp pain instantly rushed to the Tianling Gai from his heart.


   The pain was severe, it was like taking a sip of lava, every inch of it seemed to be burnt from the mouth, teeth, throat, and stomach.

   At the same time, an invisible energy was released from the blood, rushing to various parts of his body, and other places began to hurt.

   Duolai's mind was instantly surrounded by pain, and the pain continued to impact his consciousness, wave after wave.

   He is critical of his teeth, trying to maintain the last bit of consciousness.

Barr sat next to him, glanced at Duo Lai with a distorted face, and shook his head slightly. The human body is really fragile. This little strength is not enough to tickle him. At most, it is like peppers and flavorings when eating. That's it, but it's the same as intestinal poison for Dolai.

   He released a little bit of strength to help him sort out.

   I don't know how long it has passed. When the sky dimmed slightly, the sweat on Dolay's forehead finally went down, and his skin turned red, as if he was cooked.

   At this time, he regained consciousness, panting.

   Seeing the barrel in front of him, Duola was a little scared, but still gritted his teeth, scooped a bottle again, and drank.

   There was another sharp pain, but it was much smaller than the previous time, and the body gradually adapted, greedily absorbing various substances in the blood.

   Dragon blood contains huge energy and rich nutrients. Drinking blood is like eating, and there is no need to be afraid of starving to death.

   With the infusion of dragon blood into his body, his body strength is constantly increasing, the weak vindictive energy becomes stronger, and the son of the element begins to rise rapidly.

   is almost an all-round improvement of his strength.

   This heavy rain lasted three days and three nights. The small stream in the valley turned into a flood, roaring and rushing down the mountain, the sound of rumbling was endless.

At this time, Duo Lai's height soared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost to about two meters, the aura on his body was more than twice as big as before, but the skin has returned to its previous appearance, on the ground, A layer of brown was dropped.

   He opened his eyes and clenched his fist, feeling the power in his flesh.

   In addition, the Son of the Elements also broke through three meters outright.

The large body of the elemental child does not mean that it is just getting bigger. In addition to the greater magic power, the temperature of the core is higher, and some wonderful changes contained in the fire element are also constantly growing. It is the fire element that is endowed between the heaven and the earth. The power of the law.

   When Dolai felt these, he slowly relaxed his mind and realized the power of the fire element itself.

   Master Barr is really a surprise, it's just a bucket of red dragon's blood that can actually improve him so much, this time he can go back and do what he wants with confidence and boldness.

   He's level three.

   Duola was a little excited, feeling the power in his body, he felt that he finally had some power to protect himself.

   This is real, real power.

   The water waves in the valley are still roaring.

   He lowered his head, glanced at the barrel, and burped.

   The blood in the barrel was drunk seven or eight, and there was still a little bit left. He was going to take it back for experimentation, and the blood had no effect on him, and his physical body had already risen.

He is now able to release the fireball technique without too much mental power, and his fire affinity increases linearly. He can feel the active fire elements in the surrounding world even without mental power. If you hook your fingers a little, those fire elements are just fine. Will jump and rush towards himself.


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