Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 219: Secret enemy

   Around the locust tree, there were many shadows on the ground at no time. These shadows suddenly appeared, and then took root under everyone's feet.

   Everyone is motionless, watching the shadows from the ground, wrapping their bodies, and then...

   After a short while, a wind blew through the air, and everyone's body suddenly turned into dust and disappeared, leaving only some clothes and armor.

   Hundreds of meters away, Duo Lai was hiding behind the rock, watching all this in shock. Damn, it was the guy last night. It seemed that he had to wait a while before he stopped.

   Lightning strikes the wood, he is bound to win, really can't, can only ask Lord Barr to take action to kill this ghost.

   But as long as he can get a little lightning strike, it doesn't matter if you ask Lord Barr.

  Yin ghost can manipulate various negative energies, but the main body does not dare to appear directly in the sun. As long as he falls asleep, Dolai can approach him, chop a piece of wood and go back.

   Lightning strike wood, no matter how old it is, is many times stronger in nature than the thousand-year locust tree core.

   As time passed, the sun was shining, the energy of yin energy was recovered, and the top of the mountain quickly returned to its previous warm scene.

   The mountain breeze has blown, and it doesn't have the biting meaning before.

   Duola looked around.

The top of the mountain is so big and there are so many places to hide. Just now, the ghosts went crazy, and the people around had already escaped. He saw that several familiar teams had already fled down the mountain in despair at this time, and went to other places. What kind of warm jade is there to find?

   He now discovered that Nuanyu’s news should be deceiving. In the past few days, there have been several murders in the mountains, and it should be the person who was fished.

   About half an hour later, the temperature on the mountain warmed up, and the ghost fell completely silent.

   Seeing this, Duo Lai condensed all his breath and walked out from behind the stone. This time, he didn't even release a little spiritual power. He even opened all the hidden equipment on his body to ensure that no trace of magic power was revealed.

   He carried the sword and came to the locust tree.

   has just observed it, he needs a little branch with a locust tree core, and now he just looks at it again.

   Observe carefully, for fear that it will startle the ghost, Duolai walks very slowly.

   Not long after, he saw another thick branch with a tree heart inside. After thinking about it, he bit his sword in his mouth and slowly climbed up the tree.

   As long as there is no energy fluctuation, there will be no Yin Qi Yin Gui's attention.

After repeated lightning strikes, the big locust tree was covered with charred bark and various new buds. Although there were still some old branches, there were not many. What Duolai saw was one of the thicker ones. Branches.

   crawled over slowly and came to the front of the old tree branch. Dolai looked at the scorched tree hole, feeling a little hairy.

   The branch must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the ghost will come out again, and he can only summon Lord Baal.

   Thinking of this, he stood in front of the branch, raised his sword, placed it on the locust tree, and tried his position and strength.

   He raised the sword fiercely, and then used the power of his whole body to chop it down.


After eating dragon blood, his power has far surpassed ordinary first-level extraordinary warriors, and even comparable to the second-level Zhao Fan warriors. Without fighting spirit, this sword of pure flesh has almost three to four hundred kilograms of power. But it didn't cut off the branches.

   Duolai was a little dazed at the time, he hurriedly raised his hand again, followed the position just now, and chopped it down again.

   After several consecutive swords slashed at the same position, the sweat on Dolay's forehead was flowing out, and he was afraid of alarming the ghost in the tree.


   The sword in his hand was empty, and the branches broke off and fell to the ground.

   At this time, some subtle yin in the tree began to condense.

   Duola had no time to wipe his sweat, jumped up from the tree, jumped to the ground, and then ran down the mountain, dragging the branches.

   As he ran, he looked at the wood texture of the cut branches, and he sighed in relief.

   does have a tree heart, the brown tree heart seems to exude a strange and fine purple light, making him almost unable to open his eyes.

  His speed was very fast, and he quickly escaped and disappeared in the mountains.


  Barr was standing on the other side of the mountain, standing on a rock, and seeing Dolai's unpromising appearance, the corners of his mouth twitched.

   This guy is really a pity.

   Seeing that Duolai succeeded, he moved gently, seeming to have only crossed two or three steps, but he had come to Duolai's back.

   Duola ran out for several kilometers in one breath, and came to the dark valley. Only then did he stop, panting heavily, and slumped on the ground.

   is too exciting.

   glanced at the locust tree branch on his shoulder, Dolay's eyes shone. After breathing well, he took out his sword and chopped off all the extra branches on the branches, leaving only a bare stick.

   While stroking the stick, he probed mentally, and his psychological joy blossomed.

   Lightning strikes Huai.

The locust tree core has a particularly good spiritual affinity, which has the power of self-generating yin attributes, but there is a thunder in the heart of the tree struck by lightning. It belongs to the thunder in the sky and the earth. In the future, when he specializes in the son of the storm, this The thunder will have a huge effect, increasing the thunder and lightning, let him understand the true meaning of thunder and lightning is not a problem.

   This is left by the sky thunder. It is born with a touch of majesty. It can increase almost any lightning spell and increase its power.

Barr walked out from behind Dolay, came to him, looked at the core of the locust tree, nodded slightly, and said, "This material is good. Although the year of the locust tree branch is a bit lower, it also has four to five hundred years. The intention perfectly makes up for the others. If this is done, the grade should be at least Beyond the fifth level."

   Dolai nodded excitedly. He touched the branch while sighing, "This time it's not in vain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He stroked the branch as if he was touching his lover.

   At this moment, Barr turned his head, glanced at the mountain, and smiled faintly, "Duolai, don't you be too addicted, haven't you noticed? You are already surrounded."

   Duolah heard this, suddenly raised his head and looked at the mountain.

   Just now, in order to prevent the ghost from discovering, he condensed all his breath in his body, and did not observe the surroundings at all, let alone observe with mental power.

   Barr said so, he immediately released his mental power and felt the murderous intent hidden in the dark.

   Murderous intent was everywhere on the mountain. He ran down all the way, and only rested for less than two minutes. The other party actually surrounded him?

   Is this the wave of people who secretly walked the news?

   glanced at the gloomy forest, Dolai stood up expressionlessly, and began to use his sword to clean the bark on the heart of the tree and the excess white trunk. He only needed to leave the brown heart.

   In the shadows, the crisis is getting closer and closer.

   At this moment, in Duolai's mental force field, from different directions, four very fast sharp arrows shot out from the shadow, directly at his position, and the sharp arrows almost blocked all his angles.

   Duolai calmly stepped forward gently, like an unknown prophet, dodge the arrow, freehandedly, he kept cutting the stick in his hand.

  In the mountains and forests, those people had exposed themselves, and suddenly a rain of arrows came.

   Duo Lai opened the mental force field, covering more than 100 meters around, perfectly capturing the flight trajectory of the arrow. Archers are the natural enemies of magicians. They hide in the dark. It is difficult for a magician to carry a round of archer shooting, especially for high-level archers. The arrows shot can even bend or explode in mid-air. It's hard to guard against.


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