Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 229: negotiation

   These two people are Superintendent Lu Ming and Eliot Level 3 Pharmacists. They were formerly in the Potions Hall, and they were humble, polite and polite at this time.

   Duola looked at the two of them suspiciously. He didn't pay much attention to Lu Ming very early, and there was no intersection between the two Eliot.

   Lu Ming was a little embarrassed. He gave a slight bow and used the manners of inferior to superior, and said, "Master Duo Lai, how offended before."

   Duola was a little confused.

  At this time, Elliott smiled, "Hall Lord Dolay, Dean Allenger would you like to ask?"

   Duola was puzzled, "When did I become the lord of the palace, isn't it Nicholas?"

Elliott smiled happily and said, "A few days ago, the hospital had a meeting and removed one of the positions of Vice President Nicholas who was also the master of the Palace of Pharmacy. Now there is no master of the Palace of Potions, but most likely Sex is you, level four pharmacist, and you are promoted to level three. Whether it is from the strength of potions or the strength of wizards, you are well-deserved, not to mention that there is absolutely nothing in the potion hall of your ability to teach. People don’t agree. After you have opened a Level 4 course, I will also sign up for it later."

   Duola suddenly got up. It seems that Lamb still listened to his suggestion and reflected the situation to the above. If he goes to teach level 4 courses, then his power will be greatly expanded in the future.

   This is a good thing.

   He thought for a while, bowed to the two of them, and said, "Thank you, I have been busy with the magic model these days. I closed the room and didn't hear the news. Let the two of you wait for a long time, and I will pass."

   Lu Ming saw that Duo Lai didn't mean to blame him, he sighed with relief, "Please as soon as possible, Dean Allenger has been waiting for a long time."

   Duola nodded, closed the door slowly, and then walked slowly outside.

   Behind him, Lu Ming and Eliot looked enviously at his young back.

   Along the way, there was no one in the Potions Hall, and Dulai quickly came to the door.

   There are a lot of people outside, most of them are elemental wizards and warriors who come to buy medicine.

   Duolai had just appeared, and the noisy voices around him suddenly quieted down, and everyone was looking at this young, outrageous face.

   A sixteen-year-old third-level wizard, with his accomplishments in wizardry, Duo Lai's talent is already comparable to that of Willie and Xia and other geniuses, even more than a few points.


   Looking at Duolai, everyone fell silent, relatively speechless.

   Duola looked at the students around him, without squinting, walked slowly outside, and quickly left everyone's sight.

   Under the Magic Tower of Allengar, Dolai stood still, raised his head and glanced at the magic tower with more than ten stories, slightly envious.

   A wizard who owns a magic tower is a real wizard. If he has a magic tower of his own, he would stay in the academy and he would have long established himself.

   Thinking of this, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Level 5 potion can be made, the day will come very quickly.

   raise his foot and enter the wizard tower.

   top floor.

   Allenger turned his back to him, standing at the window, looking outside in silence.

   Duola walked into the room, feeling a little depressed here, this is the territory of a fifth-level wizard.

   "I have met the dean."

   Allenger turned his head at this time, looked at Duo Lai, and lightly swept the other side with mental energy, shocked in his heart.

   The magic power on the opponent's body is very pure, pure fire magic power, and it is indeed level three. The most important thing is that there is a hint of red dragon in his magic power?

   He has personally faced a real red dragon, and he has also seen specimens, blood, bones, and scales of red dragons.

   If he drank red dragon blood and the amount was not low, he could indeed achieve this kind of rapid promotion effect.

   But that is the blood of the red dragon, even the top family, I am afraid they have this courage, forcibly raise one's height.

   He has some doubts, who gave it to him, and what unknown forces are behind him?

   He blinked his eyes quickly, and then said with a slight smile, "Have you heard about the Lord of the Potions Palace?"

   As soon as Dolay came in, he saw Allengar's expression in full view.

   He sighed slightly, standing in front of him was a fifth-level wizard, a fifth-level human wizard, the most powerful human being he had ever seen.

   There were so many people last time, I didn't feel anything, but now I stand alone in front of the fifth-level wizard, and I am still quite stressed.

   Hearing this, he thought for a while, lowered his head slightly, pretending to be thoughtful, and said, "Dean Allengar, I have no intention of entering the management."

   Allenger was a little surprised, he thought Dolay would be ecstatic.

   This further confirms the idea of ​​someone behind this guy in my heart,

   He smiled faintly, and said, "What if you are the master of the Potions Palace?"

   Duola raised his head and shrugged, "If you give me a hard fortress, I can try one or two."

Allenger had expected this a long time ago, so the smile on his face was even brighter, "Then I wish you a happy job. In addition, if you are promoted to a fifth-level pharmacist, please go to the Pharmacist Guild for certification as soon as possible, and I will greet you. "

   Duo Lai frowned, "Why is it so urgent? It hasn't been Chinese New Year, and it's not the next semester?"

   Allengar frowned and said, "The Dark Portal has received news of your promotion to level three. Recently, we have spared no effort to poach our students away. I need your reputation to help the Academy save a bit of face."

   Dolay raised his brow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So that's it, he said, "What about the reward?"

   "According to the vice-president's level, it will be given to you. In addition, as the master of the potion hall, you can use all the formulas of the potion hall for free." Allenger offered his most outrageous terms.

   The five-level potion formula is not low in value. This is the most expensive thing accumulated in the Academy's Potions Palace for so many years.

   Duola nodded, this condition seems to be good, but it is still too low.

   "I want a five-level alchemy platform, funded by the academy."

   Allengar raised his brows, "When the deal is made, I will personally make a better one for you." He went on, "What about the fourth-level course?"

   Duo Lai also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. It seems that the academy has reached an extraordinary period. "After I reach the fifth level, I will apply for the start of the course. I hope that Vice Dean Williams can pass it as soon as possible."

   Allenger nodded.

   Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at this time. There were not too many twists and turns in the process, and it was almost smooth sailing. Both of them achieved their goals.

   Allenger sat on his seat, stretched out his hand for a moment, and a burst of mental energy flashed away.

   From the side, a wooden man opened the door and walked out from the side. It has a tray in its hand, and some fruits and drinks are placed in the tray.

   The corners of Duolai's mouth twitched a bit. Isn't it true that he can't get a good meal?

   "Please sit down. Some time ago, a caravan from the Eternal Forest passed through the city of Words and brought some of the specialties inside. I bought some specially."

   The wooden man came to the front of the table, put the things down, and flexibly put them on different dishes.

   Duola looked at the wooden man and felt a little surprised. This is an alchemy puppet. To be honest, he has never seen such a high-end thing.


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