Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 234: Hazard-oriented

   O'Neill nodded, observing the magic circle has always been his management, he has seen all this with his own eyes.

   Gustav shook his head and said, "It's just a test, it's not a big deal."

   Daniel did not speak. Duola nodded and said, "Well, I agree." At this point, he released his mental power. In less than three seconds, a light breath supported him to float.

  The witchcraft is completed.

   Seeing this, everyone felt a little surprised, and the speed at which Dolay released the witchcraft was a bit exaggerated.

   Flying is a relatively complicated witchcraft among the third-level witchcraft. Duo Lai has just entered the third-level witchcraft and can easily release it. This speed is quite exaggerated.

   Gustav spread his hands, "Congratulations, Dorai."

   Byron also said, "Congratulations."

   O'Neal and Daniel were solemnly at the same time.

   Duolai slowly fell to the ground.


   changed the brand, and Duo Lai officially became a third-level official wizard of the Glory Wizard League.

After everyone’s courtesy, Gustav and Byron left the room one after another, and the others left one after another. They just witnessed it, and didn’t want to make a relationship. The current Dolay has just entered the third level and has not yet arrived. They are this height. Soon there were only four people left in the room.

O'Neill sincerely admires Duo Lai’s promotion speed, which is comparable to the real genius of the Empire, but Daniel lamented that Duo Lai would not have to be so afraid of the oppression of various forces from now on. As a third-level wizard, his destructive power is still very powerful. Yes, whether it is the Tracy family or the Cecil family, they will not embarrass him head-on in the future, unless they want to fight the third-level wizard head-on.

   Of course, Duo Lai wouldn't have anything to do with them. After all, these two families also have third-level wizards.

   High-level power pays attention to checks and balances of power, rather than breaking the net.

"Our Glory Wizard Alliance is an imperial organization, and it is not closely related to the local nobles. Our presidents and vice presidents are all transferred from outside, so don't worry about Duolai." O'Neill smiled at this time. , "Since you are promoted to the third level, do you want to have a banquet?"

   Duolai was slightly taken aback.

   The banquet is exclusively for the nobles. He has read relevant records in many books. The biggest function of the banquet is to connect. It is reflected in the banquet incisively and vividly, whether it is mentally or physically.

   He was very disgusted with this kind of thing, so he shook his head and said, "I'm just an ordinary wizard, and I don't want to do anything, so let's forget it."

   The two Neils looked at each other, looking regretful.

  Daniel thought for a while, and said, "You don't need to open it, but I will inform you about this news. Congratulations on your promotion to the third level. In addition, as a member of the alliance, you have the right to choose a third-level spell model."

   Duolai thought, there is also this advantage, but the three-level spell model is very expensive? So he nodded. He heard the voice of a familiar voice at this time, and realized that Lamb didn't know when he had come. He was in a daze. As the deputy dean, he should have come here, and he was also his witness.

Lamb was just behind the crowd. At this time, he stood up, smiled and looked at Dolay, and said, "I think you already have flying skills, and there are other fire spell models. Would you like to choose a special spell model? "

   Now it's the turn of Daniel and O'Neal for an accident. Dolay has a model of spells himself?

   Facing Lamb, Duola felt a little guilty. He came over by himself without calling him. At this time, he felt a little sorry for this one. Hearing this, he frowned and said, "What is a special spell model?"

   Lamb hadn't spoken yet, O'Neill looked at Dolay, and interjected, "It is the magic model of unconventional elemental witchcraft. The standard includes spirit, prophecy, curse, blessing, etc."

   At this time, he flipped his wrist and came up with a thick and simple book.

   Duola suddenly realized, "I have read relevant records, and I understand the classification of witchcraft. Except for the elemental type, isn't it difficult to practice others?"

Lamb nodded and said, "It is difficult to practice, so the power is great. For example, the dangerous contact of the prophecy system can detect the crisis in the next three or four days. It is very useful for the outing wizards, such as curses. Curse tracking is the best tracking witchcraft."

   O'Neill nodded.

   At this time, President Daniel groaned and said, "Of course, you can also choose orthodox elemental witchcraft that you don't know."

   Duola was silent for a while, and said solemnly, "I want to see the names of these witchcraft." He doesn't need orthodox elemental witchcraft, and he doesn't have too many in his hand.

   O'Neill nodded.

"Let you see these things, not to increase your combat effectiveness, but to be afraid of being targeted by dark wizards. A third-level wizard like you is the easiest object to be targeted by them." Daniel said at this time, "Glory In the empire, dark wizards have been gathering recently, especially recently."

   Duola was taken aback, but he didn't know the situation.

   At this time, he took over the magic book in O'Neill's hand, and his spiritual power penetrated layer by layer.

   This book is just a title and introduction, not a model of spells.

   Prophecy, spirit, curse, blessing, all witchcraft are in it, and the strengths and weaknesses can be seen at a glance.

   What he needs is stability, a pure and safe environment, and it doesn't look like he is going to compete with anyone. Therefore, prophetic witchcraft is the best for him, but prophetic witchcraft is also the most difficult to learn.

   After a long time, Duo Lai raised his head and said, "If I can, I choose danger to lead this witchcraft."


   All three were taken aback at the same time. The essence of this witchcraft is through causality, to sense the danger that is harmful to oneself in advance, and to detect the source of the danger. It is a very complex and very magical witchcraft, and very few people practice it~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But the effect after training is also very obvious, no matter who is dealing with him, he will be perceived, and many methods can be arranged.

   This guy, really, really has a strong sense of crisis.

   O'Neal glanced at Daniel, and Daniel nodded, and acted casually.

   Duola felt the magic flow in the magic tower at this time, and then saw that a piece of paper suddenly appeared in front of him.

   He was surprised that there was a teleportation magic circle in the magic tower, which was amazing.

  Daniel handed the paper to Dolai, and smiled, "This witchcraft is quite difficult to practice, and it is almost impossible to practice. This time it is our magic tower taking advantage."

   Duolai shrugged and said, "It's just a try. It doesn't matter if you practice or not. Oh, by the way, I want to inquire about one thing, how is the Sand Scorpion Adventure Group?"

   The Sand Scorpion Adventure Group has not suspected that it will come to him, but in the future, as long as the magic wand is taken out, it is very likely to become the enemy of the Sand Scorpion Adventure Group.

   Despite his disguise, as long as he is suspected, he has left too many clues.

   Duolai's words shifted too much, making Daniel and O'Neal a little uncomfortable.

Daniel thought for a while and said, "Although I don't know why you are paying attention to this matter, but I want to say, if you offend this adventure group, you have to be careful, they are probably behind the dark wizard. Sand Scorpion Adventure group these few In 2017, it was an ordinary adventure group that had done a lot of big cases in private. It has recently been uncovered. We have sent people from the court to investigate, but so far there is no information."

   Duola's mouth twitched, "I am concerned because they are exposed because of my relationship."


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