Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 238: The meat of the master is the best

   Thinking of this, he stood up, walked outside, and soon arranged all the tasks.

   There are two main materials for Level 5 mental power potions, but they are not easy to collect. He needs to do his best to collect these things, not a little sloppy.

   In addition, he has to seek the help of the Northwest Rose Chamber of Commerce, a fifth-level pharmacist, but not everyone can live in it.

   It took a full ten days of work. They transported the first batch of medicinal materials to Allengar College. The mercenaries escorted were even up to level 4.


The action of the Rose Chamber of Commerce caused a little disturbance in the entire chamber of commerce, collecting the raw materials of Level 5 spiritual potions on a large scale, and if Dolay releases it, all the Chambers of Commerce in Words City will know that Dolay’s output Except for their own use, everything was given to them, and for a while, the Words City Chamber of Commerce circled turbulently.

   In a well-protected underground passage, there is a well-sealed stone chamber. Two men in black are sitting opposite. Around them, several men in black are standing straight.

   "Then Duolai didn't know what was guarding it. We sent out many killers in a row, but failed. If we continue like this, we will be ruined for a few more times." A voice of dissatisfaction came out.

   The man in black showed only one pair of eyes. At this moment, he closed his eyes, full of doubts in his head.

   The most powerful thing in Allengar Academy is Allengar. As long as he doesn't make a move, a small pharmacist will not be able to catch it, there must be a problem.

   "We have all his information. Now the strange thing is here. This person can't be arrested at all. What is going on?"

   "You ask me, I'm going to ask who, it really doesn't work, let the shadow stab test it, with his ability, if it doesn't work, then you really have to give up."

   "Is it a waste to let the shadow stab go out?"

   "Shadow Stabbing is the silver medal killer of the Killer Guild. It is his honor to be able to serve us. Now it is the time to use him. As mentioned above, the fifth-level pharmacist, for the last time, if it doesn't work, give up."

   The man in black nodded. Recently, the organization has indeed lost too much, and it has already outweighed the gains.

   "Also, on the side of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, don't make them feel better, the third princes have already noticed here."

   The man in black nodded, "Understood."


   Duo Lai naturally didn't know that after he was promoted to the fifth-level pharmacist, there would be many forces behind him to operate his own affairs. For him, as long as the three major families remained unchanged, it was not a big deal.

   What he is most afraid of right now is that the three major families force him to express his position and approach a certain power. That is the real big thing.

   But so far, neither the Morris family, the Words family, or the Tracy family have shown too much ambition for him.

   This may be that they acquiesce in their identity as free men. No one wants to do it, no one intervenes.

   Soon time passed, and time came to spring.

   Around the New Year, Allengar College had a big move.

   First of all, the college announced in a high-profile manner that a four-level pharmacist course was established, and a wide range of students were recruited, and the price was one-quarter lower than other colleges. The scope of recruiting students is the entire range of Watts County, and even the entire northern provinces.

After discussing with Dole, Allengar College did its utmost to the enrollment process of this course, and even did its utmost to fight against the equally powerful Darkgate College. It is said that in the process of propaganda, it is only the battle that occurs. No less than twenty times, the two families fought in secret, and formally came to the fight on the bright side.

  The Dark Portal Academy also has a Level 4 Pharmacy course, which has attracted many Level 3 pharmacist students, which is why Words City cannot compete with them. But when Dolay prepares to give a lecture, the status of Potions in the city of Words will change.

   This was all brought by him alone, so Allengar personally appeared and sat in town to **** Duolai.

   Duolai sat steadily in the Potions Hall, feeling what he was like in the real sense.

  Deputy Dean Lamb is naturally doing his best, doing his best, and doing his best. Many Level 3 students brought out by Duo Lai also help propagandize, and they themselves are a living example.

   In addition, the Pharmacist Guild also made some appropriate comments in support of Allenger College.

   Therefore, before the Chinese New Year, the whole Words City feels turbulent, and Allengar College alone has been investigating from many aspects, and many strange faces have come.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with Duolai, unless they can enter the potion temple, they can pose a part of threat to him.

   At this time, his second lethal three-level witchcraft has been successfully constructed.

   Scorching rays.

Scorching rays and fireball explosions are completely different. He concentrates all the energy to one point and uses the penetration and burning effect of the flame to attack. The thinner the rays, the higher the damage, and the higher the temperature, the higher the damage. Often used for tackling tough problems.

   This witchcraft is relatively simple, and the spell model is relatively fixed, so it is not so difficult to master.

   The second witchcraft he plans to construct is the Fire Snake Art, which condenses the flames into a fiery snake and can be manipulated freely to be considered a success.

The strategic significance of Fire Snake is that after being released, it can be used as an independent individual~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It consumes very little when not attacking, and can be used as a long-range auxiliary method. Of course, it can also burst when attacking. Attacking outside the range of mental power can be said to be quite practical.

He has already built half of the Fire Snake Art. After all, this countless spell node is even more complicated than the flying art, and it is more changeable. Duola even feels that this is building a small life, this is not even witchcraft .

   In a blink of an eye, I came to the Glory Empire for three years, and this year is 17 years old.

   As for pharmacy formulas, he has only learned three of them, strength potions, agility potions, and mental power potions. After level five, the difficulty of obtaining materials is one aspect. The tolerance rate of the medicine has increased again, and the difficulty of purifying the liquid medicine has increased again, almost to a very demanding point.

   In the room, Dolai put down the mental potion in his hand. Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. He put down the potion and prepared to rest for a few days.

   At this moment, he lowered his head, and a sense of crisis emerged unnaturally in his heart.

   For the New Year, the college had already closed ten days ago. In addition to the local wizards, there are still a large number of students from other places in the building, the number is about 30.

   Duo Lai just noticed that Baal, who was sleeping next to the balcony, also raised his head. He saw Duo Lai's movements and looked outside, and his dog's eyes became extremely black.

   "Interesting, this person can be so close to be able to be perceived by me, this is a master among you humans."

   Barr slowly got up, his eyes showed a trace of cruelty, and the corners of his mouth flowed out of his mouth, "The meat of the master is the best, I want to eat him."

   Duola looked at Barr, a little speechless. Recently, this guy has become addicted to cannibalism. No wonder, too many people have hit him during this period of time.


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