Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 240: Broken Arrow

There are only a few tactics to deal with a wizard. Sneak attack, kill directly at close range, break the magic shield if you can’t kill, get close, restrain, or kill again, and there are only a few tactics. The opponent is at level three and can fly naturally. Let's get it down first.

They have also dealt with wizards with level 3 flying skills. In the face of a sudden attack, the panic fundamentals can’t organize an effective counterattack. They can shoot them down with two specially targeted demon-breaking arrows. As long as they get to the ground, they can get closer. It's not that they have the final say.

   Everyone quickly checked, equipment, and scrolls.

The reason why scrolls are used is that the spiritual power of the wizard is too strong, and the spiritual power of the warrior is too weak. If the opponent uses mental shocks, it is easy to turn people into idiots. Therefore, a scroll of spiritual protection must be available, except In addition, concealed scrolls must also be available, and the wizard's exaggerated mental power can easily find them.

   These are all **** lessons and experiences.

   After finishing the arrangement, everyone scattered around, hiding in their hidden position.


   It is winter now, and the winter here in the Honor Empire is not too cold. The lowest is only seven or eight degrees below zero. After a heavy snowfall, as long as there is a day of sun, the snow on the ground will slowly melt away.

   So, for the city of Words where there was only one snowfall in a winter, there are only dark places on the ground where you can see a little snow stains, and other places are completely invisible. The temperature at this time was only slightly cold for him. Hidden under the transparent magic shield, he could only feel the temperature, but not the cold.

After level three, the range of spiritual power coverage has exceeded 100 meters, and the limit distance can cover a range of 300 meters. Under normal conditions, it can also cover a distance of 100 meters around the road. This distance is already an average for a wizard. Quite exaggerated.

   Duolai didn't fly too high, but instead just flew at the tip of the predator tree, while flying, while calmly looking around.

   There are very few birds in the sky, only a few. Most of the animals on the ground have moved to the east, and only a few carnivores can be seen looking for food on the ground.

   At this moment, he felt a little different taste.

  Barr's voice sounded, "Did you feel it, someone intercepted you in front of you."

   Duola nodded, and said cautiously, "The other party used concealment methods. I can't detect the specific direction. This is interesting."

   Scrolls are not cheap. This can only show that the other party has enough funds and determination to get him.

   There was a sense of crisis in his heart suddenly inexplicably.

  With his current level of mental subtlety, within a radius of two hundred meters, as long as someone looks at him, he can sense it, let alone hostility. This is one of the natural instincts of elemental creatures.

   feels hostility, but can't feel where the person is, which is enough to explain.

   The other party is very cautious and also very old.

   He pretended not to notice, and flew straight forward without any change in speed.

   On the wasteland, behind a boring one, the tall and thin man who had been hiding for a long time suddenly walked away from behind the obstacle, his mouth showed a slight smile, this wizard was too sloppy, dare to fly so low.

   At this time, Duolai was less than fifty meters away from him. At this distance, at the level of a third-level archer, it is almost impossible to miss.

   One of the three-level design skills is shooting correction. At this time, it is used to deal with a defenseless wizard, which is simply a murderous sledgehammer.

   As soon as he appeared, almost in the blink of an eye, he drew out the Demon Arrow, shot three arrows in one breath, silent arrows, and shot directly at the figure in the sky.

   At the same time, in another place, one person secretly deep his head, looking at the sky, and the big bow in his hand opened tightly.

   As long as the thin tall man misses, it will be his turn to shoot next.

   At this moment, they saw that the person in the sky suddenly stopped, and there was a blur in front of him, and the three steady arrows flew out obliquely and shot into the sky.

  The expressions of all the heads hidden in the dark changed, especially the other archer, who jumped out from the hidden place directly, shot at extremely fast speed, swiped, and a series of bows and arrows shot towards Dolai in the sky. His rate of fire was very fast, and a series of arrows shot into the sky, turning into a state of phantoms.

   At the same time, the thin and tall man also felt incredible. Obviously, this person had no defense against him. How he escaped the third-level archery skills is impossible.

   From shooting an arrow to hitting it, it only takes less than 0.1 seconds, even a fighter can hardly respond?

   He immediately thought of something, the other party had already been prepared for it.

   His face changed and he almost shouted.

   The shameless man hiding in the dark also changed his complexion at this time, and there is no way to break the magic arrow.

   Seeing the two archers working together, he also ran out of the hidden place and ran under Duolai.

In the sky, without Barr’s reminder, the moment Dolay felt the murderous intention was outside of his magic shield, a layer of rotating wind wall was set, and a layer of ice crystals was placed behind the wind wall. I don’t know if it is. What arrow shot through the wind wall, shot through the ice crystal, and directly hit the magic shield. The power dropped a few points. After Dolai's face changed slightly, layers of deflection force fields were generated from under him. Block these three arrows layer by layer.

   There was a cold sweat on his forehead. At the same time, with the help of this short moment of blocking, he moved his body to the side more than ten centimeters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ finally let the arrows fly.

   These three arrows almost shot through all his defenses.

   Demon Breaking Arrow, a low-level Demon Breaking Arrow of five thousand gold coins. He instantly thought of what it was, and then the wind around him violently raised the height rapidly.

Too dangerous.

At this moment, in another direction, the same sense of crisis came. Dolai didn't even think about it. He maneuvered in the sky. His magic power was huge enough and his speed was extremely fast. He dodged several arrows at once, several of them. The arrow hit his magic shield and other shields, but they had no effect.

   These arrows are ordinary arrows.

   He breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to care. He turned his gaze to other directions, saw a series of values ​​shooting at him, and his expression suddenly changed.

   He felt a strong crisis on this arrow. Is it another magic arrow?

Thinking of this, he has multi-purpose spirit. While raising his figure, he manipulates the spell model to release the wind to the whole body, affecting the trajectory of the arrow. At the same time, a series of fire elements are released from the body, forming several large fireballs, surrounding them. As soon as these fire elements came out around him, the temperature in the surrounding sky and earth rose a bit.

   dodged while holding his bow and arrow. With a wave of his wand, the fireball gently fell towards the archer.

   The wizard fought back.

The reckless man had come to Duo Lai's feet at this time, but he had nothing to do when looking at Duo Lai who had already lifted into the sky. Warriors had no ability to fly before level five. When the fireball was generated, he immediately shouted, "Quickly Use the scrolls to separate and avoid."

   The general situation is gone, and when a mage is lifted into the sky, there is basically only one way to lose. He saw that the opponent's avoidance of arrows is supernatural, and the magic arrow is useless at all.


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