Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 243: Delivery poison

   The delicate and beautiful woman saw Dolai look at herself with a professional smile on her face. This look has been seen countless times a long time ago.

   "Please wait a moment." Bring the paper and pen, and handed it to Dolai, and found that he had turned his attention to the paper and pen instead of looking at himself.

   showed a clean and sweet smile, and said softly, "Actually, you can dictate, and we will record it for you."

   Duolai smiled faintly, and then with a mental effort, he directly moved the pen and paper on the table, and quickly wrote on it.

   He doesn't use his hands, his hands are too troublesome.

   The beauty was taken aback, seeing this, she was slightly surprised, this is a wizard of at least level three, and only a level three wizard has such mental power and mind control. Her expression became solemn.

   The other two also stood up solemnly at this time.

   I don’t know his face, but it’s easy to see the traces of disguise. Who is he?

   At this moment, Duo Lai put the pen on the paper and smiled lightly, "I'm Duo Lai, I'm done."

  He passed the paper over.

   When the woman heard the name, she was taken aback, and she was slightly surprised, the newly promoted Level 5 pharmacist.

He lowered his head and looked at the paper. The delicate beauty was suddenly shocked. They were all kinds of poison materials and required poison formulas, and the grades were very high. He even offered a price of 50,000 gold coins to purchase a grade 6 poison. The formula, this generous, is too exaggerated.

   Since today is the Chinese New Year, there are not a few people in the hall, it is empty, only some adventurers who seem to be downcast are in it, so I didn't pay attention to it.

   The woman shook her hand slightly when she saw the note.

   This is, the middle-aged man next to him saw his movements and was a little bit confused. As the descendants of the nobles, there is no need to be so rude.

   He patted the woman on the shoulder and took the note from him. He just glanced at it, and his pupils shrank. He looked at Dole with a solemn expression, "You just said you were?"

   "Dolai, the master of the Allenger Potions Palace."

The middle-aged man stood up awkwardly, but he realized that something was wrong with him, so he sat down slowly again in embarrassment, stroked his hair, and said, "It's rude, what you want is really amazing. According to the Pharmacist Guild The rule is that poisons above level 6 should not be hung up in the auction house, but given your identity, we will hung up the task, but it will take some time."

   Duola frowned and said, "The guidelines of the Pharmacists Guild? I am the honorary elder of the Pharmacists Guild. Who else do I need to ask for?"

   At this time, the conversation between the three had already alarmed the others.

   Duola became slightly impatient, "No matter who I ask for instructions, I need to hang up the task."

   The woman looked at Duolai, she couldn't help but feel a little trembling. This person in front of her is a big killer. Is the level 5 pharmacist so terrible?

   Although it is a bit scary, it still looks a little handsome, especially the confidence on his face.

She thought for a while, calmed down, and said, "There have been regulations, and pharmacists have also made preparations. It is not a high-level empire. All kinds of toxic materials above level 6 require the permission of the elders of the pharmacist guild. You He is an elder himself, and we also know about this, so we will hang it up for you for the time being, but we will notify the relevant personnel."

Dole glanced at the woman, then at the middle-aged man, a slight smile appeared on his face, "It’s okay, I just need to know the answer. I have been staying at the Watts Hotel these days. This is my room number. What can you tell me."

   He took the pen mentally and wrote a line of numbers on a blank paper.

   After finishing these, he bowed slightly and left the counter.

   It's impossible to talk with these people. It's better to do something else, such as completing someone else's task.

The noise here is a bit big. In the empty hall, it’s hard not to notice him. Seeing Dolly move, all those people stare at him. Some people are wary, and some are flowers. Stupid, some people are respectful.

   Duo Lai changed a window to the window of the task.

   The person in charge is a slightly younger person, with a faint mental fluctuation on his body, and he is also a wizard.

   "It's a pleasure to serve you, Wizard Dorai." The young man opened his speech confidently.

   Duolai didn't treat him politely, but took a note from his arms, then transformed a bunch of bottles from his hands and placed them on the window sill.

   He looked at the young man with piercing eyes and said, "I have completed the above tasks, please approve."

   The man was a little shocked when he saw the bottles and cans that Chu Ran appeared, but at this time, the others were also a little shocked. Does this guy have space to equip?

   Looking at the bottles and cans, some people subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

   The young man was a little shocked. He calmed down, looked at the note, and looked at the bottles and cans, his hands trembling a little.

   Damn, they are all level five poisons. If this is released, it will kill many people.

   These are the tasks of those **** adventurers.

   The sweat on his forehead shed instantaneously, he smirked and said, "I want to ask experts in poisons to check it out, please wait a moment!"

   Duola nodded, and sat there waiting boringly.

   He thought the matter would be over soon, but after waiting for a long time, no one came. When he was waiting impatiently, a group of adventurers entered the hall.

   The breath of these adventurers is very powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Each of them has at least second-level strength, and even a third-level strength. When they come in, they attract everyone's attention.

   The Level 3 master went straight to the front desk, and asked directly, "The dragon snake venom we need is in stock?"

   "Yes, the gentleman has it in his hands, but our appraiser is coming, and it is not sure if it is what you want." The receptionist explained carefully.

  All the adventurers looked at Duolai together.

   Duolai was seen by their gazes, and felt a little bit. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   The man made a gesture and walked slowly over where he was staying.

   "This little brother, does he have dragon and snake venom in his hand?"

   When he walked closer, Duola discovered that this man was a head taller than himself, he was very burly, and his arm was almost as thick as his calf.

   is a bit exaggerated.

   He nodded and said, "Well, I'm waiting for the appraisal."

   The man nodded and said, "Is there any extra, I can also identify it."

   Duolai was a little surprised, but when he thought that these guys would need these things when they traveled north and south, they would definitely know him.

   So he picked out a red bottle from the bottles on the table, held it in his hand, and threw it directly.

   Seeing this, everyone's face changed drastically.

   The soldier was also surprised, and hurriedly caught it. If it fell to the ground, the consequences would be disastrous.

   He looked at the other person in surprise, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. This is too casual, who is this person, there is such a powerful pharmacist in the city of Words?

   He took the bottle in his hand, looked at it carefully, and then uncovered the bottle cap amidst everyone's shocked eyes.


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