Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 252: No special

   Seeing that Duo Lai was very serious, everyone was very interesting and didn't say anything.

   Seeing the crowd arrived, Dolay coughed, and after attracting everyone's eyes, he spoke in a low voice.

"On the 16th, the level 4 pharmacy course will start tomorrow." He paused, "I know, you have all signed up for the course, so I won't say much about the rest. I will pick it up later. I want to give it to you. I don’t know who of you is willing to do it."

Morris and Sano, as well as the few people who were promoted to Level 3 at the beginning, were immediately excited. As a Level 5 pharmacist, Wizard Dorai can reach more people than them. This is to give them benefits. what.

   Almost everyone was excited and said in unison, "I do."

   The voice is very uniform, and the volume is loud and deafening.

   Duola touched some uncomfortable ears, feeling a little comforted in his heart, and smiled faintly, "If this is the case, then I will start making arrangements."

   Morris, Sano, and Raman glanced at each other, with unspeakable excitement in their hearts, the Lord had finally got the hang of it.

Although the Potions Palace is currently under the jurisdiction of Dolai in name, most of them are doing their own things. Dolai is not willing to waste more time on usual affairs. Now he is finally willing to open up his rights. Don't mention how many of these students are. happy.

  Especially Morris and Sano, the first academies to be promoted, at this time there is an expression of suffering.

Although they are third-level pharmacists, they can earn points, but after all, the number of orders is not large. In the college, the number of orders is probably the Duolai lecturer. He only needs to divide the work he can receive among them. A little bit is definitely enough for them to live a good life.

   Morris said at this time, "Hall Master, we will definitely guarantee our own quality!"

   "That's it."

   "You can't fall into the name of the teacher." Skechers said happily.

   "Lecturer, don't worry, as long as there is a quality problem, I will unscrew my head and give it to you."

   "Yes, so am I, so am I."

  The group of people expressed their opinions one after another.

Duola nodded and said, "Quality is the foundation, not something to be guaranteed. It must be done well. Otherwise, if the brand falls in the future, who will still be willing to find us. Okay, now Raman statistics will do what you will do. The contents of the drug, I will give you a task now."

  Raman stood up and said excitedly, "Okay, the lord."

  The group of people reported their medicines one after another.

   The content of Duolai's lecture is very broad. It is not about a complete medicine, but about the extraction of many medicinal herbs, and then the students can use it by themselves. What can be refined depends on the individual.

For example, Morris is just like himself, very good at refining mental potions, but Sano is the opposite. He is very good at refining strength potions, agility potions, etc., while Raman prefers other types. Make different medicines.

   Of course, Duo Lai will definitely not provide them with formulas, this is the practice in the pharmacist world.

Raman quickly collected all the types of medicines for everyone. Duola just took a look, then nodded, and distributed the matter to ensure that everyone is covered in rain and dew, and the benefits are the same. These other people don't know how to do it. The potion, he is going to hang it in the potion hall, offering a reward for refining.

As a Level 5 pharmacist, he has a lot of orders, and with the start of his Level 4 course, even the surrounding small counties have sent many orders, especially those rich aristocrats, who are really rich. There's nowhere to spend it.

   Especially the level 5 mental power potion, the level 5 strength potion, the order quantity is about to bury him.

   After the arrangements were made, everyone was driven away, leaving only Raman.

Raman is second only to Morris and Sano to advance, together with Skechers, but Raman is different from Skechers, Raman’s language arts are not bad, this time he also applied to become a lecturer, he decided Teach Raman some tips of his own so that he will not be blinded in class.

  In fact, Raman is 26 years old this year, nine years older than him, and the academic age difference between the two is like the other way around.

   Duolai gave Raman a small stove, and Raman was so moved, so one of them carefully taught and the other listened carefully.


   In the sky far away from Allengar College, a black mist was suspended in the mid-air, mixing with the dense black clouds in the surrounding sky and earth.

   A heavy rain is coming.

   The black mist and clouds seem to be incompatible. In the slightly gloomy world, the black mist is a bit gloomy and terrifying. From a distance, it seems that the black mist has turned into a twisted and weird figure.

   When the black mist came to the Allenger Academy, at the highest level of the Allenger Mage Tower, Allenger suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze penetrated the Magic Tower and looked towards the void.

   He saw the black mist, and the other party appeared in front of Allenger as if uncovered.

   Seeing the black mist, Allenger was shocked, why did she come?

   He shook his figure, and also turned into a smoke, disappearing from the original place. When he reappeared, he was already in the mountains tens of kilometers away, standing opposite the fog.

   The figure slowly condensed, turning into the appearance of Allenger, his expression is a bit solemn.

At this time, the black mist was also slowly rolling, seeing Ellengar's arrival, and soon, it condensed into the appearance of an eighteen or nine-year-old girl with thick red lipstick on her mouth and weird patterns on her face. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be a rebellious and rebellious girl.

   "Junior, long time no see." A strange doctor's voice sounded from his mouth, which seemed to be metal rubbing.

   If someone else heard this, I would be a little shocked. It seems that Allengar, who was in his seventies or eighties, was actually called a junior by a young girl.

   Allenger looked at the girl, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and at the same time he was a little wary.

   He spoke slowly with a heavy voice, "Senior Sister Wushu, I haven't seen you in decades, what happened to you this time?"

   The meeting of the brothers and sisters was originally a lighthearted and pleasant thing, but the meeting between the two of them was a little bit stranger although not at all tense.

   Looking at Allengar indefinitely, a cruel look appeared on his exaggerated face, "Waltz New City and other new cities have affected me. I hope you can delay their progress."

   The corners of Allenger's mouth twitched slightly, and then he showed a sarcasm, "Do you think I can influence them?"

   Wushu snorted and said, "As far as I know, the expansion of Words New City is under the leadership of your academy. As long as you delay providing them with detoxification materials, I can leave calmly."

   Allenger shook his head and said, "Senior sister, for the sake of being together, I will assume that I haven't seen you today, so let's go."

   Wushu's eyebrows were raised upside down, and the expression on the weird face became ugly, "Are you sure you won't help me?"

   Allenger shook his head, "There is no way to help you."

   "Don't think you can put aside your identity as a dark wizard once you have established an academy?" Wuju shouted sharply.

Allengar sighed and said, "No matter what I have been, now I am the dean of Allengar Academy. If you retired today, I can assume that nothing has happened. If you come again, you must blame the brother's ruthlessness. Up."


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