Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 255: No special strike

However, she soon discovered that she seemed to be thinking about making things happen. After all, this is also a magic circle, and she still has a certain ability. He soon discovered that after walking through a few rooms, he appeared in front of him again. s room.

   "Phantom formation?" Wushu's mouth was slightly tilted, and his body collapsed suddenly, turning into tiny insects, dispersing in all directions.

   But she soon discovered that she was still spinning in place, which was a bit scary. A large-scale magic circle of four levels could actually control a five-level magic circle, and she was still a biological wizard who specializes in breaking the magic circle. How could this be possible?

   Instinctively, she noticed something wrong, but after thinking about it, she couldn't escape without disturbing the defenders. Who on earth is stationed here and why is it so powerful?

   She calmed down and stood still thinking about countermeasures.


   In the room, the corner of Barr’s mouth showed a slight smile, letting you be clever as a ghost, and I don’t know it’s Lao Tzu, hehe.

The inactivation potions are very difficult to refine. It took Dolai three hours to refine the first batch. There are 17 bottles in total. The quality can only be said to be average. The process of refining these potions is very complicated, so he can learn. After arriving at a lot of things, I have a subtle understanding of biological wizards.

Biological wizards, fundamentally speaking, study microbes. They start from the macroscopic biological mountains, such as crows, snakes, scorpions, etc. After they have a strong spirit, they begin to study subtle things, such as flies, mosquitoes, etc., which are amazing. At one point, you can study all kinds of creatures smaller than mosquitoes, fleas, small ants, etc., and even more powerful, you can study various fungi, bacteria, viruses, and plagues. Among them, viruses and plagues are the most terrifying, and the damage caused is very exaggerated. There is often such a wizard in an area, so at least no one will live within a hundred kilometers. When they do experiments, they will only leak a little bit. It has caused an extinction to the surrounding biological environment. This is also the reason that biological alchemists are rare now. In many cases, the Glory Alliance wizards will prohibit the spread of related knowledge.

   Inactivation agents were born under this condition. Their killing principle is also to fundamentally destroy the core part of the bacteria and viruses. After refining, Dolay knows how to deal with these invisible things.

   He quickly put the potions in the bracelet, and then nodded to Baal.

   Barn let out his grip on the old witch with a smile.


   Wushu's lungs are almost exploding, and her spirit is approaching chaos. She has been walking for several hours, using various methods, before moving forward to a room.

   She is going crazy.

   At this moment, the invisible insect swarm she turned into stepped forward, and her eyes suddenly opened up, revealing the appearance of the Pharmacy Hall, seeing the crowd coming and going in the corridor.

   She was taken aback for a moment, without controlling the swarm itself, a trace of subtle aura leaked out.

   Feeling this, she hurriedly regained her breath, but the trace of strength has dispersed.

   In less than three seconds, the members of the Pharmacy Hall who were still talking and laughing on the first floor fell one by one, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

   This terrifying sight frightened everyone on the side of the stairs. Someone immediately ran to the corner, slammed the wall, opened the emergency magic circle, and sealed the entire first floor.

   Dozens of students fell silently without knowing their life or death. This is simply a terrorist incident.

   Wushu's secret path is not good, he directly turned into a cloud of smoke and rushed upwards quickly. If his brother knew about this, he would turn his face immediately.

   Duolai also received the news at this time. He quickly walked out and ran into Lu Ming at the door.

   "My lord, something happened below, I don't know what to do?" Lu Ming said anxiously.

Duola didn’t panic at all. He nodded and said, “I have received the news. This matter should have something to do with the dean. He asked them to refine the medicine in advance. It should be to deal with this situation. I have refined it. , These are five bottles, you take it, walk to the entrance, spill it in the air, wait ten minutes and then go down, I have other things."

   Lu Ming also thought about Dean Allenger’s things before, and became more panicked. What kind of enemy did the Dean provoked, and the other party actually ran into the academy?

   He took the five bottles of potions from Dorai, and hurried downstairs, a little later, maybe something would happen.

   Duola packed his clothes at the door, looked around, then went down the stairs and ran outside.

   While running, he released a flame shield, surrounded by a layer of high-temperature red. No matter what enters his body, it must first be filtered by the flame shield.

   He ran slowly to the fifth floor.

   Wushu had already exposed himself at this time, no matter what it was, he rushed up from below.

   He may not be clear about other things in Allengar College, but she still knows the basic building regulations. After sweeping away the huge mental power belonging to the fifth level, he looked at a certain void, and then he thought of the corridor and ran away.

   Not all places in the building have been scanned with mental power, and the mental power in the range of the formation guard is not omnipotent. Even though he is already at level 5, he still can't detect the energy barrier.

At this time, she had seen the appearance of the Level 5 pharmacist that she had learned from the mercenary. She snorted and rushed directly to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She needed a race against time, before Allengar realized it. , Take this person away, otherwise, this trip will be in vain.

  Who is Ellen, she knows best, but the unscrupulous way to achieve the goal is only in pediatrics.

Duola felt a strong malice staring at him from all directions. Before he could react, he saw a faint smoke floating from the top of the stairs. It was these smoke that gave him like a catastrophe. Strong warning? Intuition tells him that as long as he encounters these smoke, he will die immediately, and without exception.

Allenger’s younger sister found herself, and Duola’s heart sank, and the flames on her body suddenly expanded. He surrounded herself as an egg, all with orange-red flames on the top, bottom, left, and right. At the same time, he lifted it. With his hand, a scorching ray shot out from the fire and directed towards the black mist.

   The black mist rolled, and he was wrapped up directly after seeing Duolai, not afraid of the scorching rays, the rays shot into the black mist, the black mist automatically bypassed the light, forming a black misty white hole.

When Duola saw this, he didn't know where it was. This was definitely the suppression of the stage position. The opponent's mental power reaction speed was much faster than his own. The scorching rays burned past and the speed was too slow. The opponent could directly approach it by virtue of the speed. To avoid, he stirred the scorching rays in the black mist, but didn't touch anything.

   The opponent's speed was very fast, and he soon arrived in front of Duolai.

   Duo Lai didn't resist too much when he saw this. The other party came for himself. A fifth-level great wizard can crush himself to death by magic alone.

   He watched the black mist envelop himself, those black things lying on the flame shield, not afraid of the flame, and then he felt that the surrounding fire elements were quickly disappearing.


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