Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 259: meeting

Wizards who play microbial transformation will basically abandon the concept of ethics and devote themselves to the great wizarding career. Many such wizards will become human and ghost, but they all have a very powerful feature. That is unmatched power.

  What the **** is getting married and having children.

   He said with difficulty, "Then you can have a child now and then do this thing, can't you? Biological modification is an irreversible thing."

Unexpectedly, there was a kind of leisurely light in her eyes, "Giving one now, it seems to be a good attention." She lowered her head, her eyes revealed thoughts and craziness, "No, I want a lot. A lot of children are born now. If they are transformed into other appearances, they cannot have other children, no.” At the end of the speech, she suddenly said decisively.

   Duo Lai now finally understands what kind of dilemma his predecessors are facing. This woman obviously has a brain hole.

   He could only bite the bullet and said, "Well then, I will try my best."

   The Xuan Corpse Insect is an ancient poisonous insect. It is one of the insects that so many biological wizards dream of. This woman Wushu actually succeeded. He can imagine how powerful he and Allenger’s masters were back then.

   Allenger is about to be promoted to level six, and this woman is about to be promoted to level six, two six-level apprentices, how many levels the master must have, this is too scary.

   You need to know that the entire Northwestern Province, and even the entire Glory Empire, are only a few level six.

   Terribly powerful.

He thought of this and looked at Wushu, and there was some jealousy in his heart. If this guy is promoted to the sixth level, I don’t know if Baal can beat her. You know, Lord Baal is only at level 5 now, just because of his innate nature. Strong personality bullies people.

   I don't know where Lord Barr is, and I don't know where Allenger is.


At this time, the Allengar College was indeed in a mess. The fourth-level pharmacist course was finally set up. After only three or four classes, the teacher was taken away. For all pharmacists, this is simply incredible. Especially for Morris, Sano and other direct students of Dolay, this is no less than a bolt from the blue for them.

The powerful Dean Allengar took action on the same day and directly controlled the wizard tower to find people all over the world. The terrifying power shocked the real Words city and even the surrounding cities, but even so, he did not chase the wizard Dorai back. This is simply It is to discredit the entire Allengar College.

   In the Potions Palace, Morris, Sano and others gathered together. After discussing for a while, they quietly clumped together to form their own small forces, small groups.

  Although the lecturer is not there, his inheritance has survived. His thinking and methods are enough for them to use for many years.

   The lecturer gave lectures without reservation. Even without Dolly, they could follow his path. It was nothing more than spending a little more time.

   At the same time, Allenger returned from the outside and sent a message to the entire Northwestern Province that a terrifying fifth-level creature black wizard was hidden in the famous mountain range.

   After hearing this news, whether it was Watts City, Toyosu City, or other cities that depended on the famous mountains, they were shaken as if they were facing an enemy.


   Glory Wizard League conference hall.

   Allenger sits on his left hand, opposite him is Dennis, it is not his badge who presides over the meeting, but a gray-haired old man, his eyes are very bright, like a ray of light, warming everyone.

   This is the pillar of the city of Words, and it is already quite different from the guardian of the Glory Wizard League, Wallace.

Glory Wizard Alliance, five tower masters, chairman and vice presidents, all kinds of officials, more than 30 people, all of them were present, in addition, there were three people from the city lord’s mansion, the current city lord Stantin, the deputy city lord, Wharton, Mick, their presence also represents the family behind them.

   The atmosphere in the meeting room was heavy, almost no one was talking, all of them looked at Wallace ahead in silence.

   When the last person arrived, the door of the meeting room suddenly closed, and the light of the shielding magic circle slowly spread from all around, enshrouding the entire meeting room.

  Wallace glanced at everyone, some people he knew, some people he didn't know, and the retreat was too long. If it wasn't for this time, he would not want to come out.

   He glanced at Allenger, his eyes full of caution, "I believe everyone knows what is being called to you this time, let Dean Allenger introduce the situation next."

   For a moment, everyone's eyes looked at Allenger.

   Allengar was stared at by all the eyes around him, his shoulders couldn't help but sink. Although they were not fifth-level wizards and did not have strong mental power, the five-level and sixth-level warriors were as strong in will and powerful.

He glanced at the patriarchs of the three major families, nodded slightly, and said, "This is the situation. Everyone knows my origin, so I won't say more about that. There are 17 disciples in total under my teacher's name. They are currently alive. Yes, there are seven in total, and there are three of them whose strength is above level five. This time, the one who took the fifth level pharmacist of Dolai was one of my junior sisters. She is the legendary Wushu, level five creature. Sorcerer, based on the current situation, the purpose of his arrests should be very clear. It is to use the pharmacist's ability to attack the sixth level. If she is attacked to the sixth level, the consequences will be unimaginable."

   The atmosphere in the conference room has become even heavier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A level six black wizard, even if he releases a little ability, the damage caused is undoubtedly very terrifying.

   They all knew that Allengue went after him, but when he chased the famous mountain range, he disappeared from the other side. Obviously, the other side was hiding in the famous mountain range.

  The question is what should I do now?

  Standing was silent. As the city owner, it is impossible for him not to stand up. This is related to the development of the city and the rise and fall of the family.

   Before he could speak, Wallace, who presided over the meeting, condensed his brows into the word "Chuan" and looked at Allengar. "Are you sure he is attacking Level 6 and not doing other things?"

   Hearing this, everyone looked at Allenger.

   Allenger closed his eyes and nodded.

   Wallace said, "What kind of black magic is she good at?"

   Allengar said, "Xuan Corpse Insect."

   Hearing this name, all the people on the magic side were shocked.

   "Your teacher actually got the mysterious corpse insect, how is this possible? Hasn't this thing been extinct for thousands of years?"

   Dennis couldn't help but said silently.

At the same time, the vice presidents of the Glory Wizard Alliance, the tower master, are all shocked at this time. What is the black corpse insect, if it is sacrificed to a level 6 or higher, the same level is not said to be invincible, at least it will not be easy. The death of this is a kind of extremely tenacious and terrifying insect with vitality.

   Housewell raised his brow slightly when he heard the black corpse insect, and a humble light burst into his eyes.

   He has been promoted to the fifth level and hopeless, but now it seems that he is not without a silver lining. If he sacrifices the black corpse worm, he can also be converted to a lich.

   Thinking of this, he looked at other people, but saw Wright, who was in the same realm as him, seemed to be gleaming in his eyes.


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