Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 262: People all over the world

   In the distant mountains, an angry voice was heard from Longshan at this time. "Damn human race, get out of this mountainous area, this is not where you came from."

   "Hmph, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of that person, I will naturally leave, otherwise, it's impossible."

  The incoming person is also extremely hard-spirited, directly responding, powerful, and not afraid at all. The tyrannical voice spread hundreds of miles around.

Duolae naturally heard the sound, and it felt extremely interesting. At this time, he felt dozens of powerful auras appearing from Longshan. At this moment, the breath of the person who just spoke quickly disappeared. escape.

   Duolai's mouth twitched. This is Longshan. There are thousands of adult dragons alone. Without the strength of level 6 or above, without the assistance of the magic tower, that person dare to make a mistake here.

   "Tsk tusk, play it, the happier you play, the better."

   Duola thought in his heart that at this moment, his mysterious corpse worm sent him a message of satiety.

   Duolai took all the mysterious corpse insects back, carefully observed the mysterious corpse insects with mental power, recorded all the information, and then Shi Shiran returned to the cave.


At the top of the mountain, Wuju turned into a dark brown leaf, attached to one of the pine trees, and looked around quietly.

   In the past few days, there are indeed a lot of people in the mountains, and most of them are at level 4 or above, looking for herself like crazy. She knew that she was afraid of stabbing a hornet's nest.

  She said in her heart that the senior brother has developed well in the past few years. It is not easy to mobilize so many forces. It is really rare for a black wizard to wash so well.

She didn't know that many forces came out to look for Duo Lai's face. After all, a seventeen-year-old fifth-level pharmacist, as long as he is rescued, if the relationship is not bad, the future medicine There will be a steady stream.

  Pharmaceuticals determine the fate of a family. The higher the level of pharmacists, the more they are favored by the higher-level families. This is why.

A Level 6 pharmacist can directly raise the overall online level of a family and raise all the lowest strengths to level 4 or above. This is a temptation for any family to eat fruit, not to mention, Dolai this This kind has no background, no people to care about.

Innocent talent is high or high, and low is not low, otherwise it will not be promoted to level 5. You know, for most wizards, level 4 is a very powerful threshold. No matter how talented it is, you can’t reach it. Level four, only level four in this lifetime.

   Thinking of this, the leaves she turned into changed into a butterfly and flew out of the mountain.

After    Duolai came here, he was very diligent and got all the notes from the pharmacists in front of him. In the past few days, he had achieved some results. He came up with a list of medicinal materials and memorized the names of these medicinal materials in his mind. She was also a pharmacist, so he could easily understand the prescriptions Dolay had prescribed.

   Not to mention that it is very distinctive, at least it has a direction, which she is very pleased.

   didn't sleep much, with his fifth-level strength, he had already reached the sky above the Nanwan Marsh, and he continued to fly forward.

   merged with the mysterious corpse worm, the advantage is that if you don't use magic, you can't be noticed by others, and with the help of the mysterious corpse worm's characteristics, you can change into any shape and move around with the help of the characteristics.

For example, if he changes into a butterfly, he can fly slowly, and if he becomes an eagle, he can fly in the sky, but the shortcomings are also obvious. The corpse worm itself also needs energy, and he needs to eat every few hours. Meat can't be omitted, it's better to be a rotting corpse.

   This makes Wushu very depressed.

   Far away, he saw Toyosu New City, and quickly fell down, condensing all the breath of his body, wrapped himself in a black suit, and walked towards the city.

   The corpse worm is extremely poisonous, and she needs to control the corpse worm perfectly.

   entered the city and quickly found a place to buy magic materials, she walked in.

Half an hour later, Wushu frowned and came out. After leaving the city, he flew away quickly. He needed to go to the auction house and the adventurer's union in Fengsu City, Watts City and other cities. , Go to the underground black market and take a turn.

   Several materials that Duola asked for were very rare, and they proved to be useful. She had to find all of them.

   After turning around in Fengxu City, he quickly discovered that the Honor Wizard League seemed to be very few people. Seeing this, her eyes lit up.


   "After the corpse worm eats, the body will decompose all the materials and absorb all the materials needed, and the materials that are not needed will be stored and deposited on the body's surface to form various toxins."

"The shelling of the black corpse insect has a very good inhibitory effect on energy, and they hardly fear any witchcraft of the same level. They love dark energy, do not like excessively strong elements, and are very afraid and repulsive of thunder elements. ."

   "The split of the mysterious corpse worm usually lasts for about two days, and the child does not continue its own level and attributes, and needs to be cultivated from zero."


   Duolai's notes are densely recorded with hundreds of pages of things, all of which are the characteristics of the mysterious corpse insect.

   He didn't copy what he was caught by, because he was afraid of being misled. After reading it, he ignored it and did the experiment again.

   This is a rigorous academic attitude, not personal reasons.

   The full-fed Xuan Corpse Insect was quickly promoted to the level of an official wizard under Duolai's full supply and magical stimulation.

   Although this thing is small, it is promoted very quickly, and it is relatively simple to control. Coupled with the proper training method, the improvement speed is very fast.

   At this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He felt a little magical wave outside, and the indistinct black mist floated in from outside.

  The black mist fell on the ground and quickly turned into a human form.

   Duola looked at Wushu, this guy still dressed himself up like a ghost, with all kinds of camouflage everywhere on his delicate and delicate face, which was ugly to death.

   But her expression is very happy.

Wushu came to Duo Lai, waved her hand, and a lot of things fell from her hand. Soon, a layer was laid on the ground. She stared at Duo Lai, as if she wanted to see it from his face. Here comes a flower.

   "Everything you want has arrived, so let's experiment with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, it just caught you and attracted the attention of the entire Northwestern Province."

   Duolai turned a blind eye to Wushu. After his gaze stayed on Wushu's bulging chest for two seconds, he moved to his face, and his youthful mouth was a little dry.

   Wushu has a great figure, with a bulging front and a very thin waist. If it is not for the consideration that he is an old witch over a hundred years old, to be honest, he is slightly tempted.

   He said lightly, "I will speed up the test these days. If there is nothing wrong in my imagination, it will take about half a year for the test to succeed."

   Wushu frowned, "The day lily has been cold for half a year." He glanced at the dishonest eyeballs of Dolai on his body, and his expression was a little triumphant. This little guy seemed to have grown up. But then she said coldly, "You only have three months. After three months, I will change."

   Three months, she will leave here, and she won’t be able to stay here.

   On the understanding of oneself, that brother is definitely not bad.

   She thought about her future, thought of her brother, waved her hand, and rushed towards Dolai with a spirit shock.

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