Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 269: Child of Fire Elemental

Dolai came from the Northern Kingdom. According to the truth, he would not have too good meditation ideas. According to the current situation, he not only did not use the meditation ideas of Allenger College, but even the meditation ideas of the Glory Wizard Alliance. It seems, obviously, he must have a very powerful meditation.

   Regardless of the reason, Dennis must figure out the secrets in him. This is the original intention of existence as the Glory Wizard League.

At this time, Duo Lai also took this into consideration when seeing this battle. In fact, he was not afraid. After all, the children of the fire element are not the main practice in the future. No matter how he checks himself, it doesn’t matter. Yes, it will be changed in the future anyway.

The other things on    were also left in the magic tower. The only thing that can attract attention now is the meditation. Other things, such as potions, robes, and staff, are not what the other party wants to covet.

   After the two turned a direction, they soon came outside the magic tower.


   The top floor of the magic tower.

  The magic array on the four walls is fully opened, and a channel of energy surrounds the surroundings in a regular route. Various detection magic arrays and scanning magic arrays are all turned on.

  The group of people walked up from the door and looked at Duolai's back. They all showed covetous looks, especially the four-level tower masters, their eyes were full of aggression that eats Guoguo.

   Duola didn't like this look very much, and Lamb warned with an imposing manner beside him. However, Dennis and others were all around Level 4, and Lamb's imposing manner seemed to them just a joke, they didn't care at all.

   Dennis walked in the front, side by side with Dolay, behind him were Lamb and the Housewell people waiting for the tower master.

   The tower is very quiet, except for the sound of walking, there is no second sound.

   The atmosphere is a bit solemn.

After    came to the top level, the surrounding magic circles had been opened one by one.

   The hall is a flat floor without anything, and there is only a small magic circle on the ground, which draws all the surrounding energy into it.

Dennis looked at Dorai, arched his hands slightly, and said with a solemn expression, "At this time, our Glory Wizard Alliance's best six-level detection magic circle, he can detect any kind of toxin, plague, marking, negative alchemy item on your body, Curse, you stayed with the dark wizard for half a year. We believe that you must have her means."

   There was no expression on Duolai's face, he glanced at the magic circle.

The magic circle is a round object inlaid on the ground. It emits a soft light and is not dazzling. However, when seeing the magic circle, Duo Lai feels as if she is not wearing clothes, and the fruit is displayed in In front of everyone.

   He breathed a sigh of relief, as expected.

   He smiled faintly, and said with an indifferent expression, "Are you standing there?"

   Dennis nodded.

   Seeing Dolai's cooperation in this way, some people frowned, and some relaxed.

Dolay smiled faintly, "Although I stayed with Wushu for half a year, I spent most of my time doing research and observation, but nothing else happened, and I was a pharmacist. What methods did he use for me, I should know better than anyone else."

   The people around frowned, thinking that Duola was evasive. But at this moment, Dolay took a step and walked towards the magic circle.

   Dennis frowned and explained solemnly, "At this time, I can't go beyond the rules. The black wizard's methods are not understandable by us."

   Among the crowd, Housewell sneered and said, "Wu Shu is a terrifying black wizard who is immediately promoted to level 6. What can you do with your little tricks?"

   This sentence aroused everyone's approval, "That is, the one who was besieged and died, leaving four disciples behind, now they are all at level 5 and close to level 6, so they can't be sloppy at all."

   "Dark wizard, the one who dared to slaughter the city back then."

   "The wheel of history cannot be driven in our Words City." Another person said coldly.

   Everyone is solemn to each other. At this time, they unified the caliber, and at the same time, the heart was tacitly reported.

   Housewell was very satisfied when he heard these words, so he said again, "Xuan Zong Worm, one of the ten most terrifying poisonous insects in the world, is lurking in your body. You don't know it, little guy, it's better to be obedient."

   Duola stopped at this moment and looked back at Howswell, feeling a little angry.

   It's really annoying that this guy is trying to find things for himself again and again.

   "What you are looking at, when you are looking, I will grab you and interrogate you carefully." Housewell's eyes narrowed into a straight line, and his mental power directly exploded.

   At this time, Dennis, who was standing in front, turned his head and glanced at Howswell.

   House Will suddenly shut up and put away his momentum.

   Duola held back his anger, took a long sigh, and said in his heart, what happened today is going to pass, and I will settle accounts with you later. He slowly walked into the magic circle and stood in the middle of the aperture.

   Seeing this, Dennis nodded slightly. The child's view of the overall situation is still good.

   He immediately made two handprints, and the two magical rays of light flew around, and the energy flow in the surrounding world suddenly became violent. Soon, the entire hall was surrounded by various rays of light.

In front of everyone, the rays of light formed a magical barrier. Soon, all the features of Dolai’s body, muscles, bones, fascia, blood vessels, and all the features were revealed in the barrier. At the same time, above Dolay’s head, A huge magic virtual image appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone can't help looking at this magical virtual image~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magical virtuality is like a pure fire element, but it is not materialized, but a little virtual. This is because he has only three levels. The magical power is not Not pure enough to condense into a substantive appearance, but the essence of the magical virtual image is already very clear.

   "Son of the fire element, how is this possible? Isn't this technique lost?" Seeing this virtual image, the first person who exclaimed was the tower master, Housewell.

   Immediately after him, someone exclaimed, "How is this possible, son of the fire element, hasn't this technique already disappeared?"

   "So here is his hole card?"

   Lamb was also a little shocked at this time. This exercise that Duo Lai originally cultivated, no wonder his fire control ability is almost the same as cheating. If it were this exercise, it would be really easy to explain.

   Everyone was shocked at this time.

Dennis's heart sank. He had been thinking for a while, and he sighed at this moment, "The Son of Fire is very powerful and terrifying, but it is also very limited. It can only be cultivated to level 6, Duo Lai. He’s ceiling is only to level 6, as long as he doesn’t change his mind."

   Lamb was indeed amazed at this time. He knew that Duolai was practicing this technique, so he exchanged it directly, and spent all his savings at the same time.

"At any time, the nature of the mind of the child of the fire element is also terrifying. How many people can cultivate to level 6, let alone such a very pure and destructive mind, I think it's okay." O'Neill went out at this time. Soundtrack.

   Hearing the conversation between the two, everyone around them understood, yes, how many people can be promoted to the sixth level, and the children of the fire element can almost rank in the top three among the sixth-level meditation thoughts, which is still very valuable.


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