Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 272: Door-to-door business

   renegotiated the order with the Rose Chamber of Commerce, accepted the medicinal materials, re-updated his list of medicines, and asked Magtan to go back to prepare the materials, and Duo Lai could finally be at peace for a while.

   He posted missions directly in the academy and hired alchemists at high prices to refine the basic materials for the magic tower.

   He is going to build an ordinary hexagonal magic tower. The drawing he has already taken a fancy to. It is a drawing of the Flying Fortress series. First build a three-story, let himself live in first. The magician without the magic tower is still slightly weaker.

  According to the truth, he is only seventeen years old this year, and he is not in a hurry, but the reality is that he has to be anxious. At present, he is not strong enough, and he is staring at him in all aspects, and he has almost no sense of security.

Entering level three to level four is a long-term accumulation process. It is impossible for him to improve his strength in a short period of time. The magic tower has become his own protection, not to mention that the magic tower can provide him with a lot of convenience, at the same time It can also provide a long-term accommodation environment for Lord Barr.

   Three days passed quickly, and when Dolay had everything done, Williams also sent the list of four-season courses.

   In the spring, Duo Lai disappeared, and the college had to refund all the tuition fees. Originally thought that the brand was down, I did not expect the fall list to be more than the spring.

   Duola just glanced at it, and then brushed off many names with a blank expression, making Williams who was standing aside frightened.

  Almost all of these names are related to the Glory Wizard League. He just glanced at it and he could see that the names of these people were all the backbone and elites of the towers. How did these people offend Dolai?

   Some pharmacists in the pharmacist guild have no influence.

   Duo Lai called the list and said blankly, "Notify these people to pay the fee. In addition, the ones that are crossed out don't come. I don't want to see them again in the future."

   Williams had an ugly face, and he said with a hesitant look, "The Honor Wizard League has done a lot during the days when you disappeared. You just come back and do it now. It's not appropriate!"

   Dolly's mouth showed a slight sneer, "Aren't there still pharmacists from the Honor Wizard League on the list? What are they anxious for?"

   Williams glanced at the list and seemed to have found something wrong.

   These pharmacists seem to be the disciples of the tower masters, students, and the like.

   He suddenly understood, Duola is trying to intensify the contradiction between their high-level and grass-roots?

   "Okay, I will arrange it now, and the class will start three days later?"

   Duola nodded.

   Williamson gave a cry, turned and left, and did not speak to Doledo.

   Within three days, Duo Lai also took back the materials that Allenger had taken away, and handed it over to the hired alchemists for preliminary processing.

   Originally, he planned to deal with it by himself, but there was no problem with Lamb staring at him. The price was that he needed to provide Lamb with a batch of potions.

   This is nothing.

   After thinking about it, Dolai issued a quest. From now on, all the potions provided by the Glory Wizard Alliance will be halved, and the excess will either be put in the auction house or provided to the chambers of commerce.


   The new semester of Allenger College is proceeding as scheduled. Except for some disturbances, the college is quickly on track.

   The potions school, the small classroom belonging to Dolai, was overcrowded.

   Even if many people are crossed out, there are still many people who come to study.

   According to the usual rules, Duo Lai left after the lecture.

   He quickly left the class. Before he could walk far, two female wizards quickly followed from behind and stopped him.

   "Lecturer Duola, please stay."

   The others are still struggling to take notes, and they didn't see these two people. Even if they did, they probably didn't care.

   In the wizarding world, men and women are not important. High-level wizards can even switch genders through biotechnology, which is very exaggerated.

   Duola stopped and looked at the two of them.

   In his memory, he recalled two names. These two people, one was from the Glory Family of Words City, and the other was from the Tracy Family.

   When he saw that it was a member of the Tracy family, Duola was a little more concerned.

   He nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

   The woman from the Glory family nodded and smiled, "Lecturer Duola, our family wants to establish a long-term cooperation with you, what do you think of it?"

   Duola was a little surprised, he looked at the woman carefully.

This woman is about twenty-six or seventeen years old, but it seems that she is indeed seventeen or eighteen years old, the youngest and most beautiful age in life. Judging from her body shape, she should not be a random person. The exquisite face seems to be spent. Some makeup.

   He thought about it for a while, then squinted his eyes and said, "You are a member of the Glory family, the branch of the royal family living outside. I don't know how to cooperate with me?"

The woman smiled faintly, "We know that you are a fifth-level wizard, so we want to order a batch of spiritual potions and magic potions from you. In addition, if possible, our family's mercenary group wants to order from you. A batch of special drugs!"

   Duola nodded and looked at the woman with Tracy.

The woman of Tracy is similar in appearance to the woman of the Royal Family of Glory, and each has its own merits. The woman of the Royal Family of Glory has a dignified atmosphere. The woman of Teresi has a wild beauty on her body. Her clothes are not like other magicians. She shrouded herself in the wide robe, but wore it very cool, showing her white and tender legs and arms, which made people think about it.

   Duo Lai did not have the urge, but thought that the Teresi family is related to the Spooky Sparrow. What this guy should need are all kinds of weird and exaggerated toxic drugs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even provide formulas.

When he thought this way, the woman said, "Our Tracy family is the same, but we need a batch of antidotes and corresponding poisons. Other conditions are equivalent. Lecturer Dolay, to be honest, we have a group of nurturing people. Venomous lizards often hurt people."

   She made up a small reason.

   Duolai glanced at the two of them, and sneered after confirming his heart. The two of them were afraid that they were all sly firefinch people, and the Tracy family should be the post-master envoy of the sly firefinch.

   He smiled gently, "No problem, as long as the price is in place, I have no problem here."

   The Glory Family is a branch of the Royal Family of the Glory Empire. They are distributed in every corner of the entire empire. They did not deliberately do it, but it takes too long and the family will open branches and leaves like this.

  The woman of the Glory family is called Fini, and the woman of the Tracy family is called Anik.

   Both of them were promoted to Level 3 Pharmacists not long ago, and they couldn’t wait to take Level 4 courses, obviously with impure goals.

   Duolai defined the two of them.

   There are many people with such impure goals in the class, and Duo Lai doesn't mind. His purpose is only to give lectures, and gaining contacts is only second. As for these people, how about love.

   Fini breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Lecturer, let's talk carefully?"



   Fini and Inicole came up with a series of contracts and formulas. Obviously they had already made enough preparations. When they saw the formula, Duo Lai was also taken aback.

   There are tens of thousands of poisons in the world, but in general there are only a few types, acidic, alkaline, heavy metal, highly active, and even biological.


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