Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 274: Color dog

   This time will last about fifteen days.

   He doesn't need to deliberately decompose the fire element. With the personality of the storm element, it will automatically completely decompose the fire element. Don't worry him too much.

   What he needs to do now is to practice several other witchcraft on wind, thunder, water, ice and mist, and create new spell models.

   This is a big project.

   After a few days, and after Hades came once, Duola completely stopped here.

In fact, the people from the Glory Wizards Guild came once, and Duo Lai ignored them at all. Unless Dennis came in person, he would be too lazy to see other people, especially those tower masters, Duo Lai didn't want to see any of them. .

In addition to the magic model, Hall’s Alchemy Magic House, an alchemy masterpiece, is slowly being eaten by Dorai. Once the main body of the magic tower is built, he can construct the many kinds of books described in this book. Magic array routine.

   This is a rare advanced magical alchemy technique.


   The turmoil in the wizarding world does not have a great impact on the mortal world, but it is very obvious in the professional world.

   After Allengar Academy rescued Dolai, Allengar's potion temple burst out with a powerful manufacturing ability, and his actions in the market attracted many attentions.

   cut off half of the orders for the Honor Wizard Alliance and put all of these orders on the market, which caused all adventurers to rush.

  In the beginning, the adventurers thought this was only an occasional phenomenon, and their competition was fierce, but later they discovered that Allengar College made this matter into a regular state, and they seemed to completely care about the Honor Wizard League.

   For this reason, a lot of speculation has occurred in the professional world, and the Wizarding League has repeatedly protested to Allengar College.

   For this reason, Allengar made a statement personally. He respected all Dolai's decisions. He was the lord of the Potions Palace, and his decision had the final say.

   For this reason, Housewell and others wanted to vomit blood.

In the Wizarding League, his elemental tower was cut down the most, and almost only one-tenth of the previous orders were left. The other potions had to go to the auction house to make up, and the monthly loss was more than tens of thousands of gold coins. .

   But there was nothing to do with Duo Lai, the other party didn't see him at all.

   For a time, Words City got a little erratic.

   Three months later, Words City ushered in the New Year, and at this time, the scale of Words New City finally reached a certain level. It was approved by the Northwestern Province to formally build the city, named Words New City.

   The leadership of Words New City began a new round of competition. The three major families, the Glory Royal Family, and many nobles began a new round of competition, which gave Allengar College a rare moment of peace.

   the second day of the new year.

   Duolai sat in the laboratory, closed his eyes, and watched the last trace of fire element being swallowed by the storm element. The entire storm element quickly expanded from a height of about two meters, and immediately climbed to about four meters.

   He didn't rush, took out two bottles of potions from the side, a bottle of mental potion, and a bottle of magic potion. He opened the cap, put them to his mouth, drank them together, and continued to meditate.

Green smoke and blue smoke appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and was quickly taken up by the huge whirlpool state of the storm element elves, and added to it. Soon, the storm element slowly began to expand, one centimeter, two centimeters, and three centimeters. .

   Soon after, Dolai opened his eyes with a solemn expression, without sadness or joy.

He raised his hands, palms facing the sky, then in the palm of his right hand, a trace of thunder and lightning exploded, and then turned into a tiny electric arc, and above the palm of the other hand, a small whirlwind formed quickly, which was not actually a whirlwind. It is a whirlwind formed by wind blades, and ice blades are mixed in the wind blades.

   This is a hybrid magic, which is several times more powerful than a single magic.

   At this time of cultivation, Duo Lai's temperament is also changing rapidly, from the beginning, the temperament that was like a flame erupting, to now, it is like a huge storm converging from the same statue.

   After experimenting with two kinds of spells, Dolay nodded slightly and dispersed the two kinds of spells.

The magical power of the lightning system is powerful, but the witchcraft is very simple. The first level can only produce a small lightning, and its power slowly increases. After reaching the second level, it can be transformed into a thick lightning, or condensed into a single lightning. The number of whips has also increased. After reaching level three, they can summon thunder and lightning from the void, and their power has increased.

   I won’t talk about the wind system and the water system.

   With the addition of the storm element and the increase in the affinity of the wind element, Duo Lai's current flying speed has increased again. It used to take half an hour to and from the city of Words, but now it only takes less than 20 minutes.

   Very fast.

   In the past few days, the students have been on vacation. Dolai’s magic tower has been temporarily put on hold, but the main structure has been completely completed. In addition to cultivation, he will arrange various magic patterns in the magic tower to form a corresponding magic circle.

   After the successful training of the storm element, his mental power increased again. He felt that as long as one month later, he would be able to touch the third-level high-level. At that time, the difficulty of arranging magic patterns in the magic tower would also be greatly reduced.

There are many models in the Flying Fortress series in Horry’s Magical Alchemy House. Dorai only chose one model that favors flying and alchemy, but it is also not simple. The highest level of this magical array is as high as six, although it is a layer. Layer construction structure, Dolai can now refine it by himself, but it is indeed very complicated, and it is impossible to complete it without a year and a half.

   So, he is not in a hurry about the Magic Tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ step by step.

   While he was thinking about these things, there was a knock on the door outside.

  Barr was right by, and said without looking up, "It's a beautiful woman."

   Duola glanced at Barr and said, "You old dog, you want to see any beauty."

   Since knowing that Barr had been on Inicole, Dolay has kept away from that woman.

   Barr chuckled and said, "You don’t want to eat, and you won’t let me eat. In the human form, I am more powerful than any human man."

   Duola was disgusted, "You shameless."

   He coughed, then opened the door. Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year, who will come to him.

   The door opened, an unexpected face appeared in front of him, and Duo Lai stood up suddenly.


   Karl stood at the door, smiled and nodded, and said, "I didn't expect it, I will come to you."

   Duolae was really surprised, this guy Barr is really a prank, where is a beautiful woman, he is obviously a man.

   He turned his head and saw Barr, but he saw his body twitching constantly, seeming to be laughing.

"come in."

"Long time no see." As soon as Carl stepped in, he sighed, "I haven't seen you in a few years. Your current achievements, but I can't compare it. I tried my best. I was promoted to level 3. Unexpectedly, you actually Has been promoted to level three."

   Duola felt the power in him. This guy matched the son of the fire element. He became a son of the fire element so quickly and successfully promoted to the third level.

   Duo Lai smiled faintly, "The identity of a pharmacist always brings a lot of convenience." He casually moved a few small bottles out of the cabinet in the room, "Give it to you."

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