Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 284: Tacheng

   In the following days, Dolai put aside his practice, except for refining and studying potions, soaking in the magic tower for the rest of the time, imprinting the Chris Molten Furnace magic pattern on the furnace.

The lowest-level Chris Melting Furnace is also as high as level four, with more than sixty magic circles nested in it, and each magic circle has more than three hundred magic patterns. Overall, it needs more than 10,000 and close to 20,000. Magic pattern, this is a very huge project.

   But many of the basic magic patterns are level one or two, and Duo Lai can even imprint dozens of them in an instant, so it seems that there are a lot of them, but it's not very difficult.

   But in order to complete the furnace, he has to spend several months thinking and researching.

   As for Bennard and Karl, it is impossible for Dolay to give them the magic pattern of Chris' Forge. The origin of this thing is unknown and it is easy to doubt it.

   Time slowly passed. Two months passed quickly. Spring arrived. At this time, Karl, who was staying with him, also left. His time was up, and the caravan called him back.

   All things on the earth recovered. As the sun turned north and the warmer climate came, a little bit of green on the ground soon covered the whole earth, and the air began to moisturize.

   The earth turns green, standing on the tower, looking around, makes people feel refreshed.

   Duola took a break, took a look outside, then came to the front of the furnace, jumped sharply, jumped into the air, and successfully jumped onto the furnace.

   He stood on it, magic power gushing from his body, and the smoke-like magic power quickly formed strange magic patterns in front of him.

   After the magic pattern was formed, it was imprinted on the furnace in an instant.

   Duolai's mental power was very concentrated. After dozens of small magic patterns were formed, the magic finally surged wildly, and a large flame-shaped magic pattern was formed on his body.

   The speed of formation of this magic pattern is a bit slow, and it emits very powerful flame energy before it is formed.

   I don't know how long it has passed, the red magic pattern formed, and the magic pattern that is as high as one person looks majestic and fiery, giving people a substantial flame feeling.

   Dola saw sweat on his face. After seeing the formation of the magic pattern, he pushed forward violently, and the magic pattern quickly fell to the bottom of the furnace.

   As the magic lines fell, red light was emitted from the magic lines, and they looked towards the walls of the furnace. Where the red light passed, all the magic lines were activated.

   The entire furnace turned red, and at the same time, a faint suction was emitted from the furnace, and the magical elements in the surrounding sky and earth were drawn over and drilled into the furnace.

   Seeing this, Dolay breathed a sigh of relief. He jumped sharply and jumped out of the furnace. When he was in the air, with a wave of his hand, a series of magic crystals flew out of his hands and fell into the furnace.

The magic crystal fell into the furnace. Soon, the furnace emitted a huge suction. With the furnace as the center, the magic elements of the whole world were quickly poured into the furnace, and as time passed, the energy in the furnace became more and more powerful. It could get bigger and bigger, and soon, the entire magic tower was shrouded in red light, and then spread to the outside.

   All the magic patterns on magic are activated, all the magic patterns are lit up, in various colors, and the entire magic tower is wrapped in colorful rays of light. The light is magic wave, as the light radiates out a little bit, the whole world is enveloped by strong magic wave.

   The movement of the Magic Tower immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Tallinn, and everyone turned their eyes to the Magic Tower.

   At first, it was Wizard Lamb who followed Duolai. Seeing the magic tower light up, Lamb felt a little cold.

   "This guy finally has his wings hardened, and the magic tower has taken shape, is he about to leave." He thought of this and sighed in his heart.

   But then he sensed that the magic wave of the magic tower of Dorai seemed to be a bit strong, and it was pure fire. This power was so powerful!

  Worth, John and other Allengar’s disciples all woke up from their retreats at this time, raised their heads, and looked outside.

  The tower masters, vice-presidents, and stewards all looked outside. Dolay opened the magic tower, alarming almost all the wizards.

   Duolai was already standing on the tower at this time, communicating with the magic circle mentally, and he was familiar with the power of the magic circle and its many magical functions.

   After Chris's furnace is formed, the magic tower is basically formed. Now only need to find a craftsman to fill the tower.

   This speed will be very fast.

   That's how his main goal was achieved, Duola thought.

It takes a while for the magic circle to open. He needs to absorb enough magic elements to urge the entire tower to move the magic circle. At least it must fill the Chris's furnace. The furnace that Duolai chooses is large enough. It is estimated that it will take at least three days. Row.

   Thinking of this, he communicated with the tower body. With the blessing of the magic circle, his spiritual power skyrocketed rapidly. As the magic power continued to enter, all around him, a magic pattern instantly formed and entered everywhere in the tower body.

   The core of Chris' Magic Array is Chris's Forge. After the furnace is up, he also needs to draw both the Chris Chain Defensive Array and Chris' Magic Fire Heavy Eye. This is a complete set of Chris's Magic Array.

   Duo Lai stayed here for seven days in one breath. For these seven days, he didn't go there, and even missed a course.

   The light of the magic tower is getting more and more bright, more and more magic elements are captured, and the furnace is filled.

   On the seventh day, the light of the magic circle suddenly disappeared, and the entire tower body returned to the state it was in when it was built, no different from other magic towers.

   Dolai fell lightly from the tower and stood on the ground. It suddenly went dark in front of him and almost fell to the ground.

   He didn't care about his embarrassment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ slowly entered the tower, climbed to the third floor, and fell asleep directly on the ground.

   This sleep took another three days.

   Behind Tallinn, a group of wizards stood in front of Dorai’s magic tower. Some were envious, some were jealous, and some were excited.

   "Lecturer Dolay's magic tower is finally almost built, the magic circle is once completed, the next thing is simple." Morris wanted to shout excitedly.

   Beside him, Sano and Gudus nodded at the same time.

Gudus sighed and said, "When I saw him back then, this guy was still a first-level wizard. Now, hey, people can't be compared with people. From now on, it seems that you will have to scrab more wool and fight for the rich. "

  Sano looked at Gudus and said with a smile, "Okay, Mage Duola has no arrogance, so please be content, where ordinary third-level wizards will take care of you."

   "I want to reserve a room." Raman said silently.

   "Me too, I want to book a big one."

   "Fart, do you know how Dolly Wizard will price it? It's a big one?" Skecher said dismissively.

   Morris and Sano glanced at the others.

   Although these people are all civilian wizards, they can be promoted to Level 3 pharmacists, and their qualifications are good, and they are getting along well now.

   Morris thought for a while, "Wizard Dolay once said that the cost will not be too high, but no one can get in with the money."

  Raman nodded and said, "We should all be able to go in, but other people don't know what will happen." He turned his head and glanced at Bennard.

   Bennard looked ahead, but he was relieved. This guy finally has his own magic tower, and he is finally safer.


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