Curry smiled and said, "We have also tried this method. First, the bones are grown and then polished. Only this way, the new bones are very brittle and cannot meet the requirements for use. For ordinary people Yes, it is not feasible at all for professionals."

Dole blinked, "After polishing, the bones are too brittle? The bones themselves are brittle. The reason why our bones are hard is because the bones are covered with a layer of periosteum. After the bones are repaired, planting periosteum can solve this problem. problem."

   Elena, Curry, and McLaren lowered their heads at the same time, frowning their brows. Although their biological level passed the test, they were a little ill-thought. When Dolay said this, they understood the ancient times.

   Their specialty is medicine. They have a good understanding of human body structure, but they don't have a deep understanding. When Duola said so, they immediately started to use their brains.

   McLaren just thought for less than three seconds, then raised his head, straightened his chest, and his gaze showed a sharp light, "Elena, you go call an experimenter, and we will conduct a live experiment immediately."

Such an experiment will not cause any damage to the human body. At most, it is a waste of time. Therefore, they are all directly living. Moreover, there are many mercenaries and adventurers injured in Wassenberg, and there are not a few severed limbs. They are eager to come over. Experimenter.

   Duo Lai dropped his hand to the side at this time and stopped talking. He was also thinking about the difficulty.

  Not long after, a middle-aged man with a lot of energy and blood on a cane came to the door, his eyes were piercing, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

   Seeing this man, McLaren was a little surprised, "Your Excellency Zhelin, you!" The two disciples also hurried up at this time and supported the middle-aged man.

  柘 Lin haha ​​smiled and said, "I heard that you have new ideas here, so I came here quickly. I can't get out anyway, so it's better to come and visit you more."

   Duolai saw at this time that this Zhelin was missing a leg, but his body was full of energy and vindictiveness. Obviously, he was a disabled fighter. At least he had an optimistic and very good personality.

   Zhu Lin glanced around, said hello to everyone, and stopped for a while on Duolai.

McLaren said, “We have a new idea, so we can find someone to try it. It’s best if you come. This is a Level 5 pharmacist from Watts City, who is good at biology, so I asked for help. your."

   Zhu Lin glanced at Duo Lai, his heart stunned. He was a biopharmacist, and he suddenly felt uneasy.

   Elena and Curry saw Zhelin like this, and they felt the same emotion in their hearts, with a smile on the corners of their mouths. The deterrent power of the biopharmacist was too strong.

   Seeing everyone's expressions, Dolai's mouth twitched, is it so scary?

He laughed helplessly, and said, "Hello, Lord Tuolin, the McLaren Wizard has a very good potion that can promote bone growth and grow a new leg. However, some surgical operations are required. I happen to be able to some."

  Zhu Lin swallowed, and said, "Okay, let's start, don't waste time." He thought in his heart that McLaren is here anyway, it shouldn't happen.

   McLaren nodded at this time, "Well, I need to adjust the direction of the potion."


   In Wizard Tower No. 4, an extremely powerful old man spread his hands and looked at his body with an incredible expression.

   His mental power is fully spread out, and he fits perfectly with his physical body, and without any grudges, he has almost reached his peak state when he was not injured.

   In this state, in a few years, he can try to be promoted to level 7.

   He shivered when he thought of this.

   Allengar was standing next to him, and his heart was relieved. This medicine is really domineering, and the effect is really strong. A person who has been injured for many years and has been unable to improve can return to the top. This medicine is really a magic medicine!

He calmed down and said with a smile, "Master Ellen, it’s not wrong, I said it’s okay." Allen’s aura is very powerful, although it is only limited to a small area, but it also caused him enough. pressure.

   Ellen looked at Ellengar, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist, "How many years have I finally waited until this day, Ellenger, I owe you my life."

   Allenger cast his gaze and said, "My lord is serious. Back then, I rejected all opinions and made me return to the arms of the White Wizard. Allengar was too grateful. This time I got the new medicine and immediately thought of you."

   Allen was not dazzled by the joy. Compared to just saying a few words at random in the past, Allengar's gift is really rich and a bit scary, which is equivalent to giving himself one more life.

He waved his hand and said, "This matter is not allowed to be mentioned again. Back then, I only saw that you were very qualified and didn't want to make you degenerate. This is a few words, but now you have given me another life. This is not waiting. Price, let’s talk about it, what do you want? I can give you everything I have, including everything I have in my magic tower."

As long as he is still there, it’s not worth mentioning what the magic tower is. If you give it, you will give it. It’s no big deal. Now it’s the most important thing to return to the top. As long as there is hope of sprinting to the seventh level, then Whatever you don’t need.

Hearing this, Allenger heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, although I only got one bottle of this medicine, there are still a few bottles in the hands of the manufacturer. He wants to replace all of this medicine for him. The magic crystal of cultivation."

   Allen was shocked, and immediately shook. He desperately rushed over and grabbed Allenger's shoulder and said, "There are still a few bottles. Are you serious?"

   Allenger was caught by someone, and smiled indifferently, "Naturally, he has several bottles on hand. Now you only need to stand up and prove the effect of the medicine."

Allenger suddenly angered, "It's ridiculous, how can this medicine go to the auction house? It will only be sold to those **** useless nobles. That person really wants to sell it. I can contact a few buyers. , He puts conditions casually."

Because of injuries, the wizards who have been stuck at level 6 for life do not know how many wizards there are. There is such a medicine that can give them the future, even if they exhaust all they have, I am afraid they will satisfy each other's requirements, just like themselves~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Allenger was stunned for a moment, and Wizard Allen was justified. He thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll contact him. Tell him about it."

"As soon as this kind of medicine appears, it will inevitably cause competition among the nobles. Not many can fall into the hands of wizards. Although some of our wizards are very rich, most wizards do not have much cash, and they have not been snatched away. As long as he can set aside the price, I believe that any wizard will be desperately satisfied in the next time."

   As long as he can be promoted to level 7, his life will be greatly improved. Who cares about that little money?

   Allen himself is like this, he feels that he is welcoming a new life, and the future is promising.


Allen’s recovery to life spread throughout the Northwest Glory Wizards Alliance in a short period of time. A sixth-level disaster-level wizard has completely recovered, and it is very likely that it will impact the seventh-level natural disaster-level horror wizard in the future. This news is definitely The Northwest Glory Wizards Alliance has been the most explosive in recent years.

For this reason, Allen appeared in public and received a lot of compliments and congratulations. The Honor Wizards Alliance also re-adjusted Allen’s position, allowing him to change from the chairmanship vice-chairman to the deputy vice-chairman. In this way, you can free up some more training time, re-accumulate, and meet the seventh level.

The fifth-level wizard is called the destruction-level. At this time, a wizard can almost destroy a medium-sized town, so it is called the destruction-level, and the sixth-level wizard is called the disaster-level. The destructive ability is once again increased, just like a flood. , Mudslides and other terrestrial disasters, and above level 7, you can destroy an entire city by one person, so it’s called the natural disaster grade. The entire Northwest Division of the Glory Wizard Alliance has only three natural disaster grades to fight against other races. Seventh level, if there is one more, it is definitely an epic advance for the Northwest.


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