Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 336: auctions

  Wait for him to free his hand, the Fire Sparrow still has to catch it, and the grudge must be reported.

   In addition to the Fire Sparrow, the Killer Guild also decided to touch it. These two organizations made trouble for themselves over and over again, and really took themselves as a muddle.

   Thinking of this, he picked up the things, left the wizard tower, and went to the classroom.


The course of the lecture was naturally dull and even a bit dry, but there were two fourth-levels in the class, and everyone was more motivated. Some people listened, and their eyes were full of spiritual light. Obviously, the distance from the fourth-level Not far away.

   Seeing here, Duolai was very pleased.

   After finishing the course, he left the classroom immediately, returned to the Wizard Tower, changed a dress, and went out again. He wanted to participate in the monthly auction.

   Just after he swaggered away, he didn't know how much news scattered outside.


   On the wasteland, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the weather in late autumn is a bit cool. Standing high in the sky, looking north, some high mountains have even begun to accumulate snow.

   It's almost winter.

   Duola thought of his days in the northern kingdom, and still missed a little.

   In a blink of an eye, I have been here for five years, and time has passed so fast.

  Feng Xing Shu is deployed, unless it is a large-scale raid by mental power, he will not be found at all.

  Not long after, he came to Wassenberg.

   After dozens of kilometers, he sent a message to the Glory Wizard Alliance, reporting his arrival.

   Reporting every time is actually very annoying, but there is no way, this is the rule.

   Not long after, he stood in front of the huge auction house.

   Today is October 30, and tomorrow is the 31st. It is the day when the auction house will hold the monthly auction. Some high-grade medicines will flow out. Duo Lai's purpose is in these medicines.

   The sixth-level potion can be used by the fourth-level wizards. The fourth-level wizards are actually quite rich. I don't know if they can spend money to grab them.

   Thinking of this, he raised his foot and walked into the auction house. Come here by the way and see if there is a high-level melting pot.

The auction house can auction anything, such as magic crystals as small as the size of a little finger, wizard towers as large as tens of meters, and airships hundreds of meters in length. It can be said that as long as it is within the scope of imperial law, everything Can be sold.

   Don't talk about Level 6 potions, Level 7 potions can be found in the auction house if you have the opportunity.

   Although Duo Lai was only one day in advance, the door of the auction house was still overcrowded, and he arrived early in order to fight for a position.

   Duolai was the first time to come to a place of this size, and he was still a little uncomfortable. After entering, it was messy and there were people everywhere, and people from the auction house were standing in the innermost area selling tickets.

   The team was shot for a long time, but it was clearly divided into many teams, adventurers, mercenaries, nobles, ordinary warriors, and most importantly, there was a separate passage for wizards.

   The sorcerer's separate passage is naturally the least crowded, and Duo Lai lifted his foot and followed one of them.

   The man looked back at Duolai, without speaking.

   There are three people in front of Duolai. All they need is a private room. These wizards have high or low strength. The low ones are only level two, and the high ones are level five. They are all honestly queuing up.

   There are five people in charge of buying tickets for wizards, three of whom are fighters above level five, and two wizards of unknown strength.

   Obviously, these are masters of maintaining order, and at the same time the inside story of the auction house.

   came to Duolai soon, and he slowly said in a deep voice, "The smallest private room." He was wearing an ordinary dress, so he specially brought out the Glory Wizard Alliance's Level 4 Wizard Medal to light it up.

   The young man who bought the ticket saw the medal, so he nodded and handed Duola a key, "The third floor, No. 102."

  The money in the private room is not expensive, only three thousand gold coins, but for ordinary people, this is completely sky-high. For ordinary second-level wizards, this can buy ten bottles of fourth-level potions, which is not necessary at all.

   But for high-level wizards, these are not worth mentioning.

   There will be many venues for the auction. The scale of this auction is relatively large, so it is placed in the largest venue.

After    entered, he came to the second floor. Under the guidance of the waiter, he quickly found his room and walked in.

   The small private room is indeed small. There can only be two people side by side in it. There is a table, two stools, and a few very fresh fruits are placed on the table.

   The auction will only start tomorrow, so I don’t have to worry about more, and after asking people not to disturb, I sit on a stool and close my eyes and meditate.

   Not long after, he opened his eyes with a frown, and Allengar was looking for him.

"Where are you?"

   "I'm at the Wasenberg auction!"

   groaned over there and said, "After the auction is over, you come back and I need to see you."


   Dolay didn't know why, this guy was looking for him, so he sent a message to Lamb.

   After a short while, Lamb replied, "The empire has jammed some of the academy's materials, it should be the hands and feet of the messenger of the three princes."

   The corners of Dolai's mouth twitched slightly, he just replied, I know. No longer pay attention.

The night fell, and soon ended. When the dome above my head lit up a little, the whole auction began to move. There were people coming and going, all kinds of things were arranged, and the auction hall was silent for a night. At this time, many people came from the auction hall. Pouring in from outside.

   The auction is about to start.

   Duo Lai is sitting in danger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ready to wait for the start.

   At that moment, the private room door rang and the waiter brought in the auction list.

   Duolai sent out a tip of two gold coins. After taking the list, it seemed that he knew for the first time that the private room still has this advantage. There is a list, so there is no need to waste energy to pay attention to other things.

   Sitting on the stool, he opened the list and took a closer look, feeling a little moved.

The scale of this auction is a bit larger than previous auctions. From the third-level large-scale materials to the fifth and sixth-level high-end materials, there are two or three more treasured seventh-level materials, including everything, high-level medicines, finished alchemy products, weapons, In addition to these conventional things, armors, etc., there are also some slaves for sale.

   A batch of dwarves, a batch of werewolves, and two female elves are all on the list.

   Seeing this, Dolai has a new understanding of the power of the auction house. He dares to auction the elves directly, and is not afraid of causing revenge from the elves? He always thought that this kind of transaction of special races would be put on a private auction, but he did not expect that this kind of orthodox auction would also work.

   He has never seen an elf, but he can see it this time to see if it is as beautiful as the legend.

   As for the dwarves and werewolves, it is not unusual for Duolai to meet them on the road outside. Elves are really rare.

   The sixth-level spiritual potion he wants to buy is on the list above, and he sighed slightly, the money was not in vain.

   took a close look at the list, and there was nothing else to pay attention to, so he put down the list and closed his eyes slightly.

   The auction hasn't started yet, it's messy outside and it's not worth paying attention to.

   At this moment, there was a quarrel outside the private room, and Duo Lai simply closed the small door without seeing others arguing.


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