Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Relationship

   Gretel also recalled the feeling in his mouth, "Not bad."

"Making this kind of drink naturally attracts wealthy customers. Who are the wealthy customers are naturally the best for professionals. Our store is now the biggest trading place for professionals." Rarely said a macro statement.

  Gley nodded his head and said with a smile, "I have robbed a lot of business from those old-brand stores. A few days ago, some people took the opportunity to make trouble. Unfortunately, the people who came are too weak."

   Duolai had some surprises, competition between businesses is inevitable, but there are still people making trouble in front of these few people, which is a bit new.

   Eugene snorted coldly, and cried out strangely, "It's okay to make trouble, let them make trouble, it's best to smash the shop, just renovate it."

   Obviously, this one is also not afraid of fear.

   These three people are a bit rich recently, and the decorations on their bodies have increased. Even the magic robe has been replaced with gold rims. I don't know what's the use.

The three chatted casually for a while. When talking about the recent situation, Ai hoped that Duolai's face became a little red, and said, "I asked my father about your matter. He said, this time it is very large. , It is very likely to proceed in a bidding mode. At that time, you can submit the tender in the name of the Wizard Tower, and this time it is controlled by the Rhine Family, the Glory Family and the Imperial Wizarding Group, so there is no fraud. "

   Eugene also knows some things about Dorai. The Macia family and the Sagong family have been dancing very well recently, and they are not small in size. They have a lot of right to speak in the Honor Wizard Alliance and the Empire, which caused him a lot of trouble.

He said at this time, "I heard my father say that this attack on the Southwest Highlands is actually something that has been brewing for a long time, and all of our youth plan candidates for the third or fourth term will participate. With the resources of the empire, it must be for the empire. Do things, and this time also allow ordinary forces to participate, but you must obey the command of the legionary department. It can be said to be the biggest handwriting in decades. If possible, I will propose to the Glory Wizard Alliance to let your Dorai Wizard Tower serve as a logistics Existence, there should be no rejection, at least on the side of the Glory Wizard League, with Lord Ellen and my father, there will be absolutely no opposition!"

   Dolai blinked, "Can it be like this?"

  Gley nodded and said, "Yes."

Ashe’s eyes also lit up, and said, “This is feasible. If the Legion can’t get through, you can go to the Honor Wizard Alliance.” Her pressure suddenly decreased, and her eyes were filled with Eugene. easy.

Eugene smiled at her slightly. He knew about Ashe’s recent activities in the military department, but unfortunately, people were light-hearted. Although the name of a genius was used, the most indispensable thing in the military department is genius, because more than half of the geniuses will eventually go to the army. Ministry, let alone the genius of their kind.

   Duola took a faint breath and said, "Then please two of you."

Gretel smiled faintly and said, "Don't panic, you hold a pharmacist of level 3, forty, forty, three, and four, and the people above will not ignore it. You have taught such a course with fanfare that you have long been known at the top. I don't worry about this at all. As for the two major families of Macia and Eugene, their role is not obvious in the face of the general trend."

   Speaking of which, he still comforted Dola.

   Duo Lai naturally had some cares in his heart. He thought about it and said, "Could you arrange a meeting? I want to find some people to talk in person."

  He is facing Ashe.

   Ai Xi nodded at this moment, and said, "My father wanted to come to our Azure Beverage Shop a long time ago. It just so happens that I can meet you all."

   Hearing this, Eugene and Gretel were also a little flattered. How could they arouse the adult when their young people were playing and making trouble?

   Duo Lai saw the expressions of the three of them, and knew that Ashe’s birth might be much more noble than he thought. He didn’t know who her father was, but he hadn’t deliberately inquired about it.

   He looked at Ashe, "Your father is?"

Ash lowered her head slightly and said softly, "My father is the deputy city lord and the commander of the legion. I said it last time when I went back. He said that this matter is not in a hurry. Next time I come back, it may be qualitative. Now it is Discussion stage."

   Eugene and Gretel had some surprises, especially Eugene, thinking in their hearts whether they should also do something, and Duolay would benefit from them, and they shouldn't just take money without doing it.

   He thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, you go back to your father's work, I go back to my family's work, we go hand in hand, and Duolai does not use such a good resource, it is simply a waste."

   Dolay Pharmacy Tower must be a high-quality product. Recently, it has spread to the whole corner of Wassenberg. No matter what wizard, as long as you have money, you will definitely choose Dolay Pharmacy Tower products first.

   Gretel coughed and said, "I will also ask, this matter, the three of our brothers must help to the end."

The income of several tens of thousands of gold coins per month is already considered to be quite high income in Wassenberg, even higher than the income of some nobles. A few of them have become high-income groups in Wassenberg, so they will naturally talk. Emboldened.

   Duola looked up, his eyes solemn, "Then it depends on the three."


Relying on his parents at home and friends on the outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Duola’s parents don’t talk about it. They can only rely on themselves, but on friends outside. He has already realized this kind of thing, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get Gretel. , To open such a beverage shop and distribute hundreds of thousands of gold coins every month. It was an unexpected thing to attract Ashe and Eugene. Originally, this thing was intended to be used to build relationships and to stimulate three contemporary geniuses. , That is naturally the best.

   And it is said that these three people have done a lot of things with these resources, and their status and status have risen. Duola is also very pleased.

The growth of the three of them means that they can grow as well. Whether it is a network or a relationship, they have a certain relationship. In today's world, there is no relationship in the society, just like their current situation, although they have the ability , But no one takes you seriously. It's no good. Just a Macia family and a small Sikong family can hold him tightly and can't lift his head anymore.

   (At this time, I just thought of myself. It doesn’t matter if a rural child enters the city, it’s okay, there’s no money, no one cares about desperate effort! It’s special!)

   Leaving the Azure Beverage Shop, Duo Lai is going to visit the slave market again. Recently, the Wizard Tower has been a bit busy, and Kanchel and the three of them are a bit busy.

The three of them have changed their meditation thoughts recently. Dino changed to fire elemental meditation, Kanchel changed to water elemental meditation, and Libesha changed to earth elemental meditation. I don’t know what they think. The three are different.

After    changed to meditation ideas, most of the time was spent interpreting meditation ideas. There was less work in the wizard tower, and some customers outside had opinions.

   So, Duo Lai is going to visit the Palm Garden. Recently, I heard that there is another war. There should be a lot of good stuff.

   went out, called a carriage, and drove slowly towards Zongluyuan.


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