Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 426: General Anmi

   The little girl lowered her head and stood beside Duola.

   Duola said loudly again, "Is there any more?"

   At the entrance of the apartment, a group of people were quiet, without any sound or movement, numb, sad, and lifeless.

   Duo Lai sighed. He was planning to find a few more children this time, so he released his mental energy and scanned a circle.

   Soon, there were three little devil heads behind him, the oldest is 13 years old, and the youngest is 9 years old.

Rupert was happy to bloom. At this time, he no longer quarreled with the people behind. Those people were terrible, but they were all unwilling to spend money. Where there is more pride, one shot is a giant of five or six hundred thousand. This is better than the annual income of some middle-aged families.

   At this time, the crowd was also quiet, and they were shocked by Dolai's big hand. You know, some ordinary aristocratic families only have tens of thousands of gold coins in a year.

   Wizards are really big-handed, especially the two kinds of pharmacists and alchemists, who are all rich natives.

I heard that Dole was bullied by the Macia family. These people still looked down upon Dole. But when I saw this scene, some people quietly closed their mouths. This amount of money can be used only with money. They were smashed.

   At this moment, the sound of an urn sound came from an apartment nearby.

   "This little adult, does he need to be guarded, a certain sixth-level fighter."

   Duola turned his head, he saw that in front of an apartment farther ahead, a tall and sturdy man with a height of about two and five meters stood naked at the door, like a tower.

   On his body, ten chains, from front to back, locked him tightly, only being able to walk.

   Duola looked at Rupert, and cast an inquiring look.

   Rupert shrugged, "This man is also sold. He is a general of the Anmi country. He was out of control, so he surrendered."

   Sixth-level master, after being sealed by a special technique, Zongluyuan actually has a headache. Who can this guy sell to? Don’t worry about selling it to anyone, now that Rupert is still looking forward to taking the initiative to go with Dorai.

   Sixth-level fighter. The people around him were in an uproar. You must know that if you usually hire a level six fighter, you will need to use five-figure gold coins to speak in one year.

   Duola glanced at the man, then moved in his heart, and said, "How much is he."

   Rupert shrugged, "One hundred thousand gold coins can be taken away. He came voluntarily. We don't force it. Just want it." He said in his heart, "Hurry up and send this great **** away. Don't get in the way here.

   Duola nodded, OK, take him.

   At this time, he glanced at the children behind him, and found that the eyes of these children were brighter, and they seemed to know the man.

   is also right, the sixth-level master may be a household name in the Anmi country.

   Duolai came to the man and said slowly, "Open your mouth!"

   The guy didn't know why, but he didn't resist when he was bought, so he opened his mouth.

   Dolay stretched out his hand, and a small thing flicked in his mouth.

   The man immediately covered his neck, coughing vigorously, trying to cough up the thing, but it didn't work at all. He widened his eyes and said, "What did you eat for me?"

   He was sealed, he didn't have any momentum on his body, he just looked very bluffing.

   Duola looked at him, expressionless, and said slowly, "Xuan Corpse Insect."

   Hearing these three words, the man's face changed, and beside him, Rupert and other nobles around hula la la la la back, and the unknown people were also pulled back, with fear in their eyes.

   One of the top ten poisonous insects in ancient times.

   The man was shocked.

   He softened a little, "Boy, I'll just go with you, I promise I won't betray you, as for."

   Dolai said slowly, "One hundred thousand gold coins, you have to be an insurance. Okay, Rupert, you can let him go. Remove the seal."

   Rupert was a little shocked, a little scared, is it really okay? This is a sixth-level warrior master, although the destructive power is not as exaggerated as a wizard, but it is also very powerful, okay?

   After some negotiations, a few wizards came out from Zongluyuan, and they unlocked the seal on the man, but obviously they still didn't trust the other party, followed by several fighter masters who were also level six.

The man's name is An Cheng. He came here voluntarily and did not resist much. After the seal was opened, he stayed quietly beside Duo Lai. The huge body protected the three children behind him, like a hen protecting the food. Same.

   Duolai saw this, glanced at the four children, and felt a little puzzled. The purpose of this Ancheng is definitely not that simple. Among the four children, there must be an identity that is not simple.

   But he didn't think much, paid the money and left.

   The money on his body is gone again, and the medicine is now squeezed in the warehouse. If the legion doesn't let go, he will find a way to beg for food.

  Walking out from Zongluyuan, a lot of buzzing voices came from behind Duolai, it was a lot of people discussing him.

   made two carriages and transported everyone back. Dolai returned to the Wizard Tower and continued to do his own thing.

He has no plans to study the matter of the sixth-level clone now. The mental power is insufficient, and even if the control is up, it will also cause a rebound. He has cultivated several sixth-level mysterious corpses, and found that he can't control it at all, let alone integrate. In the body, it is good not to eat oneself.

   While giving lectures to the students~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while doing experiments, Duola felt that he had to find a way to improve his meditation ideas first.

   He feels that he has improved too quickly and needs to settle for one or two years, but the reality is that he does not give him time to settle. Now he can only move forward in large strides, and only after reaching a certain height can he consider settled matters.

   And the road before him is the threshold of level five.

   Level 5 in his twenties is countless in history, but there are still a small number of people reaching Level 5 relying on personal abilities. Duolai didn't want to be noticed, but he couldn't help him at this time.

   When he was thinking, suddenly a voice came over.

   "Duola, come with me to the black market."

   It was Alan who was transmitting the sound, and Duola thought, isn't he in retreat? Why is there news from outside? Something in the black market attracted this big man.

There are many wizards in the Glory Empire, there are regular wizards, and naturally there are many irregular wizards. As long as they do not violate the laws of the empire, as long as they are not dark wizards, the empire will generally not trouble them. This also leads to a very large number of wild wizards. The black market has deep roots in the Glory Empire.

   Alan went to the black market, did he get any news?

   I happened to be fine, so I sent my avatar to have a look.

   Thinking of this, he replied to a message. Not long after, he got an address.

   There is no need to prepare too many things, the clone quickly went out, changed his appearance, and slipped out of Wassenberg.

   Next to a small town outside the mountain, beside a small pavilion, Duolai didn't wait a while when a faint breath came from a distance and landed beside the small pavilion.

  'S breath quickly changed and he became a burly man.

   The burly man glanced at Duolai, and said, "Let's go."


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