Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 428: Sky-high books

For example, most of the finished products on the stall are made of alchemy, with some beast furs, other basic materials, and even some potions. The one next to him sells all kinds of rare ores, and also contains other things. , It feels weird, as if all of them are grocery stores.

   In addition to these, Duo Lai clearly saw that some of the things they set up were quite old, and they should have been found in the ruins.

   Duolai walked past the intersection of the black market, his movements were very slow, and he scanned the stalls one by one clearly, and he had a general concept in his mind.

   There are indeed formulas for potions, as well as books on potions, finished potions, etc. However, many of them are very old and may have expired, but in terms of value, it is still very worthwhile.

   After a lot of thought, Duola was ready to take a look.

   In the black market at this time, beams of light were hung in the sky, and there was no shadow shining all around. On the isolated island of the night, here was like a small sun.

   After doing a scan, Duo Lai came to an old man's booth.

The old man’s booth is very interesting. It has everything, finished alchemy equipment, ancient artifacts, and low-level potions. As long as it seems to be able to sell, he can’t use it. All of them are taken out. The most eye-catching thing is He had several old-looking sheepskin books. At this moment, seven or eight people had come to ask questions. After asking, he shook his head and walked away.

   This book is Dolai’s goal tonight.

   In addition to this old man, there are some books on the booth of others, but they do not meet Duo Lai's expectations.

   There are other people in the booth at this time, Dulai looks at other things and listens to them by the way.

   "This is too expensive. It's just an ancient book. Maybe you don't need anything in it. Is it so expensive?"

The man in black next to    frantically complained about the old man's asking price.

   The old man had a plain expression, sitting on the ground, without seeing his anger or anger, "If you like to buy or not, I want it for the price."

   "Can you talk about it?"

   "Isn't this talking about it?"

   The man shook his head helplessly, and looked at the old man’s booth a little bit dissatisfied, looking left and right.

   At the old man’s booth, there were other things. Some people bargained with the old man and bought some alchemy equipment.

   At this moment, the old man noticed Duolai, because the young man had been watching here for a long time, but he didn't make a move.

He observed the young man for a long time and found that the young man was very young, but he smelled like a corpse. He had amazing vitality. This was contrary to normal creatures. Under normal circumstances, only One possibility is that it is a clone at this time, and it is a special clone.

   The strength of the young man is also very powerful, with a full five levels. If it is not for the real body, then his deity should be very powerful.

   At this moment, the last person in the booth left.

   He saw that the young man refreshed, raised his head, looked at him, and said, "Lao Zhang, I am very interested in how to sell these books."

   The old man was taken aback, did he see these books? In my stall, only these books are the most valuable.

   He thought for a while, and said in a calm tone, "These books are taken from my ancient and mysterious relics. Most of them are books on potions, and some are books on alchemy. What kind of books do you need?"

   Duola pointed to the big book, "This one, this one is the only one in your booth that I am interested in."

   The old man was a little depressed, and he was a bit crazy in this tone.

   The old man pondered for a while, and then he quoted, "For the exchange of things, I need two hundred bottles of level 5 spiritual potions and one hundred bottles of magic potions, or exchange for a demon core of considerable value."

   The corners of Duolai's mouth twitched, and the two hundred bottles of mental potions, all of which were close to 300,000 gold coins, not to mention the addition of magic potions, no wonder the person was stunned just now. For wild wizards, 300,000 gold coins may be easier to find, but potions are difficult to buy. In general, except for Wassenberg, where there are so many productions.

   He looked at the old man, this one's strength is almost at level five, so many are used for level four, who is this for?

   He thought for a while, and said, "Your value is really not low. Even if it's Wassenberg, not many people can buy it. Of course, I'm talking about exchange of goods."

The old man’s mouth twitches very rarely. He naturally knows this, but he can’t help it. The granddaughter has a good talent. Now he has just been promoted to level 4 and he has no resources. Speak confidently.

  He suddenly said with a cold face, "I love to buy or not."

Dolai smiled and said, "I can take things out, but I can't take them out now." He touched his arms, but the next moment, he became embarrassed. The sixth-level pharmacist's token was in the hands of the deity. There is no clone here.

   The old man also saw this.

   Duola was embarrassed, "I am a Level 6 pharmacist, and I happen to be able to refine these two potions. If you can guarantee that this book will not be sold to others, we can trade next time."

   The old man was taken aback, then he was overjoyed, and then nodded.

   He pointed to other books coldly, and said, "Other medicine books are quite cheap~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Would you like to read them."

   Dolai shook his head, "What I need now are other formulas of level 6 and level 7, which are real formulas. Low-level potions are useless to me."

He is now a little interested in the ancient and mysterious ruins that the old man said. He has just felt it carefully. This potion book is clearly a complete book. If you get Wassenberg, you can definitely sell it at a sky-high price. .

   But I am afraid that the old man will not be able to go to Wassenberg.

   There are other things in the old man’s booth, but Duola doesn't have much interest, except for the potion book, he doesn't need anything else.

  Walking around on the black market, Dolai bought some rare ores and woods, and spent all his money. Only then did he leave contentedly and came to a relatively dark place on the outskirts of the island.

   Here, there are four or five people standing together, forming a big circle.

   Two of them are Alan and the organizer, and the others are also there.

   These people are all extremely strong, all above level 5, even level 6, each wrapped in a piece of black clothing.

   Feeling Duolai's arrival, some people exuded extremely strong malice. After feeling Duolai's strength, those malice completely disappeared.

   "Here is another one, welcome to our high-end auction, little guy, do you have something to auction."

   A raspy voice came from the crowd.

   Dolay frowned as he walked. Neither the organizer nor Alan spoke. This person interrupted.

  He walked over slowly, without saying a word.

   The man asked himself to be boring and didn't speak, but continued to say to the middle, "My thousand-year purple lotus, I offer sixteen six-level gems."

   was a human being beside him, "Eighteen."


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