Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 445: arrange

   "Aishe came to explain to you in a while, I don't understand it now," Dorai said calmly.

   Eugene nodded and let out a sigh of relief. He knew that Ashe was helping Duolai run this matter recently. With his father's ability, there should be no problem.

"This is not difficult. In our Glory Wizard Alliance, your Wizard Tower is also ranked at the top of the potion level. At least 90% of the dozens of pharmacist organizations bidding for this time will be ranked behind you. What are you afraid of? Even if the old stuff from the Macia family is against you, what about it? This is war, not a trifle."

   Duola nodded and said, "I know this."

   As the two talked, Gretel and Ash came over, and as soon as they came in, they sat in their usual positions.

   Gretel looked at Dolay as soon as he came in, "Do you have an alchemy formula for other potions?"

   Duola shook his head, "No, but I found another way and I am adapting."

Hearing this, Eugene, Ashe and Gretel had some surprises together. The pharmacists’ guild has been in charge of high-level pharmacy for so many years. I haven’t heard that the pharmacist can fight the pharmacist’s guild on the high-level pharmacy. They don’t give formulas. The wizard really has no choice.

   The Glory Wizard League also has to follow some guidelines of the Apothecary Guild, otherwise, Dorai would not be so embarrassed now.

   Ai Xi asked, but after all, he didn't ask.

   Gretel coughed and said, "I know, this is your pharmacist's trade secret, but these medicines have been developed for so many years, and you want to come up with new formulas and challenge authority. This is not easy."

   "Yes, that is, the alchemy formula of the potion. It is difficult for anyone to surpass the formula of the Pharmacist Guild." Eugene added next to him.

   Duola nodded, thinking of some things in the refining process, and said with some headaches, "I am adapting. Although I can't surpass, I have the confidence to be level with them and ensure that the market is still okay."

   The three of them were dumbfounded.

   Duolai taught them another lesson.

   The three of them glanced at each other and decided not to care about this issue. Gretel coughed and said, "What's the matter if you ask us to come out? Recently, I took over some family affairs and I was so busy."

   Duola looked at the three of them, then set his eyes on Gretel, and said in a leisurely tone, "Are you interested in managing a wizard tower?"

   Gretel's eyes went round immediately, and he sat up straight, shocked. What, manage a wizard tower, this?

Eugene and Ashe also showed shocked expressions beside them, but Ashe thought quickly, if Dolay wants to go out with herself, he must not be able to bring that wizard tower. There are so many people in there, they all want Followed to the front line, naturally can only be handed over to others to manage.

   But Eugene is a bit inexplicable, this guy shouldn't follow the front line, where is he going?

   Dolay coughed and smiled faintly, "It's my seat. After a while, I'm going out to the North Pole with Ashe, so I need someone who can hold the scene to take care of it."

   Hearing this, Eugene looked at Dole and Ashe, and combined with the results of the last time they exchanged witchcraft models, it seemed that they were a bit clear. The two were preparing for the promotion to the fifth level.

   Their meditation thoughts are similar in nature, and they can get rewarded if they are together.

   Except for Dolai, all three of them fell silent at this time, thinking crazy in their minds.

Dole coughed and said, "My students have their own abilities. They are all very good pharmacists, but their deterrence is somewhat insufficient. Although there are one or two nobles, they are just too low in status to reach high levels. At the level of being bullied, the entire wizard tower will fall into passiveness. Among the people I know, after thinking and thinking, only Gretel is the most suitable. You are a businessman who knows how to protect your own interests and protect a group Therefore, the position of Wizard Tower Tower Master is most suitable for you."

   Gretel thought for a while, and said heartily, "Do you really have to go out?" If Dolay really lets him manage the Wizard Tower, this is also an opportunity for him.

   Dolay shrugged, "If you don't go out now, you will definitely go out in the future. The three-story tower I am refining is just for going out."

   Duolai built a new tower on a larger scale. They knew that the other party's financial resources were so that the three of them were too ashamed of the dust.

   This is a human-shaped money-making machine.

   Eugene looked at Gretel at this time and gave him an enviable look.

Gretel had already reacted at this time. He sighed, looked solemn, and said with scorching eyes, "Originally, there are a lot of things in our family, but if you want me to manage a wizard tower, then you don't need to do anything about the family. , It happens that we produce and sell ourselves, which can maximize profits, which is pretty good. Hehe."

   He sells medicinal materials. If he gets a group of pharmacists to concoct medicines for himself, and everyone wins together, it is absolutely cool. After one year, his own money will be faster than that of his family.

   Thinking of this, Gretel became excited.

   Duola saw him like this and said, "Then?"

   "I promised," Gretel said, clapping his chest.

   Eugene looked more envious when he saw this.

  At this time, Dole turned his gaze to Eugene, "It's you."

   Eugene was a little confused, and said, "Whatever happened to me, I couldn't help you."

   Duola said with a faint smile, "Although you have nothing to help me, but your teacher can, I have something here, you absolutely want to buy, and your teacher wants to buy it too."

  He said here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not going to sell Guanzi, he took out Lihuo.

   Lihuo is sealed in a crystal, like a rootless flame the size of a thumb, burning faintly inside. Even so, after seeing the crystal, everyone can feel the huge flame energy inside.

   The three of them felt the energy of the flame together, and after determining its attributes, they all exclaimed, "Li Huo."

   Eugene jumped up excitedly, "I now understand why you called me out. It turned out to be this thing. I wanted it. I'll go back and ask the teacher for a price."

   What he cultivates is the idea of ​​fire, and the importance of Lihuo to him is self-evident.

   Duola nodded, "I meant it."

   Eugene left in a hurry. His teacher didn't like sound transmission and only liked face-to-face conversation, so he had to go back and find it.

   Ash and Gretel are left in the room.

   Gretel looked at Dolay, his eyes slightly solemn.

   This guy actually still has such a good thing, is it possible that pharmacists are a natural treasure house.

   He was a little jealous. To tell the truth, Lihuo, a top-notch flame, is something that almost every large force will inevitably like.

  , this guy will weigh, give himself the right to manage the wizard tower, give Eugene away from the fire, and give Ash to company. This abacus is worthy of doing business.

   He has already tagged Duo Lai, businessman.

Looking at Dolly, Gretel sighed slightly, and said, "In Wassenberg for so many years, I have never convinced anyone except those few. I am a five-body to you. Your ability and this means can't be used by ordinary people. ."

   Duo Lai straightened up slightly at this time, looked at Gretel, and said, "No matter what it is, I want to survive better, don't have any other intentions."


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