Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 447: President Summoned

   He held it in his hand and couldn't put it down.

   "It's this gem. It's a bit obtrusive. The level is enough, but it doesn't match your current status. The magic pattern on it is also a bit worse."

   Gretel checked carefully and defined the staff.

   He held it in his hand and couldn't put it down, but after a while, he gave it to Ashe.

   Ai Xi also looked at it, her heart moved slightly.

Lightning strikes Huai, based on the family background of their two families, it is not difficult to find this kind of thing, but it is not in line with their own abilities, so it is not very useful. Duolai is a Fengshui thunder three series, usually only used Feng Shui, the thunder series has not been seen yet. He has used it, and it can be seen that his strongest should be the Thunder Element. With the increase in this staff, this guy is probably more terrifying than he looks on the surface.

  Fourth-level wizard, comparable to the fifth-level combat power, the gap between them and the two of them is very small, maybe even surpass Xiaoxu, plus his terrifying pharmacist ability, this is probably the real genius.

She glanced at Lightning Strike Sophora, and nodded slightly, "Sophora has a very good spiritual affinity. The magic pattern is a little lower, but with your ability, it should be easy to update it. This gem has a lower level, and It's not high-quality yet. How much mental power can it increase?" She held it in her hand and tested it. As expected, her mental power is unimpeded. It is very easy to communicate with the surrounding world, but this gem does work slightly obscure, not so. Transparent.

   If she holds this staff, her strength can rise by about 20%.

   Duola looked ashamed, "I can't take care of it recently, and this staff is also a spare, I have a thicker one."

   After he finished speaking, he took out the useless and dark section and put it on the table.

   This energy saving is slightly longer, about one meter nine or so, placed on the table to fill the entire table.

   Seeing this thing, Gretel was shocked, "If you let Eugene see it, he won't be able to kneel down for you."

   Eugene has dual attributes of thunder and fire, and lightning strike Huai is also an excellent choice for him.

   Ai Xi was also a little moved. He looked at the sophora wood on the ground and looked at the finished product in Duolai's hands. He sighed in his heart and shook his head slightly.

   Good things are good things, and after all, they don’t match their attributes.

   Duolai shook his head, the disciple of the president of the Glory Wizard League, you can see this little thing, although the lightning bolt is magical, it is not impossible to find it.

   He saw that neither of them had any intention of getting started, so he put away the branches.

   "Good things, good things."

"that is."

   "It's a pity, the level is still a little too low, because the will of the sky thunder remains useful."

Compared with the various equipments on the two of them, Duo Lai still appears to be impoverished. They are all self-refined gadgets, but from another level, Duo Lai owns an entire wizard tower, which is better than the two. I don’t know how many times to be rich.

   How many pendants hanging around his neck can be exchanged for a wizard tower, a mere six-level pendant, Gretel knew that Duola couldn't look down on it.

Gretel slowly said, "You don’t plan to save some money and change some equipment. The Wizarding World is relatively unsafe. If you go out without some powerful equipment to accompany you, it will not work. The Wizard Tower is not a panacea. of."

   Duo Lai had this plan, he was thinking about refining some by himself, he naturally knew how dangerous the outside world was.

"Let's talk about this matter later. I will do the current things first. I won't go out for the time being." He looked at Ashe and said, "I know what you said, and I'll fix it later. Gretel will take me with you. The wizard tower of the past."

   He smiled faintly.

   The corners of Gretel's mouth twitched slightly. He saw it, and Dulai was planning to leave soon, and he couldn't wait for the war to start.

   When he remembered that he could lead a group of pharmacist students to show off in such a large-scale battle, Gretel immediately became excited. It was an honor, it was a feat, and when he thought of this, he began to feel agitated.

   Knowing Duo Lai, what a wise choice.

   Ashe nodded, as long as he is paying attention to it, he can't delay major events.

   She suddenly thought, "What about the raw materials in these stores?"

   Gretel also turned his head, yes, he was gone, who supplied the raw materials, he knew that these materials were all supplied by Dolay alone.

   Dolay shrugged, "When the time comes to hand over to Morris, he will give him the formula."

  Gley nodded, "It's okay, it's all yours anyway."

   After chatting for a while, Eugene walked in anxiously, his eyes solemnly said, "Three, let's go, my teacher wants to see you."

   The three of them calmed down and looked at Eugene with a dumbfounded look.

   That is the president of the Glory Wizards Alliance. Even when it was in the Youth Project, that person didn't show up, and now I just saw them three?

How can this be?

   Especially Duo Lai, this is also a shocking moment. He is a foreigner, why do you see him?

   Gretel and Ashe were also shocked. That person, they have never come forward, claiming to be the only seventh level of Wassenberg, powerful, and powerful, how can they pay attention to a few of them?

How can this be?

Eugene looked at the expressions of the three of them, and their expressions immediately became triumphant, "The teacher is very interested in the combination of the four of us, so I took time out to meet us. How about it? It’s interesting, but this time it’s about Lihuo. For your face, you thank Duolai a lot."

   Gretel and Ash, look at me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I look at you and look at each other.

Eugene sighed when he saw this, "Okay, don't guess. One of you is the heir of the Snow Goddess, and the other is the heir of the Dark Star. Although you don't know what kind of meditation Dolay is practicing, it must be It is also a high-level meditation idea. Our four geniuses are together, and they are definitely better than the mobs outside. The teacher also wants us to communicate more, communicate more, and leave soon. Don’t let the teacher wait. His time for the elderly limited."

   Duola looked at Ashe, and said in his heart that he was indeed the heir of the Snow Goddess, and he was right to guess, but what the **** is the Dark Star and what level is it?

   Duola stood up suddenly and said immediately, "Then let's go."

   Gretel stood up a little anxiously, feeling a little hairy, "It's okay, I mean, what is the president's mood today, don't let us go, just clean up?"

   Ai Xi is also a little nervous.

Eugene's mouth twitched, "Although my teacher is usually a little harsher, he is not as good as you think. He is still very kind. Today, I must be in a good mood. Li Huo, his old man has only a little in his hands. , Don’t take it down if you encounter it."

   Gretel immediately coughed, and said with an awkward expression, "Let's go, don't let the president wait in a hurry. Hey, by the way, your voice transmission will not be over. Why run over? It's a waste of time."

   Eugene patted his forehead, "I forgot about it by my teacher. Go fast, don't waste time."

   He took the crowd and walked out.

   Glory Wizard Alliance tower group, octagonal structure, the fifth tower, is the wizard tower where the president is located, at the same time, the fifth tower is also the center of the tower group, carrying the role of the core node of the magic array of the tower group, and also the control center.


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