Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 450: It's exciting to think about it

Pu Yousi shook his head, "I will go, but I will not participate in the war. Masters above level 7 are prohibited from participating in such large-scale battles. This is a common practice. If we take action, there is no need for the legion to participate, you I've seen a level 7 master make a move. Do you think that once they make a move, there is still a way for ordinary people to survive?"

   Duolai heard the implication in Pu Yousi's words, and his heart shuddered. This guy really found Baal.

   He nodded and said, "Yes." He was not talking, trying his best to memorize the contents of the book.

   Outside the door.

   Eugene, Gretel, and Ashe stood at the door, looking at each other.

   Gretel asked, "Guess, how long should we wait?"

   Eugene shrugged, "How would I know."

   Gretel Old God said, "I guess it will take a long time, or else, how about the three of us playing cards?"

   Eugene blinked and played cards at the door of the teacher, at the door of a seventh-level boss, and it was exciting to think about it.

   He felt it for a while, and there was no movement around him. Obviously the teacher had acquiesced to this, he immediately became excited, "Okay, okay, just play cards."

   Although Ai Xi didn't want to play cards, she was helpless at this time and said, "Also, what shall we play, Doudizhu?"

   Gretel sat down cross-legged at this time and said, "Fight the landlord, what are we playing, gold coins or magic crystals, don't play too big, one magic crystal or ten gold coins in a hand."

   "Okay." The two said in unison.

   A gold coin was also added at the time, and there is not much anyway. They are all people with a monthly income of nearly 100,000, so no one cares about this little money.

   The three of them sat cross-legged on the ground and began their boring journey.

   Duolai naturally didn't know that the three outsiders were so boring. He had tried his best to memorize various formulas, refining methods, various precautions, fire control temperature, etc., all mental powers were operating at the same time, and mental powers were highly concentrated.

   At the same time, he had to deal with the questions of the seventh-level boss.

   "Your things come from the outside world, so this seventh level is also from the outside world. The **** dog that shot in the Evil Mountain some time ago is your friend?"

   Dole did not refute, and said, "Yes, when I met it, he was going to die, I saved him."

   Pu Yousi was a little shocked, who can kill a seventh-level? This enemy is also a strong man. It is said that the Hell Dog is also a top-ranked race in the Demon Realm. The race strength is extremely strong, so his enemy should also be very terrifying.

He nodded and said, "This is also your chance." He paused and thought, "In our world, there is no race of **** dogs. According to the record, **** dogs are generally distributed in the purgatory category, **** Kin, the dark world, the race bloodline is very advanced, belongs to the upper three races, and his enemies must be terrible."

Dole raised his head, glanced at Pu Yousi, and said, "I haven't asked him such information, but I heard from him that the energy level of the Hell Demon Realm he is in is much higher than that of our world. Nine The number of ranks is not a minority, and the Hell Dog clan should not be too high a race."

  Pu Yousi nodded and said, "If the energy level is high, it is indeed very good, but it is much stronger than our human race."

Dorai shook his head again, "Actually, that's not the case. I heard that in the Hell Demon Realm, the number of human masters is also not a small number. Among them, there are also a few of the ninth level, but the number is not enough to fight against other races. At this point, the human race The natural disadvantages are manifested. Physically weak, they are very talented and willpower. Take the Wizards League’s youth plan this time. I have seen all ten people. There are talents, but the willpower is a little worse."

  Pu Yousi looked at Duolai unexpectedly, this kid is very insightful.

   Duo Lai himself is a very determined person, so he is very dissatisfied with the general ease of life of wizards.

Pu Yousi nodded, and he sighed, "The sense of crisis is still a little worse, so in this Southwest Campaign, the wizards with names and surnames need to go to the front to see how dangerous the outside world is, nobles. The difference between wizards and ordinary wizards is reflected here. Ordinary wizards have experienced life and death for resources. They have very firm willpower, but the resources are much worse. Noble wizards are inherently superior and lack some fighting spirit."

   While chatting, Duola felt that the content of the chat between him and President Puyousi felt weird. What is his identity, what is the identity of the other party, and what is he doing.

Pu Yousi also understood the source of Duo Lai's strength at this time. On the one hand, the meditation thought was in place, and he directly cultivated the very advanced elemental son of the meditation thought. The second is that there is a seventh-level boss as the backstage, all the way. Although it seems crises, but in fact there is nothing, coupled with my own talents, all the way to work hard, all the real skills.

   Duolai didn't conceal it either. He couldn't conceal anything in front of the seventh level, so he directly confessed Baal.

   Anyway, this man has now recovered his strength, without a trace, no one can easily catch his tail.

   One hour passed quickly, and it was almost noon time.

   Duo Lai just turned to the last page. After reading it carefully, he closed his eyes and gently closed the book with his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time the harvest is really too great.

   Although there is no formula for the alchemy side, he already understands it, and it will be a matter of time to get it all out.

   This book, in one hour, he was distracted and used, and he recorded the recipes of thousands of medicines in one breath, and it was not lightly tired.

   Seeing Duo Lay close the book, Pu Yousi nodded and said, "We are considered a successful transaction."

   Duolai nodded, he stood up, and handed the Lihuo Crystal next to the book respectfully to the opponent.

   Pu Yusi took it with one hand, flipped his wrist, and disappeared.

   At this time, the door suddenly opened, revealing three people playing cards outside.

   The three of them were also a little shocked at this time, they were playing cards, and the door opened.

   They hurriedly put away the cards in their hands, and quickly stood up, as if nothing had happened.

   The three of them all showed innocent looks on their faces, looking very funny.

   Eugene walked in first with a serious face. He looked at the teacher and said with a hippy smile, "Teacher."

  Pu Yousi nodded, he looked at the three of them, and said, "Today's purpose is to meet you. Just work harder in the future, Ash, is your aunt still angry with your father?"

   Ai Xi was a little dazed, and said in a cold voice slowly, "Report to the chairman, yes."

  Pu Yousi sighed, "For so many years, I still haven't let go. With this mindset, I might have rushed to the seventh level. It's not promising."

He looked at Gretel and said slowly, "Doing business belongs to doing business. Strength cannot be pulled down. Only with strength can you guarantee your own interests. In some things, it is better to rely on others than on yourself. I believe you understand this. reason."

  Ps: The power went out, so angry.

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