Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Old poison deal

  Of course, there are a lot of people who strike up a conversation with him. Some people are selling their own things, some people are unkind, and some people are just planning to make friends. These people were tactfully rejected by Dolay.

   There are a few ill-intentioned people, and Duo Lai doesn't want to pay attention to them. They are all three or four-level little wizards, little people with no winks.

   From the mouth of the valley, to the innermost point, Dolay quickly came to the door of the last tent, just glanced at it, and walked directly inside.

   Behind him, there were several glances, staring at him into the valley.

   The deeper part of the valley is naturally a more high-end market. At this time, six people in black formed a circle, each explaining what they wanted to exchange.

   Seeing Dolai coming in, one of the men in black immediately shrank his hand, his eyes lit up slightly, "Everyone, the people I'm waiting for are here, you'll trade first."

   He immediately turned around and walked towards Duolai.

   The man in black left, and the other three looked at each other, only Downey and Allen were unmoved.

   When the three people saw this, they immediately understood that this new kid might really have a deal with this old poison, but he didn't know what it was?

   The man in black walked out from inside and soon came to Duolai, his eyes looking expectant.

At this time, he wrapped himself tightly, covered in a large magic robe, covered with runes that shield mental power, and only a pair of eyes were exposed outside. He walked over and felt a ghastly feeling. .

   He came to Duo Lai and said eagerly, "Can you refine it?"

   Duola nodded, "Naturally." He took out a jar, put it in his hand, and put several potion bottles in the closed jar.

   After seeing the thing, the man was not in a hurry to scan his mental energy, but looked at Duolai to see if he had anything to say.

   Duolai threw the jar over, then took out a few small paper bags, and said blankly, "This is the antidote. Dilute it 100 times and take it orally."

   The man looked at Duo Lai and took it in surprise. He thought, what price he would have to pay.

   He thought for a while, still said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

   Duola slowly said, "You made the material, and the formula was made by you. You don't need to pay anything. I got the formula. This formula has inspired me a lot."

   The man in black pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, I accept your favor."

   Duola looked at him. Although the opponent is at level 6, he said without any fear, "I think, let your favor be left alone."


  In the distance, the other three people looked at this side in amazement, and were a little surprised. In this world, anyone would dare to talk to Old Poison like that?

   The three of you look at me, I look at you, and finally look at Allen and Downey.

   Downey and Allen naturally didn't have any expressions, and their eyes didn't show any expressions.

The old poison means extraordinary, and the strength is outrageous. The most important thing is that he often uses all kinds of extremely harmful poisons. Wherever he goes, there is often no grass and no hair grows. Therefore, the reputation in the wizarding world is very unremarkable. Good, but he is not a real poisonist.

   This person can actually refine poison to the old poison. That's really amazing. What's the matter with these two people, they seem to be protecting this young man. This young man seems to be amazing.

   One of them thought for a moment, and then he laughed suddenly, "Who am I? It turned out to be the master of the Dorai wizard tower, the sixth-level pharmacist Dorai."

   The eyes of the other two people looking at Duola changed.

There are no secrets among high-end wizards. All sixth-level wizards basically can guess the identity of each other as long as they meet each other. As long as it is this one, this picture of Ellen, the vice president of the Glory Wizard League It looks normal, but, after all, whether he will be promoted to level 7 in the future, this little wizard is the key.

   And in the world of black wizards, this person's name is not small. After all, the identity of the heir of the black corpse worm can't be concealed. That Wushu's recent turmoil is also inseparable from this person.

   A small fourth-level wizard, emmm, the eyes of the three sixth-level wizards looking at Duolai suddenly changed.

   The three of them were tacitly aware.

   Allen looked at the three of them. Naturally, he was very guessing about the careful thinking of these three. As long as he was here, Dolay would have no problem today.

   The main purpose of bringing him here today is to trade poison with the old poison. Downey has traded other things before, so today's purpose has been achieved and we can retreat.

   The black wizard got the poison, put it away happily, and let out a long sigh of relief. After waiting for a month, he finally waited. With this thing, he can plan that place.

   When I think of the things inside, even if the old poison is already a very powerful sixth-level wizard, I can't help but feel excited at this time, because the things inside represent the seventh level.

   From level 6 to level 7, I don’t know how many people got stuck. The old poison has been stuck for almost a hundred years, how can I not be excited.

   was looked down upon by a little wizard of level 4 in Dolay, he didn't care much, anyway, everyone didn't interact very much, it didn't matter.

At this moment he laughed and turned back at the other five people and said, "My goal this time has been achieved, you guys, you are free, I am leaving." As he said, he laughed loudly, and then turned into a black smoke. He rushed to the distant mountain, and disappeared quickly in the darkness.

   One of the faces changed at this time, and said, "I'm done with the transaction, too. Let's see you next time, everyone."

   He also shook his figure, and also went up to the distant mountain, and quickly disappeared.

   For a time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there were only four people left in the same place.

   Four of you look at me, I look at you, one of them slowly said, “I still have a thousand-year-old corpse in my hand. I don’t know who you want it. It has already reached the stage of a silver corpse.”

   The opposite person looked at this person and slowly said, "Give it to me, I have a few drops of blue green leaves."

   The man's eyes suddenly beamed, "I want five drops."

   The man nodded and said, "Yes."

   The two immediately traded, and a corpse with an extremely strong corpse was thrown out.

   Duola glanced at the corpse, his body was involuntarily attracted by the strong corpse qi above it. Reason tells him that this corpse qi is really the most stinky in the world, it is really unpleasant, and it even carries various toxins, and it will be killed on the spot if you eat it, but the body tells him that this thing is delicious and it is really delicious on earth. I really want to eat it. One bite, and make up!

   He then closed his eyes, and madly confronted the instinct of the Xuan Zong Worm.

   After the Profound Corpse Insect was promoted to the fifth level, his strength greatly increased, and his own strength was also slowly increasing, but after all, it was a big step higher, and it was very difficult to suppress.

   But fortunately, the man quickly took the body away.

   Next came another person. What he took out were ten powerful scrolls, whose power also shocked Dolai.

   Everyone takes turns to trade one by one, which is also relaxed and happy, but the atmosphere has always been tense, for fear that they will fight if they don’t agree.

   Sixth-level masters are all earth disaster-level characters, and they are all to the extent that the sky is shattered and the earth is shattered at random, which is very terrifying.

   But fortunately, this kind of thing that Dolly was afraid of didn’t happen in the end.

   Downey, the organization ability is good, plus the two of them with Allen, they can also be shocked to live at the other six levels, otherwise, this place would have been opened long ago.


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