Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Crocodile Dragon

  In ancient times, the ancient real dragon controlled the world, the phoenix controlled the wind and flame, the unicorn controlled the power of the earth, etc. These powerful creatures occupied the world's most powerful force.

   At the end of the ancient period, these mythological creatures were gradually dissatisfied with the energy level of the world, and left this world one after another, and then began the ancient period.

  The ancient period is an extension of the ancient period. Although it is not as strong as the ancient period, their blood will be left behind. The red bird, the green dragon, and the giant elephant are the legends of that period.

   After modern times, the blood of these powerful creatures is still on this land, and J is a very powerful one.

Myths are myths after all. After too long an age, they can no longer dominate the world, but the creatures themselves are connected. They are like dogs and not non-dogs. They have scales and horse heads. They can control flames. They like to live near volcanoes. , Someone once saw these creatures in this area, and some people rumored that these are the descendants of two ancient creatures, and they are very powerful.

   Duolai just thought about it for a moment, so he drove the wizard tower away from this area, looked at other places, and finally chose to land on a low level. Near here, he had reached the location of the goblin tribe described on the map.

The goblin biome, like the human race, is actually very weak. In addition, the height is very low. It is similar to the dwarf. The strong individual of the race itself will not exceed the sixth level. There is no level 7 at all. The strength is very low, but they and the dwarf The same, they are all very creative races, able to make various alchemy devices and wear them to make their own strength reach the height of seven or more. The most famous enchanted alchemy armor in history is the handwriting of goblins.

   If anyone underestimates the goblin, that is definitely bad luck.

   Goblin is best at using alchemy creations to plunder everything else around him, bullying the soft and afraid of hardship, and has a very bad personality!

  Goblins are also excellent absenteeism. They usually cooperate with dwarves to develop certain minerals together. However, unlike the industrious and simple dwarves, goblins are often cruel and cruel, and they are a completely evil race.

   Wizard Tower reduces all the magic fluctuations, and quickly throws it towards the mountain. As he flew down, he turned on various alert formations to scan the nearby area.

   Within the scope of the Eternal Forest, there are many races, each of which is divided into areas to survive. They exist in the form of tribes, which can also be called nations. The most indispensable thing is land.

   But there are some exceptions, such as the area of ​​the dwarves, where the trees are just dotted. They like the location of the mine, and the goblins like to grow underground, the ground does not move, and it is still a forest, but the growth of these forests will have an impact.

   This is a plain. From the mountains in the distance, a river winds and stays. After passing through this area, Dolly investigated and decided to put it beside the river.

At the same time, he already had a few more formations in his hand. When the Wizard Tower landed on the river bank, these things had been thrown out of the tower by him, falling around in the form of a magic array. Soon, the formations took effect. A barrier rises, enveloping this area and shielding all magical fluctuations inside.

   When all this was done, the Wizard Tower happened to fall, and there was a small open space here, which he had long been optimistic about.

   The tower body fell gently, pressing down on the soft ground, and standing firmly.

  The first thing after falling is to activate the wizard tower magic circle, absorb the surrounding energy, and provide energy for the wizard tower.

   This is the eternal forest, the magic elements are very abundant, it is very quick to add.

   checked the progress, it was about 3% in one hour, and the replenishment could be completed in about 30 hours.

   Duola told Ashe about the precautions. Ashe nodded and couldn't wait to say, "Let's go out and catch some creatures and get some blood back."

   Duola nodded, this in itself was their plan.

   "It's best to be a sapient creature, or a creature of the same bloodline with different strengths. This is the place of the goblins. The two of us go out and look for it together. Be careful."

   Walking out of the wizard tower, Dolai saw the outside world.

  Rivers, woods, fresh, and a little bit of decaying grass and trees breathed out, and the active magical elements filled every inch of the surrounding land, feeling full of vitality.

   Duolai didn't look at the surroundings very much. Just now, the Wizard Tower had been swept away. There were only ordinary beasts in this area, and the slightly stronger ones were all dozens of kilometers away.

   The ones that Duolai said were slightly more powerful, they were all above level three, and there were actually quite a lot of first-level and second-level monsters here.

   Putting the Wizard Tower here, the two of them walked upward along the river.

All creatures have blood, but the power of blood is different. It has been inherited from ancient times. The origin of human blood has always been a mystery, because he has inherited and does not know how many races, there was once one, and human was made. The creatures that came out did not exist by themselves, because the bloodline was too mixed, and there was reproductive isolation from most creatures, which also led to this view being recognized by most people.

   There are also people who say that the human race evolved from certain creatures. There are many different opinions.

  If you want to study bloodlines, naturally you have to figure out what bloodlines are, so the number of creatures they want to capture must be enough.

   Of course, as long as the two of them have blood, the alive and dead don't care.

   Soon, Dolay found the first creature he was interested in in the river, and he walked out less than two hundred meters.

   Crocodile dragon.

   Ashe also discovered the danger in the river, felt it carefully, and looked at Dola.

   Dolay nodded at him.

Ashe turned into the power of a wind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappeared from Duo Lai's side, but Duo Lai could feel that she went to the surface of the river, as three or four ice blades appeared out of thin air, shot into a few splashes from A stream emerged from the river, and then, Ashe appeared, a stream of water rolled up, dragging a few corpses over the water.

   Duo Lai had already prepared bottles and cans at this time. When the crocodile dragon came ashore, he immediately began to collect blood.

   Aishi dropped the crocodile dragon, and said, "There are still many powerful creatures in the river. I'll catch a few."

  The creatures in the river are generally not strong. In fact, Duo Lai didn't want to go down and catch it. Seeing Ash's interest, he didn't want to interrupt him because of it.

   This river is not narrow, but rather wide. Therefore, the flow of the river is not fast, and it gives birth to many lives.

In addition to this powerful creature, the crocodile dragon, there are several other creatures that are very powerful. Dolay used his mental power to observe for a moment, and then asked Ashe to focus on some crocodile dragons. He found that the crocodile dragon here is not just one. Species, there are several species, alligators, long-tailed jaws, giant tooth jaws, dragon-scale crocodile, the largest number of these creatures in the river, they seem to occupy this area.

  Aish also discovered this situation. Each kind of crocodile caught a lot of them and put them in front of Duo Lai one by one. Finally, she also put down her body and used magical hands to help Duo Lai bleed these poor crocodiles.

   In this section of the river, the highest level is only the second-level crocodile, and the third-level crocodile has not been found.

   It took a short half a day to put all the blood in different categories. Duolai saw that there was still time, and said, "Let's catch a few more high-level crocodile dragons."

   Aixi did this kind of thing for the first time. She was still very interested in the beginning, but now she is a little bit uncomfortable with the smell of blood.


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