Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Elemental Storm

  The black clouds rolled, surging forward on thousands of kilometers of the sea. Every inch of the space occupied by the occupier, layer by layer, one after another, one wave after another, occupied the entire sky at a very fast speed.

   And the direction facing the dark clouds is the tin boat.

   Dolai frowned. Can the extreme north also encounter this kind of sea storm? There are squally winds to the north and storms on the sea. This place is simply the Jedi of Life.

   At this time, he saw that the creatures living on the ice sheet fled into the sea one after another. In a blink of an eye, none of them could be seen.

The speed of the iron boat is very fast. Seeing from a distance, the size of a sesame grain becomes the size of a fist. The waves are surging around the big boat, and a wave of tyrannical to the extreme energy pushes the big boat forward, and the boat does not know what it is. People, looking at the speed of this ship, it seems to be advanced.

At this time, the storm became more and more violent. The dark clouds in the sky had already covered half of the sky. The thunder shining in the dark clouds, loud rumbling noises came from afar, and on the sea, waves tens of meters high. It slapped forward surgingly, making a violent sound, which looked extremely terrifying.

   Within the field of vision, the sea is turbulent, ups and downs, coupled with the dark clouds in the sky, lightning, and squally wind around, there is an indescribable sense of horror.

   But at this time, Dolai was surprised, because under the black cloud, the cloud group of thousands of miles was a huge storm, and it seemed to be chasing the iron boat at this moment.

   This is a real storm, a storm covering thousands of miles!

   Duolai's eyes were bright, and he couldn't find any place to go through the iron shoes. It took no time to get it. He was anxious, after sending out the message, he jumped and went into the water.


   Jesford stood on the bow, his broad wizard robe wafted, and deep wrinkles appeared on his frowning forehead.

   He holds a blue staff in his hand, and waves of blue power are constantly emitted from the staff, which is covering the entire hull.

   The strength of the hull is surging, urging the iron boat to move forward continuously.

   "Damn it, why did you encounter the living storm element? It's really a mistake. If I knew it, I won't kill those blue whales."

Jesford was a little upset. As an eighth-level wizard, being chased by a seventh-level storm element does not seem to make people feel particularly embarrassed. The storm element itself is almost invincible, and the size is too strong. , Just the one-thousand-kilometer-long body shape can make people unable to give birth to the desire to fight against it.

   Even as an eighth-level horror-level master, a character who can attack the city, face this kind of elemental creatures, it is somewhat powerless.

He has been running for more than ten days, and the storm element is still chasing after him reluctantly. He is a little helpless and can only continue to run to the far north. Only in this place, the storm element that has lost the home field advantage will be possible. stop.

   On the ship are my own students, crew members, and even some old friends’ disciples. This time I came out for an investigation. How could this kind of thing come to mind?

   His gaze swept around, the Far North was indeed a little too peaceful here, and many creatures were unwilling to survive here.

   At this moment, he saw the popularity of a figure transforming into a figure. It seemed to be standing on the sea, heading towards the storm element. The figure’s energy response was extremely low, it seemed to be only level four?

   Four-level wizards from here and there?

   He hesitated, but he was still ready to remind him, after all, he had attracted the storm element.

   "Children, that is a seventh-level storm element, run quickly, don't move forward."


   Duolai was running excitedly on the sea, when he heard the sound suddenly, he was slightly taken aback, and someone could find him.

   He hesitated for a moment, and looked in the direction of his mental power, but he saw that it was the iron boat hundreds of kilometers away, and he was a little shocked.

   Damn, how did he pass the sound through such a long distance? Is he a seventh-level wizard?

   His footsteps did not stop, but continued to move forward at a very fast speed.


   The old wizard was a little puzzled. There are really people who are not afraid of death. He thought for a while and let him go.

   The closest distance between Duolai and the tin boat was only tens of kilometers, and the two passed by.

   At this moment, the old man heard a message.

   "Thanks to the old gentleman for reminding me that the exercises I practice need to observe elemental storms and comprehend the artistic conception of storms."

   The old man was taken aback, he looked in the direction of Duolai, his eyes suddenly turned blue, as if penetrating the void.

   He saw that there seemed to be a shadow of a storm on Dolai's body.

   He immediately understood, that's how it was.

   He fled thousands of miles for his life, but instead made a wedding dress for the other party. This little guy can run to this place where the bird does not **** to look for the storm, but he is a real talent. He can't help but look at each other.


   Duo Lai released all his breath, surrounded by the storm, and the surrounding air flowed, forming a large gust of wind, simulating the storm.

  His breath is only Level 4, which is weak in itself, plus the breath of the same element as the storm element. Even if he rushes away, the huge storm ignores him, but rushes to catch up with the iron boat in front of him.

   However, it is obvious that Dolai can see that the speed of the storm is decreasing, because it is already in the extreme north, and the surrounding environment is actually not suitable for the survival of the storm element.

   And the owner of the tin boat obviously had this idea, so he tried his best to escape ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was also due to the fact that the storm element itself did not move very fast, so he was able to escape.

   The iron boat continued to flee, while the storm element continued to chase. Duola spent half an hour close to the storm element, then turned into a wisp of wind, and merged into the sea of ​​violent storms, endless storms, and lightning.

   The mission of this trip, now is the official start.

As soon as he entered the storm, Duo Lai could feel the terrifyingness of this huge elemental creature. Although it was only at level 7, the energy contained in it had completely exceeded that of ordinary human orthodox wizards of level eight or nine. , Wind, thunder and lightning, I don't know how much energy has been accumulated. If these energy is released in an instant, it may be able to destroy a relatively powerful country in an instant.

   While thinking about the power of the storm element, he released his perception, blended with the surrounding wind and current, and slowly realized the true meaning of the storm element.

In the storm, he doesn’t have to be afraid of encountering the enemy, because there will be no one here. What he has to do now is quietly perceive and observe quietly, perfect the loopholes in his meditation, make up for his own structure, and perfect the meditation. Law.

   The thoughts of the son of the storm are very detailed, but after all, they are only books and texts. They can't replace what you see with your eyes and what you can sense with your mental force. Therefore, the most intuitive thing is to observe a complete storm element.

   When he entered the coverage of the element of the storm, Duo Lai understood that the key to the promotion of level four to level five, the real meaning of the element of storm.

   This is the most terrifying natural phenomenon in the world. There is no one. Even if it is a volcanic eruption, it has a degree, while the storm element has no degree. The laws of heaven and earth it contains may not be as powerful, but the scope of coverage is really too large.


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