Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 488: dessert

   On the Wizard Tower, Barr's figure flickered and disappeared happily in an instant.

   "I will go around in the sea."

   Ai hopes that the waves will gradually go down, and her mood will gradually become calmer. The elemental aura around her decayed slightly, the air was no longer cold, and the frost in the air slowly turned into water droplets and water vapor, disappearing.

   After entering the fifth level, Ashe’s daily task is to build various spell models and integrate them into his own domain.

The fifth level is a watershed. The biggest difference is that the witchcraft model can be contained in the domain in advance, and when it is not needed, it can be condensed and released directly. It is very easy to use. Of course, this is only available for advanced meditation. treatment.

The storm slowly expanded. Soon, half of the island where Ashe was located was wrapped in, and she felt the power of the storm at close range. Ashe felt that she was facing a real storm, the kind of facing nature. A sense of weakness arose spontaneously.

   But when the storm extended to the Wizard Tower, it stopped abruptly, and then retreated in an instant. The three powers of endless water, wind and thunder in the sky quickly converged to a certain point.

   Spectacular, magnificent, magnificent.

   Not long after, on the island, a small storm appeared in the center, which happened to fall on Duolai's head.

Above Dolay’s head, an endless storm element stands quietly. The reduced version of the storm element discards a large number of natural wind and sea mines. It is completely composed of magic. It is very scenic and small, but the energy contained in it is far away. Far surpasses the ordinary fifth-level wizard.

   Through the storm element, Duolai entered the middle of the fifth level in one fell swoop, saving at least ten years of time. It has to be said that the sea feng shui element is indeed very rich. As for the thunder element, it is completely transformed through two of these elements.

   A small crystal clear whirlwind, with various thunder and lightning flashing continuously inside, making a rumbling sound. Just looking at this small whirlwind, the average level 5 will feel infinite deterrence.

   At this moment, Dolai opened his eyes, and the small whirlwind storm quickly melted into his head.

   He slowly stood up and looked out to the sea.

   Under the sea surface at this time, Baal is holding a small sea snake in his hand, eating it, while in his other hand, another sea snake exudes a powerful aura, still struggling.

   This is a sea snake that is about to transform into a sea bird, and its strength has firmly stood at level 6.

   But in Barr's hands, it was as fragile as a little chicken.

   Duolai didn't see it with his own eyes, but the ability to connect to the wizard tower and observe from a distance.

   It turned out that these three sea snakes were responsible for the strangeness. This strength is also very powerful, but unfortunately, it was Baal, a real seventh-level.

   At this time, in Baal's hands, the sea snake that was about to transform into a seabird was still struggling, but there was an incomparable fear in his heart. Where did the seventh-level power come from, and why is it so terrifying?

   Seeing his own people being swallowed by the opponent, his heart is extremely cold.

   Barr held one in one hand, braved the wind and waves, and quickly came to the sea.

   At this time, the sea snake was surprised to find that the storm on the island was gone?

What's happening here? The son of the storm fails?

   It is a bit daunting.

   But at this moment, the strong man has taken her across hundreds of kilometers to the island. At this time, he was shocked to discover that there is actually a human wizard tower on the island?

What's happening here?

   This seventh-level strong is actually someone else’s pet?

He vaguely saw that there was a human woman on the Wizard Tower, with a thin body, cold eyes, delicate faces, and an indescribable sense of weirdness. In the words of the human race, it was a sense of beauty, but in his In his eyes, there is no beauty, only fear.


  What does that storm element mean?

   He was suppressed by Baal and couldn't feel anything. It was just that what he saw so far had made him feel terrified.

   Barr's speed is extremely fast, a distance of tens of kilometers, turned into a white line, in a few tens of seconds, he reached the side of the wizard tower, passed through the defense system of the wizard tower, and stood there.

   "There is a more delicious ration. I decided to keep it for a few days before eating it. Recently, I have been a little tired of eating seafood." Barr explained a few words proudly.

   Ash said respectfully, "Master Barr is mighty."

   The sea snake is a little unresponsive, what does it mean, this **** dog is not a human pet?

   He felt that his world was completely overturned.

   At this moment, on another island, a fluttering wind flew over, passed through the defenses of the Wizard Tower, and landed on the Wizard Tower, showing its shape.

   The meaning of the storm from his body has not dissipated, and the three breaths of Feng Shui Lei entwined slowly flowing, making the sea snake even more shocked.

   The storm element they thought was actually a human being?

   Duola looked at the sea snake and asked in confusion, "Is this the sea clan who was about to destroy my promotion path?"

   Barr waved the sea snake that was almost a dead snake, nodded, "Dessert."

   Duolai's mouth twitches, level 6 snack, Master Barr, your mouth is really stunned.

  He slowly said, "I'm already level five, and we have been out for two years. It's time to go back."

  Barr actually doesn't want to go back, there are so many snacks outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really can't bear it! But Duolai wants to go back, so go back, anyway, he can come out at will.

   "Okay, okay, then go back, but do you know where it is and how far it is from the Western Ring mainland?"

   Ash is also looking at Dolai at this time. They came out of the western ring mainland and passed 10,000 kilometers to the north. Then they ran east for several days, and then flew south for several days. They travelled tens of thousands of kilometers. To be honest, I don’t know. Where are you now?

   Dolay scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and said, "I don't know where it is, but don't we have a guide?"

   The three people unanimously set their eyes on the sea snake.

   Sea Snake sneered in his heart, anyway, it was almost eaten.

   He immediately pleased, "I know the direction, I know the surrounding terrain, I am very useful, don't eat me!"

Barr saw through his strategy at a glance, and sneered, “I’m a man, no, I’m a dog, I still believe in black magic, or Veritaserum, Dolai, take out all your guys. Deal with this guy."

Not long after, Duo Lai got their exact location. To be precise, it was an approximate location. Here in the East China Sea, there is still more than 10,000 kilometers from the coastline of the Glory Empire. It takes at least three to five to fly from here to there. The duration of the flight in days.

   Under normal circumstances, a boat is the best, but for three people, two five-level, one seven-level, plus a wizard tower, there is no need for this thing at all.

   But before leaving, Duo Lai needs to transform the Wizard Tower. The current energy capacity is still not enough. It can only fly for three days, and under normal circumstances, if you want to pass through sea storms, rain clouds, this will be greatly reduced.


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