Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Scramble

   Give it away for free?

   Ash's eyes lit up immediately, but she immediately thought that although Bai Shabing is not high in grade, only level 4 is very difficult to collect. The task of giving it away is probably not that simple.

   Without waiting for Dolai to reply, she answered and said softly, "Mr. Guwa, we will take a good look."

   Gewa glanced at Ashe, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Then I won't send the two in, goodbye."

   Gewa and the woman quickly disappeared at the door, and walked from another small road to the back of the wizard tower. Obviously, their goal had been achieved.

   Duolai stood at the door, looking at the wizard tower, he could feel several spiritual forces faintly looking at them, and he was relieved.

   Ai Xi wants Bai Sha Bing, then look for it, and go back in no hurry.

   He also has several level six medicines, which need to use medicinal materials from the sea, and this time he also bought some.

   Thinking of this, the two got into the bustling crowd and walked towards the wizard tower.

   Entering the Wizard Tower, the wide space inside makes Dolai a little uncomfortable. From the outside, it is a whole, but after entering, he finds that it looks like a shopping mall, with things like shops everywhere inside.

   is a circle of shops in the middle, and then a hallway and corridor are surrounded by various shops.

  Emotional Yingzhou Mansion’s wizard groups have been packaged into quarries. This is a good idea.

   Looking at everything in front of him, Duola felt very interesting.

   Ai Xi is also a little confused. The situation overseas is the same as the vegetable market, which is fresh.

   She saw the place where the materials were sold at a glance, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Dolly, let's go in."


   In the corner of the "vegetable market", a group of ten people stood quietly at the door of a shop, and one of them stared at the door.

   When seeing Duo Lai and Ashe coming in, the person slowly turned his eyes away, as if he had swept by inadvertently.

The person looked at the others and whispered, "The foreign fifth-level wizard, Xiao Feng, go and see if you can bring it to our team. Unexpectedly, before going to the ruins, you can still touch To such a powerful wizard."

   One of the handsome young people stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and then smiled, "Okay, boss, these two people are new rookies at first glance. Fudge a little bit to make sure that you can catch them."

The boss's complexion was stern, and he immediately reprimanded, "We are a regular mercenary group, not for you to pick up girls. As far as your sixth-level warrior's ability is concerned, the fifth-level wizard can't even look down on you. Go ahead, speak well, don't delay. Matter."

   The demeanor youth suddenly collapsed, "Boss, you said that our top mercenary group, it is their honor to join in, what happened to the fifth-level wizard, hum."

   "Go now, don't dawdle." One foot suddenly stretched out to the young man's ass.

   When the young man saw it, his feet swayed, and he hurriedly moved away. He was kicked by this foot. Does that still have any face?

   He tidyed up his appearance, walked slowly through the crowd, and came to the door of the store where Dolai and Ashe entered.

   At this moment, his expression changed because the opponent's person was negotiating with Duo Lai inside.


Duolai didn't expect that the two of them would be spotted as soon as they came in. When they came to the material store, one of them jumped out and asked if he wanted to join their adventure group. Their team was going to enter a sea ruins, unexpectedly. It is a relic of ancient times.

   Duolai was a little wondering, the news of the two of them came so quickly, or the strange faces of the two are really easy to attract?

   "I'm really sorry to bother you, I'm sorry, as long as the two are willing to join our mercenary group and explore the ancient ruins, we will get away with the two of us."

   The man introduced it endlessly.

   Duola is really not interested, he refused one of the ancient ruins in Wassenberg.

   "Sorry, we are not interested, we just buy things, and we will leave after we buy things." Duola refused this person again.

Then he glanced at the shop. At this time, the clerk saw this situation and drew far away, making Dolai a little helpless, and a little surprised in his heart. Who is this person, there seems to be some influence in the local area, and it seems that the shop is not willing to offend. This person?

   Ai Xi stood aside, watching this scene coldly, without speaking.

   The man was a little embarrassed, "In fact, it's not that we have to win the two. There are many magic circles in the ancient ruins. If there are no wizards in the town, it is easy to fall into it. Or, are we two to eight?"

   "Among the ancient ruins, there are good things that can help overcome the catastrophe. It is said that he is still an eighth-level water system mage, leaving behind many witchcraft and formations about the water system."

   Duo Lai knew that this was a usual marketing method, and was a little helpless. He had known that Guwa had been with them just now. These people are really annoying.

   He was about to talk, and a person came in at the door, a handsome young man, as soon as he appeared, he went straight to Duo Lai.

   When Dolai looked at the man, the man in front of him was also looking at the man, and his face changed.

   Duolai suddenly became interested when he saw this. The two seemed to know each other, and they came to find himself?

   That person should be of aristocratic origin and looks good, but acting as a lobbyist at this time also complements each other.

   "Who am I? It turned out to be you. Just your mercenary group also invited two noble fifth-level wizards?"

  As soon as aristocratic youth came in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it was a mercenary group that belittled middle-aged people.

At this time, inside the shop, the boss looked at these two people, they were also very big heads. Both of them were very famous level six fighters in Yingzhou Mansion. There was a wry smile left.

   One person has quietly sent a message to inform the boss behind the scenes that if the two people fight here, I am afraid that the shop will be demolished.

   The middle-aged man's face changed, and he sneered, "Who am I, the social flower of the Green Grass Mercenary Corps, why don't you come here to pick up girls?"

   The aristocratic youth's expression remained unchanged, "Tsk tsk, it's really uneducated, it's pitiful, we are the Orchid Mercenary Corps. Two people, this person is not here to trick you into joining their Amethyst Mercenary Corps."

   Duolai and Ashe looked at each other with no expression on each other's faces. I don't know what's going on?

  The middle-aged man just mentioned the ruins. Could it be that this belongs to their rival mercenary group?

   Is this ruin really so popular?

   Seeing the two people quarreling, and still centering on the two, Dolay had a slight headache.

   Ai Xi was even more impatient at this time, and the icy aura on her body was even revealed, apparently already impatient.

Seeing that Ashe was about to publish, Dulle said helplessly, "Two people, we are just here to buy something, and we are not planning to join any mercenary group. Just notify GW."

   Upon hearing the name Guwa, the expressions of the two mercenaries suddenly changed.

   Ai Xi and Duo Lai saw this, and they turned around together to find the clerk.


   "White sand ice? How much do you want? What, a ton? We don't have so much here, we only have 20 kilograms here?" The boss suddenly smiled bitterly.


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