Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Small temple

There are powerful wizard formations in the temple. Undoubtedly, there is also a wizard formation on the gate. No one presides over it. The wizard formation runs slowly by itself. There is nothing special about it. Duola stood at the door, just watching After a while, he gently pressed to the door.

   The door was not closed, it opened with a light push.

At this moment, Duolai's expression changed, because behind him, a tyrannical beast aura suddenly slammed into the direction where he was. It was very strong, and the energy intensity was as high as six levels, which was even more powerful than himself. Warcraft.

   Duolai did not panic, but immediately took a step and walked inside the door. This six-level beast dared to ambush himself behind instead of lying in it. Boss Barr did not remind himself that he should not be able to enter.

   The energy hit behind, the door blasted loudly, and a fierce shock wave shook the entire mountain.

   Duolai hid behind the wall, his figure moved slightly, and the ground under his feet shook, but when he looked closely, there was nothing in the entire temple.

   Duola looked back. Although the explosion was violent, the actual effect was that only a little bit of dust was splashed on the ground at the door.

The explosion quickly dissipated, revealing a tyrannical figure. It was a monster in the form of a murloc with a long sword in his hand. Looking at Duolai inside the door, the fish-eyed eyes looked at him very fiercely. It stepped forward. In the threshold of entry, the body's breath violently erupted, like a volcano suddenly erupting, and the big sword in his hand was cut with a sword, and the light from the sword instantly condensed into a substantial blue sword light more than three meters long, and the sharp breath can almost be separated. world.

   Its strength is very strong, as high as level 6. If this sword is cut down, Duolai will definitely be divided into two halves.

   Duola felt shocked in his heart, but only quietly stepped back a few steps, and did nothing else, because he just felt that with the arrival of this monster, the magic circle in the yard was moving.

The next moment, the magic circle suddenly violent, dozens of tyrannical forces shot from all directions, Duo Lai only heard a few bounces, a few rays of light in the air flashed away, and the tyrannical monster suddenly stood still at the door. Move.

   The breath of the demon instantly disappeared, and then his body split, divided into dozens of pieces of meat, and fell to the ground.

   A **** breath came from the ground.

   Duolai took a deep breath when he saw this place, and his gaze became dignified. The magic circle here is really powerful, it can trap the seventh level, and the sixth level has no resistance at all, at least it is a seventh-level formation.

   But why it just trapped Baal and didn't kill him, it was a bit strange.

  According to the flow of the formation just now, he has already determined the position of Baal, which is in the middle of the temple in front of him, because the element density there is the highest.

   Thinking of this, he is not in a hurry.

   "Master Barr, I will first see if there is anything of value in the surrounding area, and then I will save you. The magic circle here is very powerful, I have to find information."

Barr also noticed the explosion of the magic circle just now, and said with a slight bene, "Hurry up, I feel that this magic circle seems to be aimed at demons. Many of the magic patterns in it are opposed to demons. To be honest, if it weren't for me It's not a demon, it's probably cold."

   Duola was surprised at this time, "You are not suitable for the belonging of the demon?"

The **** dog grunted, "Demons are your name. There are four categories of our own: ignorant monsters, born elves, ancient divine beasts and holy beasts. We ourselves are a race of blood and wisdom, just like your human race. Our **** dog is born with wisdom, not comparable to those demons."

   This was the first time Duolai had heard of this kind of thing. He had previously felt that demons were all demons except humans. This was the first time I heard this statement.

   Thinking of this, he said, "Okay, I see, the Dragon Race is also considered a blood-smart race?"

  Barr nodded, "Those who are born with wisdom are called bloodline wisdom races, and dragons are naturally considered to be."

   Duola didn't care about this with him. At this time, he had been observing all around.

   He was quickly surprised to find that the corpse of the tyrannical level six demon just now had disappeared. He did not disappear out of thin air, but slowly dissolved and penetrated into the floor.

   He came to the door, carefully observed the floor, and found that he didn't feel any difference from before. It seems that no one has been here for a long time. The ground is old, and no one has been here for a long time. Seeing this, Duola's heart is stunned. This world is really weird!

When    realized that there was no result, Duola's heart was a little heavy. He decided to let go of this thought and look around.

The temple is very complete. At least on the surface, there are eight rooms around the main hall. I looked back and forth. There is a kitchen, a dining room, a small bathroom, and the other five are normal rooms. Four of them are normal. The doors of all rooms were open, there was nothing inside, only the door of one room was closed tightly, and there seemed to be something inside.

   After going around in a circle, Dole sent a message and asked, "As soon as you entered this world, you were locked up by this temple?"

Barton became angrily at the time, "Yes, that space gate, I have teleported twice, the first time, it was teleported to this **** world, the second time it was just after landing, and then it was teleported once, directly Teleported here, being held here, this dog seriously suspects that the owner of this world has strong malice against non-human races."

Duola's heart was shocked, and he shuddered slightly, "When this world comes in, it is teleported immediately. Your landing point will only be affected by random effects, but it will be teleported as soon as it hits the ground. Then, only one thing can be determined, that is There is a very large wizard formation, covering every place."

   As soon as he thought of this, Duola felt his scalp numb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Barr was taken aback, but he didn't expect this. When Duola said it, his horror suddenly started.

   "You said, after I go out, will I be teleported again?"

  Barr doesn't want to speak anymore.

Dole stood in the yard, looked around, looked at the sky, and the fixed sun. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be possible, I guessed it, I'll take a look first. That locked house, look for clues."

  Barr passed on an ah thought.

   Dolai came to the door of the room.

  The room is diagonally facing the hall. As soon as you go out, you can see the main hall door.

   Duolai stood at the door, and his mental power was released. At the same time, various detection methods were also taken out. At the same time, he carefully scanned the jade board he had just found to see what was inside.

This scan didn’t matter. I was shocked immediately after scanning, because the jade board did record a lot of things, most of which were the origin and history of this space. It was very valuable. Most of the jade boards recorded It's all about that city.

   On one of the jade boards, it recorded some things about the exercises. There were three kinds of them, and there were some things about magic lines, formations and the like.

   hurriedly searched for a bit, but couldn't find any information about this small temple. After all, the distance between this place and the place just now was more than 3,000 kilometers, and I don't know how many cities are there.

  There are empires in the space, and there are as many as three or four countries, and they have fought for years, and Duo Lai has already come to another country.

   In addition to these countries, there is also a very detached force. When he saw this, Duola was shocked.


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