Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 511: remind

   This is a big project.

   Duo Lai regrets a little now, why didn't he go to learn alchemy professionally, and make some mechanical puppets, but now he has to rely on his own hands, it is too difficult.

  The Wizard Tower fell into the mountain, and after a round in the mountain, it was easy to find the relevant trees and timber.

   Aishi Baldore, the two shot together with a dog. Not long after, dozens of more high-grade woods were placed on a flat ground, neatly stacked together.

   At this time, Duo Lai is not going to look for it anymore. He needs to extract the wood and make it into real materials.

The wizard tower stopped on the ground, and Duo Lai stood on the ground, after attaching the power of the wizard tower to himself, he pointed at it, and the woods flew up one by one, and then quickly transformed by the power, a magic pattern appeared out of thin air, imprinted. On top of the wood.

  Magic grain can increase the strength of the wood, strengthen the toughness of the wood itself, and at the same time repel the impurities in the wood.

   Building the wizard tower is a very huge project. Under normal circumstances, it takes an entire team of alchemy wizards to complete.

   One person can do it, but the speed is horribly slow. Your own strength, alchemy ability, and your own magic reserve are all stumbling blocks that restrict the construction process.

Dorai is backed by the wizard tower and has an independent wizard tower energy source. Even so, the speed of processing wood is not much faster. As long as the strength of the mental power is limited, even if he and the clone work together, the speed is still not fast. Where to go.

   It takes ten minutes to process a piece of wood. From the three-story building to the twelve-story building, all of them are composed of various wood materials. With other materials, it takes at least several months to complete.

   However, the current situation is that he can’t help him if he doesn’t build it. Even Master Barr, who has always been careless, feels very tricky with the appearance of the devil, so it is imperative to upgrade the construction of the wizard tower.

Although it lacks various metals and some important supporting materials, the tower may be incomplete, but at least the magic array can stand up, as long as the magic array can be upgraded to level 6 or 7, then their safety It can guarantee a lot. The essence of the wizard tower has never been a complete version of the tower body, but the wizard formation contained in the wizard tower.

After the three of them discussed and performed their duties, Baal and Ashe went to find the wood, while Dolay refined the wood on the spot, built the tower, and finally built the wizard formation, at least able to withstand the attack of the fifth-level heart demon. Just work.

  The heart demon is a purely spiritual creature, so you only need to block all the mental power formations, resist illusions, resist sounds, resist all kinds of visual temptations, as long as you don't make too many mistakes, there is basically no problem.

   However, the characteristics of the heart demon are also very obvious, that is, it can use any means to invade a person's mental power and destroy his spirit. This has to be prevented.

   Duolai is still wondering, this world might have such a terrible thing?

   "Master Barr, what is the origin of the heart demon?" Duola asked while refining the wood.

"The origin of the heart demon is not clear, anyway, it has existed since ancient times, but every world is protected by gods, and the heart demon generally cannot invade. They wander in the void and have always been extremely corrosive to the world of living things. They probably found a loophole in this world, and then they came in and eroded all the creatures."

   "Inner demons change a lot, and inner demons above level 7 almost have the characteristic of immortality."

   Dolai has read these materials.

   He thought about it and found that the characteristics of the heart demon are similar to the mental virus, and it is the virus that is particularly contagious and replicative. It has the virus that changes the original human characteristics of the mental power, so it is easier to understand.

However, it is more difficult to treat mental power as human tissue to resist viruses and bacteria from the outside world, because although human spiritual power looks pure, its internal structure is very complicated, and spiritual power is a person’s thoughts and thoughts. How to defend?

   Will? belief? self?

   These can all be used as references, but the actual use needs to be verified.

   Thinking of this, Duola could only build the Wizard Tower first.

While thinking about how to resist, Dolly is thinking about the essence of a wizard. If he does not get infected by the virus, then there is only one way to make his spiritual power stronger and to enhance the essence of spiritual power through various means. Just like before using hallucinogenic potions to exercise mental power, exercise your will, strengthen your mind, and strengthen the New Year to achieve a certain effect.

   Duolai thought about these issues while refining the magic pattern, so he thought about it and did it.

  How to exercise? In fact, it is simple. The process of condensing magic lines is one of the ways. Magic lines are a manifestation of the power of heaven and earth. The power on the magic lines represents the power of heaven and earth. Purify your own power to a certain extent.

   A little bit of time passed, and I don't know how many days have passed, Duolai's wizard tower has been built to the tenth floor.

  When Barr and Ashe came back for the last time, Bardow said, "Change the place, we have all the quality trees in this place."

   Duola took the wood and slowly sat up from the top of the tower, "Okay."

   He looked at the direction, hundreds of kilometers away, there is a mountain, and far away from the center area, so he manipulated the wizard tower and rose from the ground. Uukanshu.com flew to the distance.

   Not long after, they came to this area, found a place to land, and then prepared to perform their duties.

   At this moment, the three of Duo Lai saw at the same time, a very large ship flying from a distance and flying towards the center area.

   On the ship, the flag of Lai State was hung on the ship very clearly, very conspicuous.

   Aixi glanced worriedly, "Should we remind them?"

   Duola thought for a while, "I can remind them that if they are not prepared, they will provide nourishment to the inner demon. Maybe they will be infested by the inner demon and betray the human race, and then more people will die."

   Being possessed by the heart demon is equivalent to being dead, and they don't want to have so many enemies of the human race.

   Thinking of this, he said, "I’ll post it. When I was reading a book, I learned a trick. You can send messages, but they can’t find someone to send it."

   Ashe was taken aback, is there such a technique?

   Duolai knit the news he got and the news of the magic into a ball of light, and launched it instantly, and then continued alchemy without taking care of them.


   Win the country.

   The huge ship slowly floated in the sky, with great deterrence, and the surrounding birds were far away, not daring to approach it at all.

There were not many people on the ship, only a dozen people were chatting about, but these people were all powerful, and after getting the exact location of the old man, they quickly gathered the people who could convene the Dao and set off to the station together. .

   They have discovered the weirdness of this world. It is very weird. The birds in the sky are also very peculiar. The physical bodies are powerful and terrifying, but their mental power is very poor, so their strength is also very weird.


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