Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 554: Old and decayed

   After hearing these words, the whole hall was quiet and extremely quiet. Usually Dairoulade can just say two sentences, but what he said today seems to be meaningful. Some people began to wonder what it meant, for whom to speak, or for whom they were going to beat, for a time, people's minds became complicated. On the questioning stage, some people's faces changed slightly.

   The head of the Pharmacist Guild is a gray-haired old man. There is a piece of paper in front of him, and the question is already written on it.

  His strength is also extremely strong. After hearing what Deruled said, he obviously felt something wrong, he still stood up, glanced at the paper, and slowly spoke.

"This questioning meeting was initiated by our pharmacist union. Our pharmacist association questioned Dolai, abusing the formula of medicine, changing the price of medicine at will, disrupting the market, and violating the guidelines of pharmacists at will, convening ordinary pharmacists, and achieving the monopoly of medicine. ."

   Then, he looked at Dole with heavy eyes, and pressed the past fiercely, "Now, please answer the first question, the abuse of the formula."

   Duola looked at each other, looking straight at each other. The surrounding atmosphere is very quiet, combined with hearing what Deruled said just now, there is no panic at all.

He looked at the man and slowly said, "I hereby declare that everything I do is under the pharmacist's guidelines, and there is nothing against the pharmacist's guidelines. Please don't frame me. As for the formula, I am sure that my students buy the formulas that comply with the rules in the Pharmacists’ Guild for their own use. As for the learning method, it belongs to me. I just paid a fee to teach them the method of refining after examining the character of the academy. , The expenses in this area belong to me, and it does not violate the pharmacist guidelines."

The old man said fiercely, "The pharmacist industry must teach by precepts and deeds to form a faction. You are neither a respected teacher nor the leader of a certain faction. Why do you teach? As far as I know, you did not set up your own organization. "

   Duola was speechless, he did not set up his own organization.

  He shrugged, "Well, let's go, I recognize this one."

   The scene became quiet again, and everyone looked at Duola in an incredible way.

   Why did he admit it so easily? How can this be? Almost most people's eyes widened.

   The old man was also stunned at this time, so happy? Will this be fraud? Combined with today's situation, he suddenly became a little unconfident.

   slowly put away his momentum, the old man pondered for a moment, and said, "Then let's talk about the second, abuse of market dominance and arbitrary pricing, do you recognize it or not?"

   On the questioning stage, some people whispered to each other at this time. Things are very wrong today.

   Duolai was too calm, and he admitted very happy. This is not like the person being questioned, but like an outing. You know, the consequences are very serious.

   Duo Lai also saw the situation on the questioning stage. Those people stared at him fiercely, as if they were about to eat themselves, how could they not pay attention.

Taking a look at the other people, Duola looked at the old man in the pharmacist union and said calmly, "I don't recognize this. The price of the medicine is based on the raw materials of the medicine, the manual fee of the pharmacist, the professional fee, etc. Cost, the value of the medicine itself is a result of convention, not the result of pricing by any person or institution. I think my technical level is high enough and the yield rate is sufficient, which can reduce a large part of the cost, so I reduce it. The price of medicine is understandable. How can it be called an abuse of market dominance?"

The old man wants to vomit blood. The price of the medicine is indeed the result of the customary agreement, but it has been customary for hundreds of years. The price has been rising steadily. It has never been lowered. With this, Duo Lai lowered the market price of medicine. It violates the interests of other pharmacists.

   "You arbitrarily lowered the price of medicines, disrupting the market, resulting in a reduction in the income of a large range of pharmacists, and you said that you did not disrupt the market?"

   The pharmacists present were all staring at Duo Lai at this time. This guy really violated their interests. This is understandable.

   Facing this point, the interrogation stand, and the people on the referee stand looked at the Pharmacists’ Union and Dolly playfully.

   The main contradiction between the Pharmacists’ Union and Dolay is here.

Duola laughed at this time, "What does this have to do with me? No matter what industry it is, the survival of the fittest is a common thing. It is impossible for others to have better abilities, but to accommodate people with lower abilities. This is not compatible. The theory of market evolution does not conform to the positive concept of our human race. People who do not want to make progress will sooner or later be eliminated by the market."

   Duolai said this word mercilessly, leaving no affection at all, every word, it deeply shocked everyone's hearts.

   The old man felt like he was vomiting blood.

   Said that their pharmacist union's skills are outdated, which is unbearable!

   "That is the result of our pharmacist union for many years, you actually said it is old?"

   Dole shrugged and directly attacked, "Please comment on these things. I won't say much. Keep your old thinking, not enterprising, and stand still. This is the current situation of your pharmacist union."

What else the old man said, a voice came from the referee's platform, "Next, this one is over. Our Glory Wizards Guild agrees that Duolai's one is correct. Please remember that technology requires improvement, and It's not conservative. The Pharmacist Union needs to reflect on this point."

   Everyone looked towards the high platform. When they saw the speaker, many people flinched, including the old man, because the speaker himself was Pu Yousi.

   His speech represented the Glory Wizard Alliance and the wizards of the entire Northwest.

   Everyone did not expect that Puyous would speak for Duolai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at the pharmacist union. At this time, I was shocked. It seems that today's matter is indeed something wrong.

The old man turned his head, his eyes were solemn, and he looked at Puyousi with a heavy voice, "My lord Puyousi, this is very important. This is also something that our inquiry desk agrees that Dolay should admit, not just us. The Force of Nature organization, the **** organization, and the yyy organization are also things that are unanimously agreed, and the major families are also miserable because of this."

   Hearing this, most of the questioning meeting nodded unanimously.

Pu Yousi looked at the old man, and really didn't have much interest in this matter. He said casually, "Didn’t Duolay explain it just now? I think it’s very good. Old concept, old. The thought of, should be eliminated and forgotten in the long river of history. If you think that persisting in the old is the progress of society, then I think that you, the president of the pharmacist union, have a problem. Shouldn’t it be done by someone else? Re-promote the development of the pharmacist market."

   Pu Yousi's voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. Hearing this, the people in the hall were shocked.

  What does this mean? This means that the Honor Wizards Alliance admits that there is a problem with the market and that the Apothecary Union is rotten and useless?

   For a time, the faces of people in major organizations and forces changed.

   Old and decayed, they have actually carried this pronoun on the mind of the president of Puyousi?

   The old man swallowed and spit, shocked in his heart. Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the Glory Wizard League, the pharmacist industry was already so unbearable.

   He struggled fiercely in his heart, and he always refused to admit this fact. In fact, the Pharmacists Union has been committed to the development of pharmacists for so many years, and has never slackened.

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