Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Du Jie II


   Crossing the Heavenly Tribulation is also the Crossing the Human Tribulation. This person does not mean purely humans, but means beings. Those creatures came from a distance. Obviously, this is Alan's Human Tribulation.

   Heavenly Tribulation must be spent on his own, while Renjie can ask someone for help.

Dole just glanced in the distance, looked towards Puyousi, and slowly said, "My lord, do you want to, I will give you part of the control of the Tower of Babel, my tower has a seven-level energy core. And the capacity is huge." Duo Lai said very heavily.

   For the wizard, the source of energy is very important, so Dolly took the lead in upgrading the energy core of the wizard tower.

  Pu Yousi originally just wanted to smile. Entering the seventh level, it is completely different from the fifth and sixth levels. What you call big may just be what you think.

   But he didn't laugh, he just thought about it, and said, "Okay."

   Duola nodded, and immediately made a token.

  Pu Yousi took the token, communicated a little, and refined the token, then communicated with the token, and the spiritual power fell on the wizard tower.

   Then, Pu Yousi shook in an instant.

   He saw most of the wizard formations in the wizard tower, and there were many magic patterns in it. He hadn't seen many of them. He saw the energy core and felt the power in it, this? It is indeed very large, almost more than his own energy reserve.

  At this time, he saw in the Wizard Tower, someone seemed to be watching him.

   There was another shock in his heart, that magic dog?

   At this moment, the shape of the **** dog flickered in the wizard tower and appeared on the top of the tower.

   Barr looked at Pu Yousi, his huge figure slowly shrank, and finally turned into the image of a strong young man. Compared with before, his current aura is a bit stronger.

   As soon as Barr came out, he looked at the Thunder Tribulation in the sky, looked at Pu Yousi, and looked into the distance, as if he had just woke up.

   Then he coughed and said, "Then Ellen is going to overcome the catastrophe, this is the seventh level? Pu Yousi?"

  Barr didn't mean to target Puyusi. In front of him, Puyusi's hundreds of years were like a child.

  Pu Yousi's heart was stunned at this time, and he looked at Baal, and became more and more frightened. Is the creature in front of him indeed a creature in this world? Is this Duola's support?

  Pu Yousi didn't have too much malice, and slowly nodded, "Are you Barr, dare you to ask, come from that world?"

   Duola looked at the two of them at this time, and quietly stood aside with Ashe.

   He doesn't want to mix this matter.

  Barr said, "Naturally, it is a **** world one level higher than this world. In other words, this world's tribulation is like this? When I crossed the tribulation last time, the tribulation cloud was more than two hundred kilometers in range."

   Duolai was a little speechless. Allen's Crossing Tribulation, that is, the range of more than one hundred kilometers, was already very exaggerated. Barr obviously did not know how many times stronger than Allen, and his life was essentially different.

   Pu Yousi's mouth twitched, and at the same time, his heart shuddered.

   In terms of life level, this creature called Baal is obviously much stronger.

   He spoke slowly, and said, "It's a great honor for Duola to be protected by you."

   Barr smiled, "It's my honor to meet him. I won't tell you anymore. I saw a few snacks flying over and I was hungry."

   At this time, Barr had seen a few small things flying in the distance, and the corners of his mouth were all flowing out. Naturally, he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he turned and flew out, leaving the scope of the wizard tower.

   Puyusi didn't understand, so when Barr flew outside, he suddenly understood something.

   Back then, the creatures in the surrounding mountains rioted at every turn, but he didn't know what happened, but now it seems that this is obviously the thing.

   Is the attribute of this **** dog a foodie?

The robbery cloud is getting denser and denser, the lightning in the sky is like a dragon and snake, rumbling, the will of heaven and earth descends, and it suppresses everyone on the ground. arrive.

   Those with slightly higher strength ran away, while those with higher strength ran far away and did not dare to come over.

   Duolai glanced around. In their range, apart from a few Baal's snacks on that mountain range, there seemed to be no overly powerful creatures.

   He thought for a while, and said, "Master Puyousi, you can go in other directions. This line of defense has me and Ashe, as well as Baal and Downey. There will be nothing wrong."

  Pu Yousi looked at Barr in the distance, sighed in his heart, and said, "Okay, I can rest assured that you are here, then I will leave here."

   After finishing speaking, he saluted Duola, then turned around, stepped into the air, and disappeared instantly.

   Duolai didn't sense how Pu Yousi left, but he knew that the other party had left here.

After Pu Yousi left, Duolai moved instantly. He went to Barr's direction, screaming while running fast, "Don't eat it all, leave me with two hands-on practitioners. Just learned two. Witchcraft, try its power.

In fact, there are very few witchcraft in the idea of ​​the storm element. The fourth-level wind spear is the representative work of the fourth-level. The other powers can only be said to be average, and at the fifth level, it is the evolution of various large-scale storm systems. Witchcraft ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hits people with the power of the storm. It's not a skill. It has only an electric hand, which is the most powerful and tyrannical method of the fifth level.

   This witchcraft, he has practiced it in the past few days.

In addition, he has also practiced two ranged witchcraft, one storm comes and can summon a small storm, and the other is a free wind killing that condenses powerful large-scale high-level wind blade attacks to perform localized witchcraft. Wind Blade Strike, compared to ordinary wind blades, the power and coverage of the wind blade is a proper Earth Disaster Level. With his current elemental ability, a small town can be wiped out in a single blow, which is comparable to Earth Disaster. The power of grade.

   But Dolai had already said it was too late. When he first arrived, there was nothing in the sky, and the corners of Barr's mouth were full of blood.

   This level six creature is not at all an enemy of Baal.

   Duolai was a little helpless, so he could only spread his qi on the mountain. When he came to the mountain, he waved his hand, and the huge wind blade of two or three meters in front of him condensed in an instant, making a full seventeen or eight times and falling into the mountain.

The wind blade slashed across the sky, making a violent hissing sound, and quickly fell into the mountains. Suddenly, dozens of huge cracks up to five meters deep and about 100 meters long appeared on the huge mountain. The stones collapsed and the mountain shook. , A small part of the mountain was completely changed.

After practicing this witchcraft, Dulai used it for the first time, and felt that the power was not bad. The wind kill can condense up to more than a hundred large wind blades of this kind, and the spell model will be exhausted. Such a blow Go down and properly destroy a small town.

   Feeling the vibration in the mountains, the surrounding little monsters were so scared to come out.

   is too cruel.

  Barr's meaning is still unfinished at this time, "After eating salt water in the sea for several months, the creatures on the land are still delicious. There are no large monsters around here. I will go to other places."

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