Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 579: Control

"Witcher: Elemental Lord (

The pharmacist Duo Lai has always been known for his high speed, high yield, and high quality. He doesn't know how many medicines are in such a big box.

As soon as she walked in, she said, "Dolly, let's not say more if you are polite. What is the content of the transaction, the magic crystal or the gold coin?"

Dole shook his head and said, "You discuss this with Ashe, take the potion first, and Master Allen will borrow the Wizard Tower. We will also follow the Wizard Tower. You take things and leave first."

Lauren was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

Duo Lai is not an orthodox wizard, he has no wizard teaching from the Glory Wizard League, nor has he attended a wizard academy. Strictly speaking, he can only be regarded as a wandering wizard or a wild wizard. There is no inheritance, no genre, and he has recently heard of buying a large amount of it. The medicinal materials should be very short of money. How can they be so generous?

However, this guy is making money at a speed comparable to a gold mine. It is estimated that he has sold a lot of potions to other families. He does not have a seventh-level pharmacist certificate and cannot be sold publicly. It is estimated that it will be sold to the Aoun family or some relatives. My friend, with his output, he can make a lot of money in three or five days.

She wasn't hypocritical either, she glanced at Ashe a little enviously, and then turned her head.

There is nothing to worry about in this life to find such a partner.

After thinking about it, she said, "Okay, then I will take it home first, and check out when you come back. How much is this about?"

Duola said with a faint smile, "The price I gave for a bottle is 70,000 gold coins. These are almost a few million gold coins in total."

Lauren took a deep breath in surprise, which was too exaggerated.

This is still a seventh-level traditional medicine. If it were those special medicines, Duolai's speed would surpass all the wealth of a large family in no minute.

Ashe said next to him, "Several millions of gold coins are nothing. The Wizard Tower has been promoted from level 6 to level 7. Just to buy various metals, we need to cross out 30 million gold coins. We are all prepared for the wood. There are other spars and ores, which can be as much as 50 million. These are all small amounts of money."

Lauren's mouth twitched. Of course, she knew the difficulty of upgrading a seven-level wizard tower. Otherwise, why she would join the Rhine family because the Rhine family had a seven-level wizard tower.

The huge sum of 50 million yuan is placed in the Rhine family, and it will be a pain to accumulate for more than five years.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

He was about to speak when a small wave of magical power came from outside, and a figure appeared at the door of the twelfth floor.

This figure is simple and unpretentious, like an ordinary old man, inconspicuous where he stands, but his eyes are sharp, like a sharp sword, penetrating people's hearts.

Alan is here.

Lauren was startled, she walked to the table, put the box in her hand, and said to Dola, "Then I will take it away first."

"Vice President Allen." Lauren turned around, respectfully saluted, and then quickly left the Wizard Tower.

Dole and Ashe didn't say much to Lauren either.

"Master Ellen." Dolay laughed at this moment.

"Master Ellen." Ash said respectfully.

Allen chuckled, "Don't be restrained, I owe you now, so don't be too respectful to me, this bad old man."

Duola said with a faint smile, "Fortunately, you are also an elder. Respect is a must." He took out a jade token, "This is the control center of the Wizard Tower."

Allen stepped forward, took over the control center, and sighed slightly, "I accidentally owed tens of millions. It's difficult to pay off the debt. Then I'm not welcome, let's go directly."

Dole nodded, "Have you decided where to go?"

Allen nodded and said solemnly, "Go straight to the Nightmare Canyon in the Eternal Forest. There are four high-quality woods and some special medicinal materials. I will get the wood. Put you around and collect some medicinal materials. ."

Ashe heard the name, she took a breath, it was a Jedi!

Nightmare Canyon, except for plants, is simply a nightmare place for all animals. There are almost no creatures in it. Anyway, it is very mysterious. Almost all the people who go there are dead.

Duola doesn't know this place, but it's a little strange. Why is this name so weird?

He slowly said, "Are there any precautions?"

Allen nodded, and he flashed a white light in his hand, "Nightmare Forest is a Jedi for the living. There are no animals, not even insects. The specific reasons have been found out. There is a magical wave in it that can actively block any The nervous system of moving things will lose any action power when entering, and finally starve to death. Only high-level wizards can directly control the physical body with strong mental power to survive. This is the equipment to shield the magical fluctuations. Hold on. Time out, and then you can take it with you."

Duola had already received the white light at this time and analyzed the contents inside.

This thing can be regarded as the category of biological factions, and it can emit something similar to disturbing nerve waves. This is a poison to fight poison!

He saw that this thing can be mounted on anything. The inside is a complete shielding ring layer, and the outside is an interference layer, which looks very useful.

According to Lord Allen, if it only interferes with a person's nervous system, then a warrior of level 5 or above can be completely exempted and directly manipulate the physical body with mental power!

But that would be too exhausting.

He took a close look at this piece of equipment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found that the level is as high as seven, and the design is very exquisite. With his current ability, he still needs to study it before it can be refined.

The biological part inside is easy to understand, but other aspects are a bit difficult.

Ashe was a little confused at this time, the Nightmare Forest was cracked? Why don't you know?

But when I think of the place in the Eternal Forest, usually no adventure group dared to go, so I was relieved.

Holding the token, Allen stood in the separate control room on the twelfth floor, closed his eyes, and adapted to the wizard formation of the wizard tower, with no sadness or joy in his heart.

He has mastered the wizard tower for hundreds of years and is familiar with the structure inside, but a new wizard tower, new structure, and new abilities still need a little familiarity.

When he communicated to the Dorai Wizard Tower, he discovered the power of this Wizard Tower.

The whole is the same, the wizard formation is indestructible, the structure is exquisite, complex, and highly unified. It can be said that no matter where you attack, it is equivalent to attacking the entire wizard tower itself. The wizard formation is highly coordinated, and it integrates many formations. Concealed formations, fortified formations, if a general seventh-level creature is hit by this wizard tower, it is estimated that it will be seriously injured.

He looked at the materials that make up the Wizard Tower, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched. The Lihuo metal that he emotionally traded with the Huo Wutong organization last time was all used on it. It was so extravagant.

The concealment formation is very powerful, and the detection formation is also very powerful. A variety of complex detection methods are used. Basically nothing can escape its detection. This wizard tower is said to be a wizard tower. It is better to say a miniature. A fortress or fortress is more suitable.

It's hard to believe that this was refined by Dolai himself, Master Barr, how much advanced knowledge he has, and what kind of world the **** world is like.

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