Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 593: deliberately

   Charles looked at the people behind him, and at Ophir, he was inexplicably inferior in his heart. A wizard is a wizard. Even if a warrior is a little stronger, his social status is.

   He coughed and said, "Then go in, Ash and the others are waiting."

   Ofir nodded and waved casually, "Go in."

  Opheel is actually anxious, after all, with the fifth-level potion, he will be able to advance more quickly, and the sixth-level is just around the corner.

   entered from the first floor and saw the layout inside at a glance, everyone raised their brows.

   is very simple, almost no layout, that is, the interior of the empty building, there is nothing, the wooden structure of the floor, the structure of the metal structure, almost occupies the entire visual angle of the eye. But such a simple wizard tower, when standing inside, an inexplicable pressure was born.

   The density of magical elements in the wizard tower soars, standing inside is like standing in the best wizard tower in the family, and even worse. Cultivating here is definitely better than anywhere outside.

   The wizards sighed, Wizard Tower!

   But this is someone else's wizard tower, and all people have such a thought in their lives, and they are a little bit jealous.

   Everyone just looked at each other and started to climb the stairs. When I walked from the first floor to the ninth floor, they were all empty, there was nothing, one by one, empty rooms, with no doors installed, just like an unfinished building project.

When it reached the tenth floor, there were some decorations on the stairs. Obviously, the rumors are true. Ashe owns one floor alone, with a large site of more than forty rooms. These decorations are biased towards Feminization is said to have been arranged by her herself.

Seeing this, Opheel couldn’t help but feel jealous at this time. No wonder Ashe does not go back to the family’s backyard now. She stays in a room by herself. Where can he occupy a whole floor? The abundant elements here are almost comparable. The family’s seventh-level wizard tower is out.

   I really found a good one.

   If you don't come, I don't know, Duo Lai is really full of wings.

   Ophir and Charles looked at each other at this time, and an inexplicable thought came into their hearts. Don't underestimate the other party.

   Going up from the tenth floor, it is the eleventh floor. Just on the top of the stairs, a fifteen or six-year-old boy and a tower-like man stood at the door.

   At this time, the little boy gave a slight bow and said openly, "My sires, please follow me."

   Ophir, Charles and others were slightly surprised at this time, because this tower version of the man is actually a sixth-level fighter, and his aura is strong, even higher than Charles.

   This is the slave that Duolai bought, this strength?

   Charles put away his contempt, and his arrogant posture lowered a little.

   Ofir looked at the little boy, stopped and thought slightly, so he said slowly, "You are Gideon, you guessed it, this is Tavar."

   Gideon looked at Ophir with some surprises. This genius of the Rhine family who was aloft in Wassenberg actually knew him?

   He lowered his head slightly and said with a smile, "Yes, Lord Ophir, please come with me."

   Charles looked at Tawa, this strong man in the small country on the northwest border, would he be the opponent's opponent? However, looking at the other person's qi and blood, it is estimated that he is much stronger than himself. What does Duola mean? He is the one who made such a person to give him his prestige?

   Charles is not the same as Ophir, he is also polite, he is both lazy to pay attention to each other, today I want to see Duolai, not his men.

   passed the door, and soon saw Duolai's room.

   The layout of this floor is okay, there are many things around, but you can see that this is my sister's handwriting, and many of the precious decorations in it seem to be made by their craftsmen.

   Now this elbow starts to turn out?

   Charles let out a sigh of relief.

   They quickly passed through the empty hall on the eleventh floor and came to Duolai's living room.

   Enter the living room, the decoration here is the real aristocratic home, simple, capable, and rich in aristocratic atmosphere. In fact, Ophir knew that this one's title was higher than his own, and he was only a second-class baron, and this one was already a first-class baron.

   Duolai and Ashe were talking, and when they saw everyone coming in, they could tell who was who by scanning their gazes. Ashe has already told him just now, now let me deepen my impression, after all, these people are the pillars of the Rhine family in the future, and the next generation in power.

   He looked at everyone with a professional smile, "It is a great honor to welcome you all from the Rhine family."

   Ai Xi glanced at Duo Lai next to him, and said to his heart, this expression is too fake.

   Charles and Ophir glanced at Dolay, and each gave a bow.

   Ofir looked at Dolay at this time. In fact, this was the first time they met, and they had never seen it before.

   However, when he saw Duolai himself, he was shocked. I am afraid that this person's true strength is no less than his own.

The aura in Duolai's body is very hidden, but he can feel a slight threat. There is a majestic aura on him, covering all directions, enclosing the entire wizard tower, and the aura is simply majestic. It is unimaginable.

   This person is probably better than everyone thought.

   So he took the lead with a smile, "Hehe, it is an honor to have seen Wizard Dorai. As a genius who has been promoted to Master Pharmacist level at the age of twenty-five or sixteen, we dare not stand in front of you."

Ofir, this is the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dole’s efforts, everyone sees it, it’s too good, to the point that Uncle Westlin can’t refuse it. Originally Ashley’s decision was Lang. The genius of the special family, now compared with Duo Lai, is a scum that depends on the family. Now the meaning of this scum also includes himself and Charles next to him.

   Duolai's expression did not change, "Just kidding, the two are the real leaders of Wassenberg, Ophire, I heard that your ice and snow goddess Ming thought has reached the eighth level?"

   Ofir nodded, "Well, only one step away, you will be able to reach the 9th level, and you will be promoted to the 6th level, but this step is difficult to cross."

There is no room for improvement of the mind above the ninth level. The so-called level and level depend on the degree of personal comprehension of the world rules. Therefore, any seventh-level wizard can sling any level below, but the seventh and eighth levels. The level difference is not too obvious, and the way of combat effectiveness is also very different. The strong and the strong are outrageous, the weak and the weak are outrageous.

   Duola nodded, indicating that he understood.

Ophir’s meditation thoughts are the same as those of Ashe. They are the meditation thoughts of the goddess of ice and snow. In Ophir’s body, Dolly can feel a deeper level of deep cold, and the condensed domain is indeed more refined than that of Ashe. Many.

   This is indeed a genius.

As for the other one, Charles, Dolay doesn’t really care much. He is a warrior. Although he is strong in close combat, he must be able to reach him. Dolay’s current combat range is about ten kilometers, which is less than ten kilometers. Besides, he can bombard this person, not to mention the Wizard Tower, and can suppress the opponent in minutes.

   What happened to the sixth level, the sixth level is only a fighter.

   Dole chats with Ophir, deliberately not talking to Charles.

   Charles also saw it at this time, and Dulai didn't seem to look at him at all, and suddenly felt a little frustrated.

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